The German vernacular forms Reymbold and Rembold are witnessed in 1273 in the place name Reymboldesberg (hennes-vol1 228) or Remboldesberg (hennes-vol1 229).
- Austria
- Latin
- ● 763 Reginpald (nom) FRA-XXXL 1
- Belgium
- Latin
- ● 1178 Reinbaldi (gen) CartStBert 23
- Czech Republic
- Latin
- ● 1361x1377 Remboldus (nom) LDFPUP1 p. 9;
1376 Remboldus (nom) ibid. p. 27
- Estonia
- Middle Low German
- ● 1364 Rembold BbRT p. 334;
1383 Remboldus ibid. p. 337;
1405 Rembold ibid. p. 344
- France
- Latin
- ● c823 Ragamboldus (nom) irminon-vol2 a, Palatiolum,
Ragemboldus (nom) ibid. 15, Gaugiacum;
11thC Raimbaldus (nom) StVdM-II 711;
1044 Raiambaldus (nom) ibid. 659;
1055 Raimbaldi (gen) ibid. 739,
Raimbaldus (nom) ibid. 739;
1059 Raimbaldi (gen) ibid. 688;
1060 Raimbaldus (nom) ibid. 730;
1075 Raiambaldus (nom) ibid. 731,
Raimbaldus (nom) ibid. 732;
1115 Raimbaldus (nom) ibid. 734;
1129 Raiambaldus (nom) ibid. 735;
1138 Raimboldus (nom) CartNDdOurscamp LXXXIX;
1274 Raymbaudus (nom) RHF-VIII p. 60
- Old French
- ● 1292 Raimbaut 1292paris p. 1
- Germany
- Latin
- ● 822x875 Rainbaldus (nom) TradCorb §167;
845 Reginbaldi (gen) OrkGZ no. 37;
1134 Reimboldus (nom) quix-vol1 97;
1237 Remboldo (abl) hennes-vol1 98;
1257 Remboldi (gen) ibid. 164;
1274 Reimboldi (gen) ibid. 237;
1281 Reinboldi (gen) ibid. 279
- Ireland
- Latin
- ● fin12thC Reimboldi (gen) MunDocIr III, p. 22
- Italy
- Latin
- ● 1067 Rembaldi (gen) CartSPL1 III;
1164 Rambaldo (abl) SDE3 I;
1236 Rambaldi (gen) TirNot1 8,
Rambaldo (abl) ibid. 7
- Latvia
- Latin
- ● 1294 Reymboldo (dat) RigSB 1004
- The Netherlands
- Latin
- ● 855 Reginbald (nom) OrkGZ no. 45;
1254 Renboldus (nom) GesOIJ-1 p. 294,
reijbaldi (gen) ibid. p. 294
- Switzerland
- Latin
- ● 1349 Raimbaudi (gen) MHN DXXIV
Cite as: S.L. Uckelman. "Reinbald". In S.L. Uckelman, ed. The Dictionary of Medieval Names from European Sources, Edition 2020, no. 1.