Proto-Germanic *ragin 'counsel, might' + Old High German, Old Saxon māri from Proto-Germanic *mērijaz 'famous'.
- England
- Latin
- ● 1189 Reimeri (gen) GASurv p. 87
- France
- Latin
- ● 1096 Raimarus (nom) CartSPL1 IX
- Germany
- Latin
- ● 822x875 Reginmaro (abl) TradCorb §221;
1259 Reimaro (abl) hennes-vol1 186;
1301 Reymmari (gen) BremUrk2 no. 3;
1302 Reymari (gen) ibid. no. 21;
1303 Reymari (gen) ibid. no. 29
- Latvia
- Latin
- ● 1304 Reymaro (dat) RigSB 907;
1305 Reymaro (dat) ibid. 920,
Reymer (dat) ibid. 929
- The Netherlands
- Latin
- ● 1235 Reimarus (nom) hennes-vol1 93
Cite as: S.L. Uckelman. "Reinmar". In S.L. Uckelman, ed. The Dictionary of Medieval Names from European Sources, Edition 2019, no. 1.