Fem. of Blaise.
- France
- Middle French
- ◑ 1565 Blaisotte RegPCC-1 p. 122;
1567 Blaisotte ibid. p. 309;
1568 Blaisotte ibid. p. 393;
1571 Blaisine ibid. p. 630;
1572 Blaisine ibid. p. 632
- Germany
- Latin
- ● 1394 Blasia (nom) SMM p. 187
- Italy
- Latin
- ◑ 1522x1532 Blasiella (nom) DSF p. 50, 4
Cite as: S.L. Uckelman. "Blasia". In S.L. Uckelman, ed. The Dictionary of Medieval Names from European Sources, Edition 2020, no. 1.