The name of an 11th C Galician saint, an 11th C ruler of Sobrarbe and Rigaborza, and a 12th C ruler of the Asturias.
The Old Spanish vernacular forms Gundisalvo and Gonsalvo are witnessed in 1068 in the place names Villa Gundisalvo and Villa Gonsalvo, (CDSS I).
- Italy
- Latin
- ● 1376 Gonsales (gen) DouGen1 p. 220,
Gonsalles (gen) ibid. p. 220
- Italian
- ● 1429–1430 Consalvo DiaryLMA p. 226
- The Netherlands
- Dutch
- ● 1576 Gonsalo MagMiddelburg-1560;
1577 Gonsalo ibid.;
1578 Gonsalo ibid.;
1579 Gonsalo ibid.;
1580 Gonsalo ibid.;
1581 Gonsalo ibid.;
1585 Gonsalo ibid.;
1586 Gonsalo ibid.;
1587 Gonsalo ibid.;
1588 Gonsalo ibid.;
1589 Gonsalo ibid.;
1590 Gonsalo ibid.;
1591 Gonsalo ibid.;
1592 Gonsalo ibid.;
1593 Gonsalo ibid.;
1594 Gonsalo ibid.;
1595 Gonsalo ibid.;
1596 Gonsalo ibid.;
1597 Gonsalo ibid.;
1598 Gonsalo ibid.
- Portugal
- Latin
- ● 1152 Gondisaluus (nom) PHGCRP-I no. 3;
1189 Gundisalvus (nom) ibid. no. 9,
Gunsalvi (gen) ibid. no. 9,
Gunsalvus (nom) ibid. no. 9;
1209 Gunsaluum (acc) ibid. no. 10,
Gunsaluus (nom) ibid. no. 10;
1211 Gunçaluus (nom) ibid. no. 6;
1217 Gonsaluo (dat) ibid. no. 21,
Gonsaluus (nom) ibid. no. 21,
Gunsalue (voc) ibid. no. 21,
Gunsalve (voc) ibid. no. 21;
1218 Gunsaluis (gen) ibid. no. 18,
Gunsalum (acc) ibid. no. 18;
1228 Gonçaluo (dat) ibid. no. 14;
1256 Goncalvi (gen) ibid. no. 17;
1269 Gonsaluo (dat) ibid. no. 11
- Spain
- Latin
- ● 1074 Gundalvus (nom) CDSS II;
1124 Gonzalvez (gen) ibid. III,
Gonçalvez (gen) ibid. V,
Gundissalvi (gen) ibid. IV;
1276 Gunsaluo (dat) CDGH XLVI,
gundisalui (gen) ibid. XLVI;
1489 Gondisalvi (gen) carbonell-I p. 30;
1490 Gonçalbo (nom) ibid. p. 46;
1491 Gonçalvi (gen) ibid. p. 61
- Catalan
- ● 1510 Gonçalbo valencia1510 3718,
Gosalbo ibid. 4369,
Goçalbo ibid. 3430
- Old Spanish
- ● 1068 Gundisalviz (gen) CDSS I,
Gundisalvo (nom) ibid. I,
Gunsalvo (nom) ibid. I;
1225 Gonzalo PHGCRP-I no. 15,
Gonzalves (gen) ibid. no. 15,
Gonzalvo ibid. no. 15
- Spanish
- ● 1376 Gonzalo SanzSerrano;
1540 Gonçalo ibid.;
1567 Gonçalo ibid.;
1575 Gonzalo Catalogo-5.2 3792;
1576 Gonzalo ibid. 3945
Cite as: J. Uckelman, S.L. Uckelman. "Gonzalo". In S.L. Uckelman, ed. The Dictionary of Medieval Names from European Sources, Edition 2020, no. 1.