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Dictionary of Medieval Names
from European Sources

Gonzalo m. Old High German gund 'war, battle' + an element of uncertain origin.

The name of an 11th C Galician saint, an 11th C ruler of Sobrarbe and Rigaborza, and a 12th C ruler of the Asturias.

The Old Spanish vernacular forms Gundisalvo and Gonsalvo are witnessed in 1068 in the place names Villa Gundisalvo and Villa Gonsalvo, (CDSS I).

1376 Gonsales (gen) DouGen1 p. 220, Gonsalles (gen) ibid. p. 220
1429–1430 Consalvo DiaryLMA p. 226
The Netherlands
1576 Gonsalo MagMiddelburg-1560; 1577 Gonsalo ibid.; 1578 Gonsalo ibid.; 1579 Gonsalo ibid.; 1580 Gonsalo ibid.; 1581 Gonsalo ibid.; 1585 Gonsalo ibid.; 1586 Gonsalo ibid.; 1587 Gonsalo ibid.; 1588 Gonsalo ibid.; 1589 Gonsalo ibid.; 1590 Gonsalo ibid.; 1591 Gonsalo ibid.; 1592 Gonsalo ibid.; 1593 Gonsalo ibid.; 1594 Gonsalo ibid.; 1595 Gonsalo ibid.; 1596 Gonsalo ibid.; 1597 Gonsalo ibid.; 1598 Gonsalo ibid.
1152 Gondisaluus (nom) PHGCRP-I no. 3; 1189 Gundisalvus (nom) ibid. no. 9, Gunsalvi (gen) ibid. no. 9, Gunsalvus (nom) ibid. no. 9; 1209 Gunsaluum (acc) ibid. no. 10, Gunsaluus (nom) ibid. no. 10; 1211 Gunçaluus (nom) ibid. no. 6; 1217 Gonsaluo (dat) ibid. no. 21, Gonsaluus (nom) ibid. no. 21, Gunsalue (voc) ibid. no. 21, Gunsalve (voc) ibid. no. 21; 1218 Gunsaluis (gen) ibid. no. 18, Gunsalum (acc) ibid. no. 18; 1228 Gonçaluo (dat) ibid. no. 14; 1256 Goncalvi (gen) ibid. no. 17; 1269 Gonsaluo (dat) ibid. no. 11
1074 Gundalvus (nom) CDSS II; 1124 Gonzalvez (gen) ibid. III, Gonçalvez (gen) ibid. V, Gundissalvi (gen) ibid. IV; 1276 Gunsaluo (dat) CDGH XLVI, gundisalui (gen) ibid. XLVI; 1489 Gondisalvi (gen) carbonell-I p. 30; 1490 Gonçalbo (nom) ibid. p. 46; 1491 Gonçalvi (gen) ibid. p. 61
1510 Gonçalbo valencia1510 3718, Gosalbo ibid. 4369, Goçalbo ibid. 3430
Old Spanish
1068 Gundisalviz (gen) CDSS I, Gundisalvo (nom) ibid. I, Gunsalvo (nom) ibid. I; 1225 Gonzalo PHGCRP-I no. 15, Gonzalves (gen) ibid. no. 15, Gonzalvo ibid. no. 15
1376 Gonzalo SanzSerrano; 1540 Gonçalo ibid.; 1567 Gonçalo ibid.; 1575 Gonzalo Catalogo-5.2 3792; 1576 Gonzalo ibid. 3945
Cite as: J. Uckelman, S.L. Uckelman. "Gonzalo". In S.L. Uckelman, ed. The Dictionary of Medieval Names from European Sources, Edition 2020, no. 1.