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Dictionary of Medieval Names
from European Sources
Edgar Powell, editor. The Register of Bisham, Co. Berks, volume XV of Parish Register Society. London: The Parish Register Society, 1898.
Aaron Abraham Agnes Agnis Agnis Agnis Agnis Agnis Alce Alce Alce Alce Alice Alice Andrew Andrew Ann Ann Ann Ann Ann Ann Ann Anthony Anthony Avis Bredgett Bridget Bridget Bridgett Charles Charles Charles Charles Charles Charles Charles Charles Christian Clemence Clemence David Denysse Edmond Edward Edward Eedeth Elias Elinor Elinor Elizabeth Elizabeth Elizabeth Elizabeth Elizabeth Elizabeth Elline Ellinor Ellinor Ellinor Ellinor Ellinor Ellinor Ellinor Ellinor Ellizabeth Ellizabeth Ellizabeth Frannces Fraunces Fraunces Fraunces Fraunces Fraunces Fraunces Fraunces Fraunces George George George George Gregorie Gregorie Grisell Grysell Guie Guy Guye Gye Hanna Henry Henry Henry Henry Isabell Isbell Jaine Jaine Jaine James James James James James James Jeffery Jeffery Jeffery Jellian Jherom Jherome Joan Joan Joane Joane Joane Joane Joane Joane Joane Joane John John John John John John John John John John John John John John John John John John John John John John John John John John Jolyan Katheren Katheren Katheren Kathren Katren Laurance Lauraunce Laurence Margaret Margaret Margery Margery Margret Margret Margret Margret Margret Martha Martha Mary Mary Mary Mary Mary Mary Mary Mary Marye Mathew Mathew Maudlen Mildred Moyeses Noah Nycholas Nycholas Nycholas Philip Phillip Phillip Phillip Phillipp Phillipp Phylip Phylip Phyllip Phyllipe Pleasant Prudence Purnell Raph Raph Rebecca Rebecca Rebecca Regina Richad Richard Richard Richard Richard Richard Richard Richard Richard Richard Richard Richarde Richarde Robert Robert Robert Robert Robert Robert Robert Robert Robert Robert Robert Robert Robert Rose Samuell Selvister Sibbell Sibbell Sibbell Sibell Steeven Steeven Susan Susan Susan Susand Susande Sybbell Sybbell Sybbell Sybell Sybell Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomasin Ursley Ustice Ustice Ustis Ustis William William William William William William William William William William William William William