Old High German hlūt, lūt, Old Saxon hlūd from Proto-Germanic *hlūdaz, *hlūþaz 'loud; famous, renowned' + Old Saxon, Old English wig, Old High German wīc 'war, battle'.
The name of several early kings of Frankish tribes, three 9th C kings of the Franks, two 9th C kings of Italy and Roman Emperors, two 13th C French saints, a 14th C Holy Roman Emperor, twelve medieval kings of France, a 14th C king of Hungary and Poland, and a 16th C king of Bohemia and Hungary.
Spelling variants using w are typical of English and Scots.
- Austria
- Latin
- ● 837 hludouuici (gen) UBEnns-1 VI
- Belgium
- Latin
- ● 694 Ludouici (gen) CartStBav 2;
1212x1213 Lodvicus (nom) OvdFB 2
- Old French
- ● 1262 Loeys (nom) OvdFB 5
- Brabant
- Latin
- ● 1312 Ludovicus (nom) JeanIII p. 11
- Czech Republic
- Latin
- ● 1345 Lvdovicvs (nom) CDEM-7.2 614
- ◑ 1350 Ludlinus (nom) Rössler1 53;
1356 Ludwicze (nom) chlumecky 169
- England
- Dutch
- ● 1576 Ludovicus AuFr Cornelissen;
1577 Lowijs ibid. Capelle;
1578 Lowijs ibid. Capellen;
1582 Lowijs ibid. Capelle;
1583 Lodewijck ibid. Capelle;
1585 Lowijs ibid. Capelle;
1586 Lowijs ibid. Burchtgrave;
1588 Lowijs ibid. Dorner,
Lowys ibid. Dorner;
1589 Lowijs ibid. Burchgrave;
1591 Lowijs ibid. Capelle;
1593 Lowijs ibid. Capelle;
1596 Lodewijck ibid. Brun
- Middle English
- ● 1406 Lowys EEW p. 13
- Early Modern English
- ● 1543 Lewes WillsInv LXXXIX;
1547 Lewis ExMar 1b;
1551 Lewis StAnthonlin p. 8;
1556 Lewes bruton-vol1 p. 28;
1557 Lewes ibid. p. 109;
1559 Lewes ibid. p. 3;
1560/1 Lewis RegSASel p. 7;
1561 Lewes bruton-vol1 p. 31;
1562 Lewes BarnstapleBap p. 11,
DEmar-vol1 p. 81;
1564 Lewes bruton-vol1 p. 4;
1568 Lewes COmar-vol5 p. 126;
1569 Lewes bruton-vol1 p. 38;
1578 Luis StAnthonlin p. 26;
1579 Lewes bruton-vol1 p. 7;
1581 Lews ibid. p. 7;
1589 Lewis DEmar-vol2 p. 17;
1597 Lewes BUmar-vol9 p. 9,
Lewis bruton-vol1 p. 56;
1598 Lewis DEmar-vol2 p. 37;
1599 Lewis ibid. p. 42
- Estonia
- Middle Low German
- ● 1364 Lodewich BbRT p. 334;
1400 Lodewich ibid. p. 342;
1404 Lodewich ibid. p. 343;
1407 Lodewich ibid. p. 344;
1416 Lodewich ibid. p. 348;
1427 Lodewich ibid. p. 351;
1434 Lodewych ibid. p. 357;
1435 Lodewich ibid. p. 358
- ◑ 1364 Ludike BbRT p. 334;
1379 Ludike ibid. p. 336;
1383 Ludike ibid. p. 336;
1384 Ludike ibid. p. 338;
1408 Ludike ibid. p. 345;
1416 Ludike ibid. p. 347;
1421 Loeuweke ibid. p. 349;
1425 Ludike ibid. p. 350;
1428 Ludeke ibid. p. 352;
1429 Ludeke ibid. p. 353;
1434 Lüdeke ibid. p. 357;
1435 Ludeke ibid. p. 357;
1436 Luedeke ibid. p. 358;
1524x1532 Ludika (gen) Saareste1923b p. 137,
Ludyck (nom) Saareste1923a p. 138,
Luto (nom) ibid. p. 103
- France
- Latin
- ● 693 Hludowico (abl) DCEL-2 Add. V;
825 Hludovici (gen) InsMacon V,
Hludovico (abl) ibid. V;
832 Lodouico (abl) CartRed I;
833 Hlodouuici (gen) ibid. V;
834 Hlodouici (gen) ibid. II,
Hlodouuici (gen) ibid. IV,
Holodouuico (abl) ibid. III,
Lodouici (gen) ibid. II,
Lodouicus (nom) ibid. II;
854 Hludovici (gen) InsMacon VII;
862 Hludovici (gen) ibid. IX;
c862 Hludovici (gen) ibid. VIII;
878 Hludovici (gen) ibid. XII,
Hludovico (abl) ibid. XII,
Hludovicus (nom) ibid. XII;
909 Ludovico (abl) St-Bernard-Romans no. 77;
1117 Ludovici (gen) CartStPC XI;
1121 Lodvico (abl) clairvaux-12thc 1,
Ludovico (abl) ibid. 1;
1131 Lodovico (abl) ibid. 4,
Ludovico (abl) CartNDSaintes XXIII,
clairvaux-12thc 4;
1133 Ludovico (abl) CartNDdOurscamp CXI,
Ludovicus (nom) ibid. CXI;
1135 Ludovico (abl) clairvaux-12thc 6,
Ludovicus (nom) ibid. 6;
1137x1154 Ludovicus (nom) ibid. 29;
1138 Ludovici (gen) CartNDdOurscamp LXXXIX,
Ludovico (abl) ibid. LXXXIX;
1141 Lodoico (abl) CartNDSaintes VII,
Ludovico (abl) CartNDdOurscamp CXXXI;
1143 Ludovico (abl) clairvaux-12thc 10;
1145 Ludovici (gen) ibid. 11,
Ludovico (abl) ibid. 11;
1146 Lodovico (abl) CartNDSaintes VIII;
1147 Ludovici (gen) clairvaux-12thc 14,
Ludovico (abl) CartNDSaintes XXV,
clairvaux-12thc 14;
1148 Ludovico (abl) CartNDSaintes XXIV;
1153 Lodovico (abl) ibid. IX;
1154 Ludovico (abl) clairvaux-12thc 27;
1156 Ludovico (abl) CartYonne1 CCCLXXXII;
1157 Ludovico (abl) clairvaux-12thc 32;
1158 Ludovico (abl) ibid. 33;
1160 Ludovico (abl) CartNDdOurscamp CXIV;
1163 Ludovicus (nom) clairvaux-12thc 101,
Ludowicus (nom) ibid. 101;
1167 Lodovico (abl) CartNDSaintes X;
1171 Ludovico (abl) clairvaux-12thc 139;
1175 Ludovicus (nom) ibid. 162;
1256 Ludewico (abl) hennes-vol1 161;
1345 Ludowici (gen) CDEM-7.2 625,
Ludowico (dat) ibid. 625,
Ludowicum (acc) ibid. 625;
1378 Ludovici (gen) hanquetvol1 872,
Ludovico (dat) ibid. 842,
Ludovicus (nom) ibid. 336,
Ludowici (gen) ibid. 172
- ◑ 1378 Loysulus (nom) hanquetvol1 1381
- Old French
- ● 1296 Looÿs paris1296 p. 36;
1301 Alous (nom) MemPic-vol17 p. 275,
Alout (obl) ibid. p. 275;
1303 Looye (nom) ArchCambIII p. 151;
1313 Laoys Paris1313 p. 29,
Loys ibid. p. 26;
1327 Loys MemDocMan-2 p. 176
- ◑ 1296 Loÿset paris1296 p. 29
- Middle French
- ● 1388 Lois thierry;
1392 Loys MemBret-II col. 599;
1415[1469x1471] Loys Waurin p. 225;
1418 Loys HGParis p. 376;
1421 Louys favier,
Loys ibid. 188;
1423 Loys ibid. 374;
1438 Loys ibid. 389;
1493 Loys MSR1838 p. 377;
1562 Loys RegPCC-1 p. 7;
1563 Loys ibid. p. 22;
1564 Loys ibid.;
1565 Loys ibid. p. 118;
1566 Loys ibid. p. 198;
1567 Loys ibid. p. 286;
1568 Loys ibid. p. 373;
1570 Loys ibid. p. 433;
1571 Loys ibid. p. 437;
1588 Louis raymond1588 p. 570
- ◑ 1418 Loyset HGParis p. 386;
1423 Loyset favier 247
- Germany
- Latin
- ● 814 Hludovicus (nom) quix-vol1 86,
Hludowici (gen) ibid. 86;
815 Hludovici (gen) InsMacon III,
Hludovicus (nom) ibid. III;
816 Hludovici (gen) ibid. IV,
Hludovicus (nom) ibid. IV,
Luduuuicus (nom) FRA-XXXL 9;
819 hludouuicus (nom) CartStBav 3;
825 Ludovicus (nom) InsMacon VI;
834 Hlodewici (gen) HambUrk-vol1 VIII,
Hludouuicus (nom) ibid. VIII,
Hludowici (gen) ibid. VIII;
842 Hludouuici (gen) ibid. X,
Hludouuico (abl) ibid. X,
Hludouuicus (nom) ibid. X,
Hludowici (gen) quix-vol1 87,
Hludowicus (nom) ibid. 87;
844 Ludowici (gen) ibid. 2;
855 Ludewici (gen) ibid. 3,
Ludewicus (nom) ibid. 3,
Ludowicus (nom) FRA-XXXL 14;
857 Hludouuici (gen) ibid. 16;
858 Hludouuici (gen) HambUrk-vol1 XIV,
Hludouuico (abl) ibid. XIV,
Hludouuicus (nom) ibid. XIV,
Ludovico (abl) ibid. XIV;
864 Hludouuici (gen) ibid. XVI,
Hludouuico (abl) ibid. XVI,
Hludouuicus (nom) ibid. XVI;
865 Ludovici (gen) ibid. XVII,
Ludovicus (nom) ibid. XVII;
871 Hluodouici (gen) quix-vol1 45,
Ludouicus (nom) ibid. 45,
Ludouuici (gen) ibid. 45;
877 Ludovici (gen) ibid. 94,
Ludovicus (nom) ibid. 94,
Ludowici (gen) ibid. 94;
888 Hluthuici (gen) HambUrk-vol1 XXII,
Hluthuuici (gen) ibid. XXII;
891 Lodowicus (nom) ibid. XXIV;
902 Hlodewici (gen) quix-vol1 8,
Hlodewicus (nom) ibid. 8,
Lodewici (gen) ibid. 8;
910 Lodewici (gen) ibid. 9,
Lodewicus (nom) ibid. 9;
1103 Ludovicus (nom) ibid. 79;
1147 Lodewicus (nom) ibid. 29;
1165 Ludowicus (nom) ibid. 93;
1180 Lodewicus (nom) ibid. 34;
1197 Ludovicus (nom) hennes-vol1 2;
1207 Lodhevicus (nom) ibid. 8;
1210 Lodvico (abl) CDL-1.1.1 IV;
1212 Ludovicus (nom) hennes-vol1 12;
1214 Ludewicus (nom) ibid. 15;
1215 Lodewicus (nom) quix-vol2 126;
1217 Ludewicus (nom) hennes-vol1 28;
1218 Ludewicus (nom) ibid. 32;
1219 Ludewicum (acc) ibid. 41,
Ludewicus (nom) ibid. 41,
Ludovicus (nom) ibid. 36;
1221 Lodewicus (nom) ibid. 57,
Ludewicus (nom) ibid. 55;
1222 Lodewicus (nom) quix-vol1 74;
1222? Ludewicum (acc) quix-vol2 133;
1225 Ludewicus (nom) hennes-vol1 68;
1231 Ludewicus (nom) ibid. 86;
1234 Ludewicus (nom) ibid. 89;
1245 Ludewicus (nom) ibid. 121;
1248 Ludewicus (nom) ibid. 129;
1249 Ludewici (gen) ibid. 131,
Ludewico (abl) ibid. 131,
Ludewicum (acc) ibid. 131,
Ludewicus (nom) ibid. 131;
1254 Ludewici (gen) ibid. 155;
1257 Lodewico (dat) quix-vol1 114;
1258 Lodowico (abl) hennes-vol1 185,
Ludewico (abl) ibid. 172,
Ludewicus (nom) ibid. 176,
Luduvicus (nom) ibid. 181;
1259 Lodewicus (nom) CDL-1.1.1 XXXI;
1260 Lodowicus (nom) hennes-vol1 191,
Ludwicus (nom) ibid. 187;
1401 ludewico (dat) HD1401 no. 22,
ludowico (dat) ibid. no. 87
- ◑ 1259 Ludeke (nom) CDL-1.1.1 XXXI,
Ludeko (nom) ibid. XXXI;
1305 Ludeke (nom) CDL-1.2.1 CXCIII
- Middle High German
- ● 1293 Lodwich (nom) UrkWitt-II 187,
Lodwigen (dat) ibid. 187,
Lodwiges (gen) ibid. 189,
Ludewich (nom) UrkHeil1 53,
Ludewiges (gen) ibid. 53,
Ludwiges UrkWitt-II 187,
Lvdwich (nom) ibid. 187;
1322 Ludowich (nom) UrkHeil1 101;
1333 Ludowig (nom) ibid. 134;
1339 Ludwig (nom) ibid. 151
- Early New High German
- ● 1419 Ludweig (nom) mairhofer DCCXI;
1420 Ludweigen (dat) ibid. DCCXV;
1497 Ludwig Nurn1497 35,
Luͤdwig ibid. 195
- Hungary
- Latin
- ● 1351 Ludouicus (nom) CDH-IX-II I
- Ireland
- Early Modern English
- ● 1524 Lewis Fiants-1 7;
1526/7 Lewis ibid. 15
- Italy
- Latin
- ● 827 Hludouuici (gen) FRA-XXXL 11;
855 Ludouuici (gen) ibid. 15,
Ludowici (gen) ibid. 15;
1226 Ludovicus (nom) hennes-vol1 70;
1245 Ludowicus (nom) ibid. 120;
1330 Luiduvicus (nom) UrkHeil1 120;
1488 Ludovico (abl) CID-3 XCIII;
1522x1532 Loysius (nom) DSF p. 52, 30,
Ludovicus (nom) ibid. p. 57, 25;
1527 Ludovici (gen) Rome1527 p. 83,
Ludovicus (nom) ibid. p. 87
- Italian
- ● 1513x1521 Ludovico LeoX p. 14
- Latvia
- Latin
- ● 1289 Lodewico (dat) RigSB 19;
1290 Lodewico (dat) ibid. 223;
1319 Lodewici (gen) ibid. 380
- ◑ 1286 Ludekino (dat) RigSB 472;
1298 Ludiken (dat) ibid. 264
- The Netherlands
- Latin
- ◑ 1334 ludekinus (nom) GesOIJ-1 p. 300
- Poland
- Latin
- ● 1232 Ludowicus (nom) hennes-vol1 87;
1251 Ludovicus (nom) ibid. 141
- ◑ 1251 Ludeko (nom) hennes-vol1 141
- Spain
- Latin
- ● 896 Leudevici (gen) CDCB-XV MMXX,
Ludovigo (abl) ibid. MMXIX;
898 Ludevicho (abl) ibid. MMXXI;
899 Ludovico (abl) ibid. MMXXII;
1487 Lodovici (gen) carbonell-I p. 11,
Lodovicus (nom) ibid. p. 10;
1488 Lodovici (gen) ibid. p. 16,
Ludovicus (nom) ibid. p. 17;
1489 Lodovici (gen) ibid. p. 34,
Lodovicus (nom) ibid. p. 34;
1490 Lodovici (gen) ibid. p. 40,
Lodovicus (nom) ibid. p. 40;
1491 Lodovici (gen) ibid. p. 53,
Lodovicus (nom) ibid. p. 60
- Catalan
- ● 1510 Aloy valencia1510 1719,
Lois ibid. 4099,
Luis ibid. 3154
- Spanish
- ● 1540 Luis SanzSerrano;
1575 Luis Catalogo-5.2 3829;
1576 Luis ibid. 3886
- Switzerland
- Latin
- ● 1134 Ludovico (abl) CartHaut 1;
1154 Lodoico (abl) ibid. 5,
Lodoicus (nom) ibid. 5;
1161 Ludoico (abl) ibid. 11;
1162 Lodoici (gen) ibid. 12;
1163 Lodoicus (nom) ibid. 13;
1165 Lodoico (abl) ibid. 16;
14thCx1478 Ludovicus (nom) Ob-SPVn (2)
- Wales
- Early Modern English
- ● 1594 Lewis RegLlantrithyd p. 62;
1595 Lewis ibid. p. 34
- Welsh
- ● 1543 Lewis RegCon1 p. 3
Cite as: R. Le Get, J. Uckelman, S.L. Uckelman. "Louis". In S.L. Uckelman, ed. The Dictionary of Medieval Names from European Sources, Edition 2016, no. 4. http://dmnes.org/2016/4/name/Louis.