Often confused with Ancel.
- Belgium
- Latin
- ● 1066 Anselmi (gen) CartSPL1 II;
1147 Anselmus (nom) CartStBert 16;
1212x1213 Anselmus (nom) OvdFB 2
- Dutch
- ● 1597x1598 Anselmus BoonenGes p. 361
- Brabant
- Latin
- ● 1312 Ancelmus (nom) JeanIII p. 5
- Czech Republic
- Latin
- ● 1343 Anselmi (gen) Rössler2 183, p. 92;
1349 Anzelmus (nom) chlumecky 32
- France
- Latin
- ● 1014 Anselmus (nom) HGSav-4.1 p. 2;
1108 Anselmi (gen) St-Barnard-Romans no. 155;
1123 Anselmi (gen) CartNDJosaphat XII;
1125x1136 Anselmi (gen) CartYonne1 CXXXIX;
1142 Anselmus (nom) clairvaux-12thc 9;
1157 Ansellus (nom) ibid. 32;
1179 Anselmo (abl) ibid. 176,
Anselmus (nom) ibid. 176;
1257 Ansello (abl) ArrestReg-volI XIII, BMV,
Anselmus (nom) ibid. XIII, BMV;
1258 Ansellus (nom) ibid. XXI, Candlemas;
1275 Anselmi (gen) CartNDdOurscamp XLIV;
1378 Ancelmo (dat) hanquetvol1 2010,
Anselmi (gen) ibid. 171
- Germany
- Latin
- ● 1061 Anselmus (nom) quix-vol1 60;
1122 Anselmi (gen) ibid. 27;
1135 Anselmus (nom) ibid. 64;
1137 Anselmus (nom) ibid. 102;
1197 Anselmus (nom) ibid. 83;
1215 Anselmus (nom) quix-vol2 126;
1216 Ansalmus (nom) hennes-vol1 20,
Anselmus (nom) ibid. 22;
1218 Anshalmus (nom) ibid. 32;
1219 Anselmus (nom) ibid. 39;
1220 Anshelmus (nom) ibid. 44;
1221 Anselmus (nom) ibid. 55;
1245 Anselmus (nom) ibid. 121;
1253 Anselmus (nom) ibid. 147;
1271 Anselmo (abl) ibid. 215;
1272 Anselmo (abl) ibid. 222;
1274 Anselmo (abl) ibid. 236,
Anselmus (nom) ibid. 234;
1276 Anselmo (abl) ibid. 247,
Anselmus (nom) ibid. 250;
1280 Anselmus (nom) ibid. 268;
1281 Anselmi (gen) ibid. 277,
Anselmo (dat) ibid. 280,
Anselmum (acc) ibid. 277,
Anselmus (nom) ibid. 278;
1282 Anselmus (nom) LDS 281;
1284 Anselmo (abl) hennes-vol1 296;
1287 Anselmo (dat) ibid. 307;
1298 Anselmi (gen) ibid. 339;
1300 Anselmo (abl) ibid. 346;
1322 Anshalmus (nom) SMM p. 158
- Israel
- Latin
- ● 1115 Anselmus (nom) CartNDJosaphat VI
- Italy
- Latin
- ● 1138 Anselmus (nom) HAP p. 331;
1159 Anselmi (gen) Livi p. 39;
1237 Ansalmus (nom) TirNot1 581;
1265x1339 Anselmi (gen) BBC-Berg 697;
1299 Anselmi (gen) ibid. p. XLV;
1304 Anselmo (abl) ActDipVeneto-I-1 p. 56
- ◑ 1310 Anselminus (nom) MonRav-2 CCCL
- Italian
- ● 1513x1521 Anselmo LeoX p. 22
- The Netherlands
- Latin
- ● 1288 Anselmus (nom) GesOIJ-1 p. 296
- Poland
- Latin
- ● 1228 Anselmus (nom) hennes-vol1 p. 81
- Scotland
- Latin
- ● 1107 Anselmus (nom) ESC XXV
- Spain
- Spanish
- ● 1576 Anselmo Catalogo-5.2 4009
- Switzerland
- Latin
- ● 1157 Anselmus (nom) CartHaut 8;
1161 Anselmum (acc) ibid. 9,
Anselmus (nom) ibid. 10;
1166 Anselmus (nom) ibid. 21;
1212 Anselmus (nom) ibid. 31;
1220 Anselmus (nom) ibid. 36;
1235 Anselmus (nom) CLC p. 46;
14thCx1478 Ansermii (gen) Ob-SPVn (66);
1349 Ansermi (gen) MHCG2 460;
1466 Ansermo (abl) ibid. 233;
1533 Ansermum (acc) ibid. 303
- ◑ 14thCx1478 Ansermodus (nom) Ob-SPVn (22);
1432/33 Ansermodus (nom) MHCG2 480
Cite as: A. Brown, J. Uckelman, S.L. Uckelman. "Anselm". In S.L. Uckelman, ed. The Dictionary of Medieval Names from European Sources, Edition 2020, no. 1. http://dmnes.org/2020/1/name/Anselm.