Dictionary of Medieval Names
from European Sources

Mark-Antony m. A compound of Mark and Anthony.

The popularity of this compound name in the Middle Ages was due to the Roman politician who helped transform the Roman republic into an empire.

1522x1532 Marcus Antonius (nom) DSF p. 53, 38; 1527 M. Antonius (nom) Rome1527 p. 85, Marcus Antonius (nom) ibid. p. 85
1513x1521 Marcho Antonio LeoX p. 12, Marco Antonio ibid. p. 14
Cite as: S.L. Uckelman. "Mark-Antony". In S.L. Uckelman, ed. The Dictionary of Medieval Names from European Sources, Edition 2023, no. 1. http://dmnes.org/2023/1/name/Mark-Antony.