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Dictionary of Medieval Names
from European Sources

Peter m. Greek πέτρος 'rock'.

The name of one of the twelve apostles, who became the first Bishop of Rome and first Roman Catholic Pope, as well as numerous saints from the 1st C onwards, five popes of Alexandria, a 10th C tsar of Bulgaria, an 11th C king of Aragon and Navarre, an 11th C tsar of Bulgaria, two 12th C emperors of Bulgaria, four 13th C kings of Aragon, two 13th C emperors of Constantinople, a 14th C king of Portugal, a 14th C king of Castile, a 14th C king of Moldavia, a 14th C king of Aragon, and a 15th C prince of Moldavia. Vulgate: Petrus. Wycliffite Bible (1395): Petre.

Diminutives in -co and -ko are indicative of Slavic influence.

The English diminutives Pere and Perkyn and the vernacular forms Peris and Perys are witnessed in 1379 in the relational bynames Peresoñ (WRYPT1 p. 22), Perissoñ (WRYPT1 p. 143), Perkynsoñ (WRYPT1 p. 15), and Peryssoñ (WRYPT1 p. 38).

Old Occitan
1293 Peire (obl) ChartBB II
1176 Petro (abl) CartStBert 22, Petrus (nom) ibid. 21
Middle Dutch
1336 Pieter (nom) RSG1336-39 p. 1, Pieteren (dat) ibid. p. 26, Pieters (gen) ibid. p. 3, Pietre (dat) ibid. p. 7; 1371 Pieter (nom) NotComDest III; 1376 Pieter (nom) RSG1376-89 p. 1; 1377 Pieter (nom) ibid. p. 77; 1413 Pieter (dat) AM6 p. 24; 1414 Pieters (gen) ibid. p. 25; 1416 Pieter (dat) ibid. p. 27
1597x1598 Peeter BoonenGes p. 320, Peeteren (obl) ibid. p. 387, Peeters (gen) ibid. p. 326, Pierre ibid. p. 380, Pieter ibid. p. 344
1312 Petri (gen) JeanIII p. 13, Petrum (acc) ibid. p. 20, Petrus (nom) ibid. p. 32
Czech Republic
1291 Petrus (nom) RTT-1.1 III; 1312 Petro (dat) ibid. VII; 1315 Petro (dat) ibid. VIII; 1316 Petro (abl) ibid. IX; 1343 Petri (gen) Rössler2 41, p. 23, Petro (dat) ibid. 41, p. 23, Petrum (acc) ibid. 37, p. 20, Petrus (nom) ibid. 102, p. 54; 1345 Petro (dat) CDEM-7.2 605; 1347x1382 Petrus (nom) LDFPUP1 p. 1; 1349 Petro (dat) chlumecky 14, Petrus (nom) ibid. 79; 1350 Petro (dat) ibid. 196; 1351 Petro (abl) ibid. 8, Petrus (nom) ibid. 2; 1353 Petr (nom) ibid. 67, Petrus (nom) ibid. 40, p. 22; 1355 Petrus (nom) ibid. 105; 1358 Petro (dat) ibid. 347, p. 35, Petrus (nom) ibid. 329, p. 34; 1361x1377 Petrus (nom) LDFPUP1 p. 9; 1372 Petri (gen) ibid. p. 29, Petrus (nom) ibid. p. 28; 1373 Petrus (nom) ibid. p. 30; 1375 Petri (gen) ibid. p. 30, Petrus (nom) ibid. p. 31; 1376 Petrus (nom) ibid. p. 31; 1377 Petrus (nom) ibid. p. 32; 1385 Petrus (nom) ibid. p. 12; 1386 Petrus (nom) ibid. p. 13; 1389 Petrus (nom) ibid. p. 16; 1392 Petrus (nom) ibid. p. 17; 1396 Petro (abl) ibid. p. 5; 1397 Petrus (nom) ibid. p. 5; 1400 Petrus (nom) ibid. p. 20; 1406 Petrum (acc) ibid. p. 21; 1408 Petrus (nom) ibid. p. 22; 1410 Petrum (acc) ibid. p. 8
1338 Pesoldus (nom) Rössler1 44; 1343 Pessko (nom) Rössler2 39, p. 21, Pesskone (abl) ibid. 39, p. 21, Pesskonem (acc) ibid. 39, p. 22; 1345 Peczoldo (dat) CDEM-7.2 605; 1349 Pesconi (dat) chlumecky 65; 1350 Pesoldus (nom) Rössler1 53; 1351 Pesco (nom) chlumecky 6, Pessiconi (dat) ibid. 17; 1353 Pesco (nom) ibid. 87, Pesconi (dat) ibid. 64, Pessyconi (dat) ibid. 70, Pesyconi (dat) ibid. 5, p. 21; 1355 Peschlino (dat) ibid. 102, Peschlinus (nom) ibid. 103, Pescho (nom) ibid. 104; 1356 Pesco (nom) ibid. 187, p. 29; 1358 Pesco (nom) ibid. 215, p. 30, Pesconi (dat) ibid. 364, p. 35, Pesconis (gen) ibid. 252, p. 32, Pesico (nom) ibid. 284, p. 33, Pesko (nom) ibid. 252, p. 32, Pesshico (nom) ibid. 262, p. 32
Middle High German
c1331 Peter (nom) Rössler1 35; c1339 Peter (nom) ibid. 93
1331 Pesold (nom) Rössler1 36; 1338 Pesold (nom) ibid. 65; c1339 Peschel (nom) ibid. 91, Peschyl (nom) ibid. 93, Pesco (nom) ibid. 93, Pesold (nom) ibid. 93; 1341 Peschil (nom) ibid. 33; 1344 Pesold (nom) ibid. 99; 1364 Pessek (nom) ibid. 59, Pessel (nom) ibid. 59; 1365 Pesslinus (nom) ibid. 58; 1370 Pesco (nom) ibid. 62; 1373 Pessel (nom) ibid. 102; 1390 Pesko (nom) ibid. 119
1282 Petrus (nom) MIRGPCM4 XVI-II; 1320 Pers (gen) ibid. XVI-III, Petri (gen) ibid. XVI-III; 1354 Petri (gen) ibid. XVI-IV; 1362 Petrus (nom) ibid. XVI-V
Middle Danish
1496 Peder KD-1 no. 185, Pers (gen) ibid. no. 185, Pæder ibid. no. 185
1581 Peder KD-1 no. 362, Peders (gen) ibid. no. 362, Pers (gen) ibid. no. 362
1581 Peer KD-1 no. 362
1185x1186 Petri (gen) PR-XXXVI p. 1, Petro (abl) ibid. p. 4, Petrus (nom) ibid. p. 192; 1189 Perrus (nom) GASurv p. 196, Petri (gen) ibid. p. 210, Petrus (nom) ibid. p. 88; 1194 Petrus (nom) RotCur-vol1 p. 2; 1222 Petrus (nom) StPaulDom p. 4, petri (gen) ibid. p. 6; 1246 Petrus (nom) PSS-II p. 7; 1279–80 Petro (dat) WaHR-SK p. 37, Petrus (nom) ibid. p. 25; 1296 Petri (gen) RCS-1 p. 93a, Petrus (nom) ibid. p. 93b; 1297 Petrus (nom) ComWil-vol1 p. 1; 1300 Petri (gen) ProcSuf-vol3 p. 240; 1302 Petri (gen) ComWil-vol1 p. 4; 1321 Petri (gen) EL-2 p. 109, Petrus (nom) ibid. p. 109; 1325 Petri (gen) PSS-CXIV 10f, Petrum (acc) ibid. 10f; 1337 Petro (dat) MHCG2 459; 1340xc1450 Petrus (nom) CovGuild-1 p. 13; 1348 Petro (abl) SocAntNor-3-3 no. 9; 1374 Petrum (acc) ibid. no. 44; 1377 Petrus (nom) FenPT-2 p. 5; 1379 Petri (gen) WRYPT1 p. 7, Petrus (nom) ibid. p. 2; 1381 Petri (gen) Suffolk1381 p. 102, Petro (abl) ibid. p. 90, Petrum (acc) ibid. p. 103, Petrus (nom) FenPT-2 p. 6, Suffolk1381 p. 68; 1408 Petrus (nom) GCCYork p. 11; 1436 Petro (dat) WillsInv LX; 1440 Petrum (acc) ibid. LI; 1485–1486 Petri (gen) CovGuild-2 p. 58, Petro (abl) ibid. p. 62; 1555 Peerce (nom) StMartF p. 58; 1558 Petri (gen) Reg-KirkElla p. 1, Petrus (nom) Chst-1 p. 9, Reg-KirkElla p. 1; 1559 Petrus (nom) ibid. p. 1; 1562 Petri (gen) RegSoABap p. 6; 1563 Petri (gen) ibid. p. 8; 1564 Petrus (nom) ibid. p. 9; 1565/6 Petri (gen) ibid. p. 11; 1566 Petrus (nom) RegSoAMar p. 5; 1567 Petrus (nom) ibid. p. 5; 1568 Petri (gen) RegSoABap p. 14; 1569 petri (gen) ibid. p. 16; 1571 Peter (nom) ibid. p. 18, Petri (gen) ibid. p. 18
1337 Peroto (dat) MHCG2 459
1245–1250[1586] Piers Glover 48; 1321 Piers EL-2 p. 109; 1356 Pierre SocAntNor-3-3 no. 16; 1357 Pierre ibid. no. 21
1569 Petrus AuFr Burchgrave, Pieter ibid. Burchgrave; 1572 Petrus ibid. Burchier; 1573 Pieter ibid. Cleijmans; 1574 Pieter ibid. Abeele; 1575 Pieter ibid. Cleijmans; 1576 Pieter ibid. Billen; 1577 Pieter ibid. Bauters; 1578 Pieter ibid. Billen; 1579 Peeter ibid. Floerkens, Pieter ibid. Allemans; 1580 Peeter ibid. Bues, Petrus ibid. Dorssardt, Pieter ibid. Billen; 1581 Pieter ibid. Bauters; 1582 Peeter ibid. Beijnens, Pieter ibid. Drossaert; 1583 Petrus ibid. Bauters, Pieter ibid. Bataalge; 1584 Petrus ibid. Galmaet, Pieter ibid. Brauwier; 1585 Petrus ibid. Beecman, Pieter ibid. Backer; 1586 Peeter ibid. Daen, Pieter ibid. Berentsz; 1587 Petrus ibid. Berghe, Pieter ibid. Bellovoijs; 1588 Petrus ibid. Berge, Pieter ibid. Belowijs; 1589 Pieter ibid. Achtschellinck; 1590 Peter ibid. Beijdaels, Pieter ibid. Berghe; 1591 Petrus ibid. Fevre, Pieter ibid. Beliwijs; 1592 Petrus ibid. Colgon, Pieter ibid. Berchtgrave; 1593 Pieter ibid. Anglois; 1594 Pieter ibid. Douffaij; 1595 Pieter ibid. Caluwe; 1596 Pieter ibid. Clouwens; 1597 Pieter ibid. Bollaert; 1598 Pieter ibid. Braems; 1599 Petrus ibid. Calue, Pieter ibid. Burchgrave
Middle English
1406 perys EEW p. 13; 1411 Peris ibid. p. 19; 1417–18 Peter ibid. p. 39; 1420 Piers ibid. p. 54; 1425 Pers ibid. p. 66; 1438 Pers ibid. p. 111
1395 Perrot EEW p. 6
Early Modern English
1481 Peter HHB1481-90 p. 15; 1529 peter PP-HenV p. 5; 1530 Pers WillsInv LXXX, Peter LIWill-III p. 26, PP-HenV p. 18, Petur LIWill-III p. 16, Putur ibid. p. 68; 1532–1533 Peres CovGuild-2 p. 109; 1538 Petyr BarnstapleBap p. 1; 1540 Peter WillsInv LXXXVI; 1542/3 peter SIAcc 3; 1543 Peter BarnstapleBap p. 3; 1544 Peter ibid. p. 4; 1545 Peter ibid. p. 4, RegIng p. 2; 1547 Peter WillsInv XCIII; 1548 Peter RegIng p. 3; 1550 Peeter WAmar-1 p. 108; 1551 Peter BEmar-vol1 p. 4, BarnstapleBap p. 6; 1552 Peter ibid. p. 7, Petter DEmar-vol1 p. 80; 1553 Peter BarnstapleBap p. 8, StAnthonlin p. 10; 1554 Peter BarnstapleBap p. 8, RegIng p. 4; 1555 Peter BarnstapleBap p. 9, bruton1 p. 108; 1557 Peter BEmar-vol1 p. 5, ProcSuf-vol3 p. 265, RegIng p. 4; 1558 Peter SaxhamSf p. 130; 1559 Peter COmar-vol5 p. 1, RegSoAMar p. 1; 1560 Peter BEmar-vol2 p. 53, BarnstapleBap p. 10, RegSoABap p. 2, StMary-Ke p. v; 1561 Peter BarnstapleBap p. 11, StMaryA p. 3, Petter DEmar-vol1 p. 80; 1562 Peter COmar-vol5 p. 2, RegIng p. 5; 1563 Peter BarnstapleBap p. 12, COmar-vol2 p. 47, StMaryA p. 3, Petre BEmar-vol2 p. 68; 1564 Peter BarnstapleBap p. 13; 1565 Peter BEmar-vol2 p. 128; 1566 Peres COmar-vol5 p. 3; 1567 Peres ibid. p. 3; 1568 Peres ibid. p. 4, Peter OrpingtonKe p. 3; 1569 Peris COmar-vol5 p. 84, Peter StAnthonlin p. 20; 1570 Peter bruton1 p. 39; 1572 Peter StAnthonlin p. 22; 1573 Peter WAmar-1 p. 97; 1574 Pearse bruton1 p. 114, Peter COmar-vol2 p. 70, StAnthonlin p. 23; 1575 Peter bruton1 p. 7; 1576 Peter StAnthonlin p. 25, bruton1 p. 43, Petter COmar-vol5 p. 126; 1577 Peter RegBath p. 4; 1579 Peter COmar-vol2 p. 71; 1580 Peter RegSoAMar p. 10, bruton1 p. 115; 1581 Peter BEmar-vol2 p. 130, DEmar-vol2 p. 6, StAnthonlin p. 28; 1582 Peter BUmar-vol9 p. 7, DEmar-vol2 p. 8; 1583 Peter StAnthonlin p. 29; 1584 Peter bruton1 p. 115; 1585 Pere COmar-vol5 p. 7, Peter BUmar-vol1 p. 2, DEmar-vol2 p. 11; 1586 Peter bruton1 p. 8; 1587 Peter SaxhamSf p. 40, bruton1 p. 47; 1588 Peter Bar-in-El p. 13, DEmar-vol2 p. 15, OrpingtonKe p. 8, StAnthonlin p. 32, WAmar-1 p. 98, bruton1 p. 118, Pierce DEmar-vol2 p. 16; 1589 Peter CAmar-vol1 p. 4, DEmar-vol2 p. 17, OrpingtonKe p. 8, bruton1 p. 49, Petter DEmar-vol1 p. 86, Pierce DEmar-vol2 p. 17; 1590 Peter COmar-vol5 p. 86, DEmar-vol2 p. 20, bruton1 p. 50, Petter DEmar-vol1 p. 86; 1591 Peter COmar-vol2 p. 23, COmar-vol5 p. 86; 1592 Peter BEmar-vol2 p. 69, COmar-vol5 p. 86, DEmar-vol2 p. 24, bruton1 p. 52, Pierce DEmar-vol2 p. 25; 1593 Peter CAmar-vol1 p. 5, COmar-vol5 p. 10, DEmar-vol2 p. 27, HAmar-vol9 p. 92, OrpingtonKe p. 9; 1594 Peres COmar-vol5 p. 10, Peter DEmar-vol2 p. 29, RegSoAMar p. 17; 1595 Peeter DEmar-vol2 p. 1, Peter ibid. p. 30, bruton1 p. 54; 1596 Pearse RegSoAMar p. 18, Peter DEmar-vol2 p. 34; 1596/7 Peter bruton1 p. 123; 1597 Peter DEmar-vol2 p. 36, bruton1 p. 124; 1598 Peter DEmar-vol2 p. 37; 1599 Peter COmar-vol5 p. 11, DEmar-vol2 p. 41, OrpingtonKe p. 9
1581 Pierre RWC p. 3; 1581/2 Pierre ibid. p. 4; 1582 Pierre ibid. p. 4; 1582/3 Pierre ibid. p. 5; 1583 Pierre ibid. p. 437; 1583/4 Pierre ibid. p. 7; 1584 Pierre ibid. p. 437; 1590/1 Piere ibid. p. 15, Pierre ibid. p. 15; 1590 Pierre ibid. p. 441; 1591 Piere ibid. p. 16; 1591/2 Piere ibid. p. 19, Pierre ibid. p. 20; 1591 Pierre ibid. p. 563; 1592 Piere ibid. p. 20; 1592/3 Piere ibid. p. 25; 1592 Pierre ibid. p. 563; 1592/3 Pierre ibid. p. 564; 1593 Piere ibid. p. 26; 1593/4 Piere ibid. p. 30, Pierre ibid. p. 30; 1593 Pierre ibid. p. 564; 1594 Piere ibid. p. 32, Pierre ibid. p. 564
Middle Low German
1377 Peter BbRT p. 335; 1383 Peter ibid. p. 337; 1384 Petrus ibid. p. 338; 1386 Peter ibid. p. 338; 1387 Peter ibid. p. 339; 1395 Peter ibid. p. 341; 1399 Peter ibid. p. 342; 1400 Peter ibid. p. 342; 1401 Peter ibid. p. 343; 1408 Peter ibid. p. 345; 1409 Peter ibid. p. 345; 1412 Peter ibid. p. 346; 1414 Peter ibid. p. 347; 1416 Peter ibid. p. 348; 1418 Peter ibid. p. 348; 1421 Peter ibid. p. 349; 1422 Peter ibid. p. 350; 1426 Peters (gen) ibid. p. 351; 1428 Peter ibid. p. 352; 1430 Peter ibid. p. 354; 1433 Peter ibid. p. 356; 1434 Peter ibid. p. 356; 1435 Peter ibid. p. 357; 1436 Peter ibid. p. 358; 1437 Peter ibid. p. 359; 1438 Peter ibid. p. 361; 1440 Peter ibid. p. 362; 1442 Peter ibid. p. 364; 1444 Peter ibid. p. 365; 1524x1532 Peter (nom) Saareste1923b p. 136; 1539 Peter (nom) Hiiumaa p. 100; 1592 Peter Tiik1977 p. 285
1524x1532 Peto (unc) Saareste1923b p. 139
Early Modern Swedish
1564 Petter (nom) Hiiumaa p. 244; 1565 Peder (nom) ibid. p. 21, Petter (nom) ibid. p. 35; 1576 Pether (nom) ibid. p. 126, Petter (nom) ibid. p. 21; 1577 Peter (nom) ibid. p. 21; 1583 Petter (nom) ibid. p. 94; 1599 Petter (nom) ibid. p. 244
1564 Peep (nom) Hiiumaa p. 152; 1576 Pethe (nom) ibid. p. 67; 1599 Piep (nom) ibid. p. 151
Old Swedish
1405 Pæter (gen) SDHK no. 16441
Early Modern Swedish
1548 Petter (nom) Audén1980 p. 170; 1582 Petri (nom) ibid. p. 172, Petrij (nom) ibid. p. 172, Pettre (nom) ibid. p. 172, Pettro (nom) ibid. p. 172
1548 Per (nom) Audén1980 p. 169, Pers (gen) ibid. p. 168; 1559 Peer (nom) ibid. p. 166
c823 Petrus (nom) irminon-vol2 94, Ved; 882 Petrus (nom) InsMacon XIII; 10thC Petri (gen) St-Barnard-Romans no. 114, Petrus (nom) ibid. no. 114; 11thC Petrus (nom) StVdM-II 673; 1029x1033 Petrus (nom) CartStPC XII; 1030 Petro (nom) StVdM-II 678, Petrus (nom) ibid. 712; c1030 Petrus (nom) ibid. 714; c1035 Petrus (nom) ibid. 669; 1038 Petrus (nom) ibid. 719; c1040 Petro (abl) ibid. 671, Petrum (acc) ibid. 671, Petrus (nom) ibid. 671; 1044 Petrus (nom) ibid. 659; 1045 Petrus (nom) ibid. 691; 1047 Petri (gen) CartNDSaintes I; 1047x61 Petri (gen) ibid. XX, Petrus (nom) ibid. XX; 1048x1060 Petro (abl) StVdM-II 674; 1049x1061 Petrus (nom) ibid. 661; 1050 Petri (gen) St-Barnard-Romans no. 100; c1050 Petro (abl) StVdM-II 696, Petrus (nom) ibid. 695; 1051 Petrus (nom) St-Barnard-Romans no. 142; 1054 Petri (gen) StVdM-II 693, Petrus (nom) ibid. 693; 1055 Petrus (nom) ibid. 739; 1058 Petrus (nom) ibid. 694; 1059 Petrus (nom) ibid. 687; 1060 Petri (gen) CartNDSaintes XIX, Petro (abl) StVdM-II 730, Petrus (nom) ibid. 704; 1062 Petrus (nom) ibid. 692; 1063 Petri (gen) ibid. 705; 1064 Petro (abl) ibid. 703, Petrus (nom) ibid. 703; 1065x1079 Petrus (nom) ibid. 663; 1066 Petrus (nom) ibid. 698; 1067 Petrus (nom) CartNDSaintes XII; 1069 Petrus (nom) StVdM-II 717; 1070 Petrus (nom) LDS appendix, XXIX, StVdM-II 740; 1073 Petrus (nom) ibid. 707; 1075 Petrus (nom) ibid. 731; 1079x81 Petro (abl) CartNDSaintes XXI; 1080x1105 Petro (abl) StVdM-II 699, Petrus (nom) ibid. 699; 1082x1087 Petrus (nom) St-Barnard-Romans no. 120; 1083 Petri (gen) ibid. no. 119, Petrus (nom) ibid. no. 119; 1088x1119 Petri (gen) ibid. 124, Petrus (nom) ibid. 124; 1094 Petrus (nom) StVdM-II 686; 1098 Petro (abl) ibid. 697, Petrus (nom) ibid. 697; 1101 Petri (gen) CartSPL1 X; 1101x1129 Petro (abl) CartStPC XXXIII; a1108 Petrus (nom) ibid. XXI; 1108 Petri (gen) St-Barnard-Romans no. 155, Petrus (nom) ibid. no. 155; a1114 Petrus (nom) CartStPC XXXI; 1115 Petri (gen) StVdM-II 734, Petrus (nom) ibid. 734; 1115x1149 Petrus (nom) CartStPC X; c1120 Petri (gen) CartNoyers CDXXXVI, Petrus (nom) ibid. CDXXXVI; 1121 Petrus (nom) CartNDJosaphat X; 1122–26 Petrus (nom) clairvaux-12thc 3; 1122x1139 Petrus (nom) CartYonne1 CXXXIII; 1129 Petro (abl) StVdM-II 735, Petrus (nom) ibid. 735; 1130x1150 Petrum (acc) CartStPC XXXVIII; 1131 Petri (gen) clairvaux-12thc 4, Petro (abl) CartNDSaintes XXII; 1133 Petrus (nom) CartNDdOurscamp CXI; 1135 Petri (gen) ibid. LXXVIII, clairvaux-12thc 7, Petrus (nom) ibid. 7; 1136 Petrus (nom) ibid. 8; c1138 Petrus (nom) CartNDdOurscamp CL; 1138x62 Petri (gen) clairvaux-12thc 66, Petro (abl) ibid. 57, Petrus (nom) ibid. 59; c1140 Petri (gen) CartNDdOurscamp XCIX, Petro (abl) ibid. LXXXIII; 1145 Petrus (nom) clairvaux-12thc 11; 1146 Petro (abl) CartNDdOurscamp CXII, Petrum (acc) ibid. CXII; c1147 Petri (gen) ibid. LXII; 1147 Petri (gen) clairvaux-12thc 15, Petro (abl) CartNDSaintes XXV, CartNDdOurscamp XCVII, clairvaux-12thc 14, Petrus (nom) CartNDdOurscamp XCVII, clairvaux-12thc 14; 1147x58 Petrus (nom) ibid. 34; 1147x62 Petrus (nom) ibid. 42; c1150 Petrus (nom) CartSavII 200; 1151 Petrus (nom) clairvaux-12thc 23; c1156 Petrus (nom) CartNDdOurscamp XXXII; 1156 Petrus (nom) CartYonne1 CCCLXXXIII; 1158 Petrum (acc) StVdM-II 702, Petrus (nom) ibid. 702, clairvaux-12thc 33; 1159 Petri (gen) ibid. 36; c1160 Petri (gen) CartNDdOurscamp XVI; 1162 Petri (gen) ibid. LXIII, Petrus (nom) clairvaux-12thc 40; a1163 Petro (abl) ibid. 98, Petrus (nom) ibid. 96; 1163 Petri (gen) CartNDdOurscamp XV, clairvaux-12thc 99, Petro (abl) ibid. 99, Petrus (nom) ibid. 99; 1163–64 Petrus (nom) ibid. 106; 1164 Petro (abl) ibid. 121, Petrus (nom) ibid. 120; 1165 Petrus (nom) ibid. 126; 1166 Petro (abl) ibid. 129, Petrus (nom) ibid. 130; 1167 Petrus (nom) CartNDSaintes X; 1168 Petri (nom) clairvaux-12thc 134; c1170 Petri (gen) CartNDdOurscamp LXXXIV; 1170 Petri (gen) clairvaux-12thc 137; 1171 Petrus (nom) ibid. 140; 1172 Petri (gen) ibid. 146, Petrus (nom) ibid. 146; 1173 Petri (gen) NDParisII 1-III, Petrus (nom) clairvaux-12thc 153; 1174 Petro (abl) ibid. 158; 1177 Petrus (nom) ibid. 165; 1179 Petri (gen) ibid. 175, Petro (abl) ibid. 176; c1179 Petrus (nom) CartNDdOurscamp CXXXII; 1179 Petrus (nom) clairvaux-12thc 170; 1180 Petri (gen) RotScaNor p. 3, Petro (abl) CartNDdOurscamp LV, RotScaNor p. 4, Petrus (nom) ibid. p. 13; 1187 Petri (gen) CartNDdOurscamp LVII; 1188 Petri (gen) ibid. XCIV, Petrus (nom) ibid. XCIV; 1190 Petrus (nom) ibid. LXXIX; 1196 Petro (abl) ibid. CXXXIX, Petrus (nom) ibid. CXXXIX; 1200 Petro (abl) ibid. LXXVII, Petrus (nom) ibid. LXXVII; c1200 Petrus (nom) CartSavII 201; 1201 Petri (gen) NDParisII 2-XLVIII, Petrus (nom) CartNDdOurscamp CVIII; 1203 Petrus (nom) ibid. CXXV; 1204 Petri (gen) ibid. XXVII; 1205 Petri (gen) ibid. XXXIII; 1206 Petrus (nom) NDParisII 2-LXIX; 1207 Petri (gen) CartNDdOurscamp CXXIX, Petrus (nom) ibid. XLII; 1209 Petri (gen) ibid. LII, Petrus (nom) ibid. XLII, NDParisII 2-LXV; 1210x11 Petrus (nom) ibid. 2-LXVI; 1212 Petri (gen) CartNDdOurscamp XXVIII; 1214 Petri (gen) ibid. CXLI, Petrus (nom) ibid. LXXIV; 1217 Petri (gen) ibid. XXXII, Petrus (nom) NDParisII 2-LVI; 1218 Petro (abl) ChartCaen2 9; 1224 Petri (gen) CartAub; 1225 Petrum (acc) NDParisII 2-LXXXIX, Petrus (nom) ibid. 2-LXXXIX; 1226 Petrus (nom) CartNDdOurscamp LIX; 1229 Petri (gen) ibid. LXXXII; 1231 Petrus (nom) NDParisII 2-LXXXVIII; 1236 Petro (abl) CartNDdOurscamp CXLVI; c1236 Petro (dat) ibid. CXLVIII; 1236 Petrus (nom) NDParisII 2-XXXIX; 1238 Petri (gen) CartNDdOurscamp CXXX, Petro (abl) NDParisII 2-CX; 1239 Petrus (nom) CartAub, ChronMaillezais p. 161; 1241 Petrus (nom) NDParisII 2-CXII; 1242 Petrus (nom) NotSLdN V; 1244 Petrus (nom) NDParisII 2-CVII; 1246 Petrus (nom) ibid. 2-CVI; 1248 Petro (dat) KD-1 no. 8; 1255 Petri (gen) CartNDdOurscamp XXXVI, Petro (dat) ibid. XXXVI, Petrus (nom) ArrestReg-volI I, Candlemas, CartNDdOurscamp XXXVI; 1255x1256 Petrus (nom) NDParisII 2-CXIII; 1257 Petri (gen) ArrestReg-volI XI, BMV, Petro (abl) ibid. IX, BMV, Petrum (acc) ibid. XIV, BMV, Petrus (nom) ibid. X, Pentecost; 1258 Petri (gen) ibid. XXXII, Pentecost, Petro (abl) ibid. II, Pentecost, Petrum (acc) ibid. II, Pentecost, Petrus (nom) ibid. II, Pentecost, NDParisII 2-L; 1259 Petri (gen) ArrestReg-volI I, BMV, NDParisII 2-I, Petrum (acc) ArrestReg-volI I, Pentecost, Petrus (nom) ibid. III, Pentecost, NDParisII 2-XLVI; 1260 Petri (gen) ArrestReg-volI XXIII, Ascension, Petro (abl) ibid. IV, St. Martin, CartNDdOurscamp CXVII, Petrum (acc) ArrestReg-volI XXIII, Ascension, Petrus (nom) ibid. IV, St. Martin; 1263 Petri (gen) CartNDdOurscamp XXIII; 1264 Petrus (nom) NDParisII 2-LXXIV; 1265 Petri (gen) CartNDdOurscamp CLIX, NDParisII 2-XCV; 1267 Petrus (nom) ibid. 2-II; 1268 Petri (gen) ibid. 2-X, Petrus (nom) ibid. 2-V; 1269 Petrus (nom) ibid. 2-III; 1269x70 Petrus (nom) ibid. 2-XXXII; 1270 Petri (gen) CartNDdOurscamp CLVII, Petro (abl) ibid. XVII, Petrus (nom) NDParisII 2-XLI; 1273 Petri (gen) RegToul-13thC p. 30, Petro (abl) ibid. p. 23, Petrum (acc) ibid. p. 23, Petrus (nom) NDParisII 2-XLIII, RegToul-13thC p. 22; 1274 Petri (gen) ibid. p. 44, Petrus (nom) RHF-VIII p. 57; 1275 Petri (gen) CartNDdOurscamp XLIV, Petrum (acc) ibid. CIX, RegToul-13thC p. 42, Petrus (nom) ibid. p. 42; 1280x1281 Perrotum (acc) NDParisII 2-CXV; 1281 Petri (gen) CartNDdOurscamp CLII; 1283–86 Petri (gen) GasReg-A p. 227; 1285 Petri (gen) CartNDdOurscamp VII; 1287 Petrus (nom) GasReg-A p. 74; 1292 Petri (gen) MemBret-I 1104, Petro (abl) HistHdVParis p. 116, Petrus (nom) MemBret-I 1102; 1300 Perrerii (gen) St-Barnard-Romans 382, Perrerius (nom) ibid. 382, Petri (gen) ibid. 382, Petrus (nom) ArchReimsII1 VI, CartNDdOurscamp XXXIX, St-Barnard-Romans 382; 1301 Petri (gen) MemPic-vol17 p. 203, Petrus (nom) ibid. p. 165, Pierres (nom) ibid. p. 176; 1303 Petrum (acc) ArchReimsII1 XXXV; 1304 Petrus (nom) CartNDdOurscamp LXXXVI; 1305 Petri (gen) LibSenTou fol. 118, Petrum (acc) ibid. fol. 118, Petrus (nom) ibid. fol. 118; 1306 Petro (abl) ibid. fol. 118, Petrum (acc) ibid. fol. 118; 1310 Petrus (nom) CartNDdOurscamp IX; 1310/11 Petrus (nom) GasReg-A p. 100; 1310 Petrus (nom) ibid. p. 217; 1310–11 Petrus (nom) ibid. p. 236; 1313 Petro (abl) CartNDdOurscamp LXXXVIII; 1317 Petrum (acc) ChronMaillezais p. 163; 1318 Petrus (nom) StVdM-II 700; 1332 Petro (abl) ChronMaillezais p. 165; 1364 Petri (gen) ActsCharlesV no. 87A; 1376 Petrus (nom) St-Barnard-Romans 383; 1378 Petri (gen) hanquetvol1 469, Petro (dat) ibid. 21, Petrum (acc) ibid. 988, Petrus (nom) ibid. no. 87; 1382 Petri (gen) Sav14thC p. 104; 1421 Petri (gen) favier p. 188; 1432 Petri (gen) MHCG2 477; 1471 Petro (abl) ibid. 235; 1480 Petro (abl) ibid. 245; 1564 Petro (abl) FlorLyon p. 172
1147 Perresetus (nom) clairvaux-12thc 19; 1158x1170 Perresetus (nom) ibid. 138; 1179 Petrino (abl) ibid. 181; 1256 Perroto (abl) ArrestReg-volI V, Candlemas; 1269 Perrotus (nom) NDParisII 2-III; 1270 Perrotus (nom) ibid. 2-XLI; 1278 Perrotum (acc) ibid. 1-XLIX; 1280x1281 Perroti (gen) ibid. 2-CXV, Perroto (abl) ibid. 2-CXV, Perrotus (nom) ibid. 2-CXV; 1292 Petrinus (nom) MemBret-I 1102; 1300 Peroneti (gen) St-Barnard-Romans 382, Peronetus (nom) ibid. 382, Perroneti (gen) ibid. 382; 1376 Perrinus (nom) ibid. 383; 1503 Perrusseti (gen) MHCG2 278
Old French
1262 Pierres (nom) StOuen p. 7; 1268 Pierre (obl) HistHdVParis p. 104; 1284 Pierre (obl) HAP p. 385; 1290 Pierre HistHdVParis p. 106; 1292 Pierre (obl) ibid. p. 110, MemBret-I 1101; 1293 Piere (obl) HistHdVParis p. 123; c1294 Pierre (obl) ibid. p. 125; 1294 Pierre (obl) ibid. p. 126; 1295 Pierre (obl) ibid. p. 128; 1296 Pierre paris1296 p. 2, (obl) HistHdVParis p. 133; 1297 Pierre (obl) ibid. p. 136; c1298 Pierre (obl) ibid. p. 138; 1298 Pierre (obl) ibid. p. 141; 1299/1300 Pierre (obl) HAP p. 388; 1299 Pierre (obl) HistHdVParis p. 145; 1300 Pierre (obl) ArchReimsII1 IV; 1301 Pierre (obl) ibid. XVII; 1302 Pierre (obl) ibid. XXI; 1302x1303 Pierre (obl) ibid. XXIX, Pierres (nom) ibid. XXX; 1303 Pierre (nom) ArchCambIII p. 152, (obl) ArchReimsII1 XXXIII, Pierres (nom) ibid. XXXIII; 1306 Pierre (obl) ibid. LV, Pierres (nom) ibid. LV; 1308 Pierre (obl) ibid. LXVII, Pierres (obl) ibid. LXVII; 1313 Pierre Paris1313 p. 2, Pierres ibid. p. 6; 1327 Pierre MemDocMan-2 p. 181; 1337 Pierre (obl) NDParisII LII; 1339 Pierre valois-2 CCIX; 1345 Pierre (obl) HAP p. 388; 1346 Pierre (nom) ibid. p. 309
1133 Pieren (obl) tailliar no. 1; 1292 Perrin (obl) 1292paris p. 1, MemBret-I 1102, Petruche 1292paris p. 1; 1296 Perrot paris1296 p. 9; 1298 Perrot (obl) HistHdVParis p. 139; 1299/1300 Perrinet (obl) HAP p. 388; 1299 Perrot (obl) HistHdVParis p. 147; 1301 Perrecars (nom) ArchReimsII1 XVIII, Perron (obl) MemPic-vol17 p. 236, Pierron (obl) ibid. p. 234; 1313 Perrin Paris1313 p. 32, Perrinet ibid. p. 78, Perrot ibid. p. 10; 1346 Perrins (nom) HAP p. 309; 1348 Perrin (obl) MHN DX
Middle French
1358 Pierre LeCoq p. 382; 1364 Pierre ActsCharlesV no. 28; 1365 Pierre ibid. no. 217; 1366/7 Pierre ibid. no. 379; 1367 Pierre ibid. no. 397; 1368 Pierre beauchet-vol1 p. 13; 1382 Pierre Sav14thC 11; 1386 Pierre MemBret-II col. 513; 1387 Pierre beauchet-vol1 p. 15; 1388 Pierre thierry; 1392 Pierre MemBret-II col. 597, Pierres ibid. col. 598; 1393 Pierre ibid. col. 622; 1404 Pierre HistHdVParis no. 4; 1415[1469x1471] Pierre Waurin p. 226; 1418 Pieare DdB1418 p. 214, Pierre ibid. p. 196, HGParis p. 372; 1421 Pierre Laroche no. 6, favier 9, Pierrey ibid.; 1423 Pierre ibid. 3; 1438 Pierre ibid. p. 267; 1440 Pierre Laroche no. 5; 1455 Pierre HRAVP-3 p. 353; 1466 Pierre HistHdVParis no. 5; 1477–1478 Pierre Laroche no. 4; 1479 Pierre ibid. no. 2; 1480 Pierres ChartBB III; 1493 Pierre MSR1838 p. 376; 1501 Pierre MHCG2 274; 1504 Pierre HistHdVParis no. 6; 1529 Pierre ibid. no. 7; 1540 Pierre ibid. no. 13; 1548 Pierre ibid. no. 17; 1561 Pierre RegPCC-1 p. 2; 1562 Pierre ibid. p. 6; 1563 Pierre ibid. p. 17; 1564 Pieres ibid. p. 62, Pierre ibid. p. 44, Pierres ibid. p. 46; 1565 Piere ibid. p. 108, Pierre ibid. p. 109; 1566 Pierre ibid. p. 196; 1567 Pierre ibid. p. 278; 1568 Pierre ibid. p. 363, Pierres ibid. p. 372; 1570 Pierre ibid. p. 422; 1571 Pierre ibid. p. 435; 1572 Pierre ibid. p. 485; 1587 Pierre RTFProvins 51; 1588 Pierre raymond1588 p. 566; 1590 Pierre ibid. p. 572; 1595 Pierre Toureille
1354 Perrin MHN DLX; 1367/8 Perrinet ActsCharlesV no. 427; 1368 Perrot beauchet-vol1 p. 14; 1386 Perrin MemBret-II col. 514, Perrot ibid. col. 513; 1392 Perreau ibid. col. 613, Perrenet ibid. col. 602, Perret ibid. col. 598, Perrin ibid. col. 611, Perrinet ibid. col. 602, Perrot ibid. col. 599, Perrotin ibid. col. 598, Petreman ibid. col. 612, Pierrot ibid. col. 608; 1393 Perrot ibid. col. 619; 1404 Perin HistHdVParis no. 4; 1418 Peron DdB1418 p. 205, Perrichon ibid. p. 212, HGParis p. 386, Perrin DdB1418 p. 197, HGParis p. 373, Pierel DdB1418 p. 212, Pieret HGParis p. 386; 1421 Perrenet favier 1183, Perresson ibid. 416, Perrin ibid. 62, Perrot ibid. 270; 1423 Perrin ibid. 94; 1438 Perrin ibid. 85, Perrot ibid. 113; 1566 Pierren RegPCC-1 p. 223
699 Petro (abl) DCEL-2 XI; 905 Petri (gen) HambUrk-vol1 XXVI; 1174 Petrus (nom) quix-vol1 32; 1210 Petro (abl) CDL-1.1.1 IV; 1216 Petrus (nom) hennes-vol1 25; 1219 Petro (abl) CDL-1.1.1 VI, Petrus (nom) hennes-vol1 42; 1228 Petro (abl) ibid. 74; 1231 Petrus (nom) ibid. 86; 1248 Petri (gen) ibid. 126; 1249 Petro (abl) ibid. 132; 1259 Petrus (nom) CDL-1.1.1 XXXI; 1264 Petro (abl) hennes-vol1 200; 1271 Petro (abl) ibid. 220; 1272 Petro (dat) ibid. 222, Petrus (nom) ibid. 222; 1273 Petro (abl) ibid. 229; 1275 Petro (abl) ibid. 244; 1281 Petro (abl) ibid. 275; 1282 Petri (gen) ibid. 283; 1283 Petrus (nom) UrkMeck1 no. LXXVIII; 1287 Petri (gen) hennes-vol1 310, Petro (dat) UrkMeck1 no. LXXXIII; 1309 Petrum (acc) VFBStralsund 17; 1313 Petro (dat) ibid. 31; 1322 Petrus (nom) SMM p. 159; 1341 Pero (nom) ibid. p. 165; 1394 Petri (gen) ibid. p. 172, Petrus (nom) ibid. p. 168; 1401 Petro (dat) HD1401 no. 23, petri (gen) ibid. no. 6; 1425 Petro (abl) mairhofer DCCXXI, Petrum (acc) ibid. DCCXXI, Petrus (nom) ibid. DCCXXI
Early New High German
1401 Peter (nom) mairhofer DCLXIX; 1402 Peter (nom) UrkKH-2 912, mairhofer DCLXX, Peters (gen) ibid. DCLXXII; 1407 Peter (nom) ibid. DCLXXXII, Petern (dat) ibid. DCLXXXII; 1408 Peter (nom) ibid. DCLXXXIII; 1417 Peter (nom) ibid. DCCV; 1418 Peter (nom) ibid. DCCVII; 1421 Peter (nom) ibid. DCCXVII; 1423 Peter (nom) ibid. DCCXIX; 1497 Peter Nurn1497 p. 1
1411 Peterl (nom) mairhofer DCXCIV
1317 Petri (gen) CDH-VIII-II VI, Petro (abl) ibid. XV
fin12thC Pere (nom) MunDocIr III, p. 4, Peres (nom) ibid. III, p. 15, Perus (nom) ibid. III, p. 5, Petrus (nom) ibid. III, p. 15; 1432 Petro (abl) RegOct 55, Petrum (acc) ibid. 55; c1456 Petrus (nom) ibid. 85; 1479 Petro (dat) ibid. 5; 1496 Petro (abl) ibid. 35; c1505x1510 Petro (dat) ibid. 17
fin12thC Petrinus (nom) MunDocIr III, p. 12
Early Modern English
1536 Peter Fiants-1 55; 1538 Peter ibid. 67; 1539 Peter ibid. 77
9thCx10thC Petrus (nom) InvLucca1 I; 915 Petro (dat) RCI-Cam1 2, Petrus (nom) ibid. 2; 959 Petrus (nom) RegSAp 1; 960 petri (gen) CDC-II CCXI, petrus (nom) ibid. CCXI; 973 Petrus (nom) RegSAp 2; 994 Peturs (nom) RCI-Cam1 4; 999 Petri (gen) HGSav-4.1 p. 2; 1075 Petri (gen) CartSPL1 IV; 1092 Petro (abl) RCI-Cam1 565; 1161 Petro (abl) Livi p. 39; 1164 Petri (gen) ibid. p. 41, Petro (dat) SDE3 I, Petrus (nom) Livi p. 42; 1169 Petrus (nom) clairvaux-12thc 135; 1193 Petro (dat) KD-1 no. 2; 1198 Petri (gen) ChStBo1 III, Petro (abl) ibid. III; 1210 Petri (gen) HAP p. 344, Petrus (nom) ibid. p. 344; 1220 Petrus (nom) hennes-vol1 49; 1224 Petrus (nom) UrkRott-1 17; 1236 Peyri (gen) TirNot1 6; 1237 Petri (gen) ibid. 587; 1243 Petrum (acc) hennes-vol1 110; 1253 Petri (gen) MonRav-1 CLIX, Petrus (nom) ibid. CLIX; 1265x1339 Petri (gen) BBC-Berg 46; 1269 Petrus (nom) ibid. p. XLII; 1273 Petrus (nom) ibid. p. XLII; 1276 Petri (gen) POSDu III; 1277 Petrus (nom) BBC-Berg p. XLII; 1282 Petrum (acc) DSS5-1-4 II, Petrus (nom) BBC-Berg p. XLIII, DSS5-1-4 I; 1285 Peri (gen) Perugia1285 p. 154, Perus (nom) ibid. p. 153, Petri (gen) ibid. p. 156; 1289 Petrus (nom) BBC-Berg p. XLIV; 1292 Petrus (nom) ibid. p. XLIV; 1293 Petri (gen) ibid. p. XLIV; 1294 Petrus (nom) ibid. p. XLV; 1295 Petri (gen) ibid. p. XLV; 1297 Petri (gen) ibid. p. XLV; 1300 Petri (abl) ActDipVeneto-I-1 p. 47, Petro (abl) ibid. p. 50, Petrum (acc) ibid. p. 48, Petrus (nom) ibid. p. 47; 1302 Petri (gen) ibid. p. 52, Petrus (acc) ibid. p. 52, (nom) BBC-Berg p. XLVI; 1304 Petri (gen) ActDipVeneto-I-1 p. 57, Petro (abl) ibid. p. 56; 1310 Perono (dat) MonRav-2 CCCL, Petri (gen) ibid. CCCL, Petro (dat) ibid. CCCL; 1324 Petrus (nom) DSF p. 46, 3697; 1326 Petri (gen) Friuli-14thC no. 441, Petro (abl) ibid. no. 437, Petrus (nom) ibid. no. 445; 1348 Petri (gen) INP 3, Petro (dat) ibid. 27, Petrum (acc) ibid. 3, Petrus (nom) ibid. 6; 1363 Petrus (nom) Livi p. 141; 1366 Peri (gen) ibid. 28, Petri (gen) ibid. 54, Petrus (nom) ibid. 10, Pieri (gen) ibid. 3, Pierus (nom) ibid. 60, Pieruzus (nom) ibid. 42, Pietri (gen) ibid. 105/106; 1367 Petri (gen) ibid. 123, Petro (abl) ibid. 173, Petrus (nom) ibid. 125, SMM p. 130, Pieri (gen) Livi 121, Piero (abl) ibid. 143, Pierus (nom) ibid. 170, Pietri (gen) ibid. 105/106; 1368 Petro (abl) ibid. 184, Pieri (gen) ibid. 194, Pierus (nom) ibid. 204, Pietrum (acc) ibid. 210; 1369 Petri (gen) ibid. 256, Pieri (gen) ibid. 251; 1370 Pieri (gen) ibid. 266; 1376 Petri (gen) DouGen1 p. 80, Petro (abl) ibid. p. 16; 1382 Petro (abl) Sav14thC 7; 1387 Petri (gen) Venditti II-45, Petro (abl) ibid. II-2044, Petrum (acc) ibid. II-6, Petrus (nom) ibid. II-16; 1391 Petri (gen) ibid. I-1, Petro (dat) ibid. I-1, Petrus (nom) ibid. I-1; 1401 Peri (gen) SDHK no. 15739, Pieri (gen) ibid. no. 15739, Pierij (gen) ibid. no. 15739, Piero (abl) ibid. no. 15739; 1417 Petri (gen) CatTir1 47; 1419 Petro (dat) ibid. 59; 1422 Petri (dat) ibid. 68; 1424 Petro (dat) ibid. 72; 1426 Petri (gen) ibid. 89; 1449 Perotis (abl) VitAs2 III, Petri (gen) ibid. I, Petro (abl) ibid. III, Petrus (nom) ibid. IX; 1450 Petri (gen) ibid. VIII, Petro (abl) ibid. VIII; 1462 Petri (gen) CatTir1 105; 1464 Petrus (nom) CUP-III-I CCXXXI; 1470 Petro (abl) RCCaetani6 XXI-62, Petrus (nom) ibid. XXI-62; 1478 Petri (gen) ibid. 2720, Petro (abl) ibid. 2720, Petrus (nom) ibid. 2720; 1480 Petro (dat) CatTir1 111; 1485 Petrus (nom) MHCG2 246; 1488 Petro (abl) ibid. 248; 1490 Petri (gen) VitAs2 II, Petro (abl) ibid. III; 1491 Petrus (nom) CatTir1 117, MHCG2 250; 1505 Petro (abl) VitAs2 VI; 1521 Peri (gen) ibid. VI, Petri (gen) ibid. II, Petrus (nom) ibid. VI; 1522x1532 Petri (gen) DSF p. 54, 56, Petrus (nom) ibid. p. 51, 11; 1527 Petri (gen) Rome1527 p. 83, Petro (abl) ibid. p. 84, Petrus (nom) ibid. p. 84
915 Petroni (gen) RCI-Cam1 2; 1159 Peireto (abl) Livi p. 40; 1198 Petrezolus (nom) ChStBo1 V, Petrocinus (nom) ibid. III; 1265x1339 Perini (gen) BBC-Berg 336, Petrochi (gen) ibid. 69; 1285 Peroni (gen) Perugia1285 p. 160, Petrioli (gen) ibid. p. 158, Petrutii (gen) ibid. p. 154; 1310 Peroni (gen) MonRav-2 CCCL, Peronus (nom) ibid. CCCL, Perronus (nom) ibid. CCCL, Petrinus (nom) ibid. CCCL; 1326 Petrussii (gen) Friuli-14thC no. 446; 1327 Petrosino (abl) ibid. no. 450; 1348 Petrucio (dat) INP 39, Petrutii (gen) ibid. 22, Petrutius (nom) ibid. 22; 1368 Pierozzius (nom) Livi 211; 1387 Petreconi (gen) Venditti II-47, Petriconi (gen) ibid. II-36, Petriconii (gen) ibid. II-90, Petrutii (gen) ibid. II-54, Petrutius (nom) ibid. II-63; 1401 Pierozi (gen) SDHK no. 15739; 1449 Petrutii (gen) VitAs2 IX; 1521 Petrutii (gen) ibid. V; 1522x1532 Peroctus (nom) DSF p. 56, 8, Petrinus (nom) ibid. p. 56, 1, Petrucius (nom) ibid. p. 51, 12; 1527 Peretus (nom) Rome1527 p. 83
1429–1430 Piero DiaryLMA p. 207; 1513x1521 Pietro LeoX p. 11
1513x1521 Perino LeoX p. 34, Petrucio ibid. p. 16, Pietrino ibid. p. 33
1289 Peter (nom) RigSB 533, Petrus (nom) ibid. 553; 1290 Petro (dat) ibid. 596; 1291 Peter (nom) ibid. 621; 1292 Peter (nom) ibid. 669; 1293 Peter (nom) ibid. 697; 1295 Petrus (nom) ibid. 753; 1296 Petri (gen) ibid. 66; 1297 Petrus (nom) ibid. 806; 1300 Petrus (nom) ibid. 420; 1302 Petro (dat) ibid. 438; 1305 Petro (dat) ibid. 925; 1307 Petro (dat) ibid. 112
Middle Low German
1453 Peter Arbusow p. 98; 1462 Peter ibid. p. 99; 1463 Peter ibid. p. 99, Mettig1892 p. 3; 1464 Peter Arbusow p. 100; 1516 Peter Mettig1892 p. 4; 1518 Peter ibid. p. 8; 1521 Peter ibid. p. 4; 1531x1540 Peter Arbusow p. 98; 1532 Peter ibid. p. 97; 1540 Peter ibid. p. 99; 1549 Peter ibid. p. 99; 1558 Peter Arbuzov1920 p. 45; 1561 Peter ibid. p. 46; 1565x1577 Peter Arbusow p. 98; 1573 Peter Arbuzov1920 p. 47
1545 Petros (nom) Kaunas2006 p. 84
Middle Low German
1544 Peter Kaunas2006 pp. 82, 84
1551x1555 Piothr (nom) Kaunas2006 p. 85, Piotr (nom) ibid. p. 85
1499 Petro (dat) Attard1499 p. 116
The Netherlands
1212 Petrus (nom) CLI p. 149; 1235 Petrus (nom) hennes-vol1 93; 1258 Petri (gen) OHZI-II no. 46, Petro (abl) ibid. no. 48, Petrus (nom) ibid. no. 49; 1291 petri (gen) GesOIJ-1 p. 297
1560 Pieter MagMiddelburg-1560; 1561 Pieter ibid., Pieters (gen) ibid.; 1562 Pedro ibid., Pieter ibid.; 1563 Pedro ibid., Pieter ibid.; 1564 Pedro ibid., Pieter ibid.; 1565 Pedro ibid., Pieter ibid.; 1566 Pieter ibid.; 1567 Pieter ibid.; 1568 Pier ibid., Pieter ibid.; 1569 Pieter ibid.; 1570 Pieter ibid.; 1571 Pieter ibid.; 1572 Pieter ibid.; 1573 Pieter ibid.; 1574 Pieter ibid.; 1575 Pieter ibid.; 1576 Bieter ibid.; 1577 Pieter ibid.; 1578 Pieter ibid.; 1579 Pieter ibid., NHG-Middelburg p. 40; 1580 Pieter MagMiddelburg-1560; 1581 Pieter ibid.; 1582 Pieter ibid.; 1583 Pieter ibid.; 1584 Pieter ibid.; 1585 Pieter ibid.; 1586 Pieter ibid.; 1587 Pieter ibid.; 1588 Pieter ibid.; 1589 Pieter ibid.; 1590 Pieter ibid.; 1591 Pieter ibid.; 1592 Pieter ibid.; 1593 Pieter ibid.; 1594 Pieter ibid.; 1595 Pieter ibid.; 1596 Pieter ibid.; 1597 Pieter ibid.; 1598 Pieter ibid.; 1599 Pieter ibid.
1153 Petrus (nom) CDP3 IV; 1209 Petrus (nom) CDT1 II; 1229 Petrus (nom) ibid. VI; 1234 petrus (nom) ibid. XIV; 1271 Petrus (nom) ibid. XXI; 1275 Petrus (nom) ibid. XXIII; 1299 Petrus (nom) UrkMeck1 no. C; 1418 Petro (dat) LibBenIII p. 476
Middle High German
1324 Peter SBGlatzer p. 1
1324 Peczoldes (gen) SBGlatzer p. 1
1121 Petrus (nom) PHGCRP-I no. 2; 1152 Petri (gen) ibid. no. 3, Petrus (nom) ibid. no. 3; 1162 Petrus (nom) ibid. no. 7; 1179 Petrus (nom) ibid. no. 4; 1189 Petro (abl) ibid. no. 9, Petrus (nom) ibid. no. 9; 1190 Petrus (nom) ibid. no. 8; 1209 Petro (dat) ibid. no. 10, Petrum (acc) ibid. no. 10, Petrus (nom) ibid. no. 10; 1211 Petri (gen) ibid. no. 6, Petrus (nom) ibid. no. 6; 1214 Petrus (nom) ibid. no. 20; 1217 Petri (gen) ibid. no. 21, Petrus (nom) ibid. no. 21; 1228 Petrez (gen) ibid. no. 14, Petro (dat) ibid. no. 14, Petrum (acc) ibid. no. 14; 1231 Petrus (nom) ibid. no. 12; 1256 Petri (gen) ibid. no. 17, Petro (dat) ibid. no. 17; 1269 Petri (gen) ibid. no. 11, Petro (dat) ibid. no. 11, Petrum (acc) ibid. no. 11
a1177 Petro (abl) CartNBer 3
1011 Petrus (nom) CDCB-XV MMCLXX; 1020 Petrus (nom) ibid. MMCLXXV; 1074 Petri (gen) CDSS II, Petrii (gen) ibid. II, Petrus (nom) ibid. II; 1083 Petri (gen) CDCB-XV MMCCI, Petrus (nom) ibid. MMCCI; 1086 Petri (gen) ibid. MMCCIII; 1087 Petri (gen) ibid. MMCCV, Petrus (nom) ibid. MMCCV; 1124 Pedrez (gen) CDSS V, Pedro (abl) ibid. V, Petrez (gen) ibid. III, Petri (gen) ibid. V, Petro (abl) ibid. III, Petrus (nom) ibid. III, Peydro (abl) ibid. V; 1145 Petrus (nom) AnnOPraem-2 col. ccccxxvi; 1190 Pere (nom) CDCB-XV MMCCVII; 1192 Petro (dat) ibid. MMCCVIII, Petrum (acc) ibid. MMCCVIII, Petrus (nom) ibid. MMCCVIII; 1276 Petro (abl) CDGH XLVI, petri (gen) ibid. XLVI; 1487 Petri (gen) carbonell-I p. 11, Petrus (nom) ibid. p. 11; 1488 Petri (gen) ibid. p. 15, Petro (dat) ibid. p. 19, Petrus (nom) ibid. p. 16; 1489 Petri (gen) ibid. p. 29, Petrus (nom) ibid. p. 34; 1490 Petri (gen) ibid. p. 40, Petrus (nom) ibid. p. 41; 1491 Petri (gen) ibid. p. 52, Petrus (nom) ibid. p. 52; 1492 Petri (gen) ibid. p. 66, Petrus (nom) ibid. p. 66
889 Petrucio (nom) CDCB-XV MMXVII
1510 Pedro valencia1510 3166, Pere ibid. 3145, Pero ibid. 1563
1510 Perot valencia1510 3570, Perucho ibid. 3807
Old Spanish
1068 Petriz (gen) CDSS I; 1225 Pedres (gen) PHGCRP-I no. 15, Pedrez (gen) ibid. no. 15, Pedro ibid. no. 15
1376 Pedro SanzSerrano; 1495 Pedro montalvo; 1496 Pero olite1496 p. 171, Petri ibid. p. 173; 1524 Pero PHGCRP-III no. 134; 1540 Pedro SanzSerrano; 1567 Pedro ibid., Pero ibid.; 1575 Pedro Catalogo-5.2 3794; 1576 Pedro ibid. 3872
1350 Peder (nom) SDHK no. 6046, Peders (gen) ibid. no. 6046, Per (nom) ibid. no. 6046, Pethers (gen) ibid. no. 6060, Petri (gen) ibid. no. 6000, Petro (dat) ibid. no. 6060, Petrum (acc) ibid. no. 6060, Petrus (nom) ibid. no. 6002, Pæters (gen) ibid. no. 6050, Pætærs (gen) ibid. no. 6000; 1353 Petrus (nom) ibid. no. 6627; 1411 Petri (gen) ibid. no. 17654, Petrum (acc) ibid. no. 17654, Petrus (nom) ibid. no. 17654; 1416 Petre (voc) ibid. 18663, Petrum (acc) ibid. 18663
Old Swedish
1358 Pæter (nom) SDHK no. 7337; 1359 Pætær (nom) ibid. no. 7548; 1364 peters (nom) ibid. 8517, pæter (nom) ibid. 8517; 1371 pether (nom) ibid. no. 10000; 1376 Pætir (gen) ibid. no. 10824; 1377 Pethær (nom) ibid. 10933, Petrus (nom) ibid. no. 11025, Pæthar (nom) ibid. no. 11085; 1379 Pætær (nom) ibid. no. 11470; 1383 Petar SRA-vol2 no. 1922, Petars (gen) ibid. no. 1922, Peters (gen) ibid. no. 1904, Pætar ibid. no. 1914, Pætars (gen) ibid. no. 1919, Pæthar ibid. no. 1903, Pæther ibid. no. 1933, Pæthær ibid. no. 1911, Pætær ibid. no. 1900; 1402 Pedher (nom) SDHK no. 15897, Pædher (nom) ibid. no. 15899; 1403 Pædhar (nom) ibid. no. 16006, Pætar (nom) ibid. no. 16167, Pæter (nom) ibid. no. 16167; 1405 Pæders (gen) ibid. no. 16468; 1406 Peders (gen) ibid. no. 16646; 1407 Pedher (nom) ibid. no. 16880, Pedhers (gen) ibid. no. 16880; 1408 Pædhar (nom) ibid. no. 17116, Pæthers (gen) ibid. no. 17116; 1409 Peder (nom) ibid. no. 17350, Peders (gen) ibid. no. 17347, Pedhar (nom) ibid. no. 17333, Pædhar (nom) ibid. no. 17265; 1410 Pæther (nom) ibid. no. 17485; 1411 Pædher (nom) ibid. no. 17735, Pætar (nom) ibid. no. 17737, Pæther (nom) ibid. no. 17714; 1412 Pæther (nom) ibid. no. 17900; 1413 Pedhar (nom) ibid. no. 18026, Peter (nom) ibid. no. 18131, Pethar (nom) ibid. no. 18131; 1414 Pædhar (nom) ibid. no. 18236, Pædher (nom) ibid. no. 18236; 1415 Pethers (gen) ibid. no. 18466; 1417 Pethers (gen) ibid. no. 18862; 1418 Pædar (nom) ibid. no. 19090; 1419 Pedher (nom) ibid. no. 19242, Pædher (gen) ibid. no. 19388; 1420 Pætar (nom) ibid. no. 19436, Pætars (gen) ibid. no. 19436; 1492 Pedher (nom) HGS p. 150; 1493 Pedher (nom) ibid. p. 150; 1504 Per (nom) ibid. p. 151; 1505 Peders (gen) ibid. p. 151; 1506 Peders (gen) ibid. p. 152; 1510 Pedher (nom) ibid. p. 152; 1511 Peder (nom) ibid. p. 152
1506 Pers (gen) HGS p. 152; 1507 Pers (gen) ibid. p. 152; 1508 Pers (gen) ibid. p. 152; 1512 Per (nom) ibid. p. 153; 1513 Per (nom) ibid. p. 153, Pers (gen) ibid. p. 153; 1514 Per (nom) ibid. p. 153, Pers (gen) ibid. p. 153; 1515 Per (nom) ibid. p. 153, Pers (gen) ibid. p. 153; 1516 Per (gen) ibid. p. 153; 1518 Per (nom) ibid. p. 154; 1519 Per (nom) ibid. p. 154; 1520 Per (nom) ibid. p. 154
Early Modern Swedish
1535 Peder (nom) HGS p. 156; 1537 Peder (nom) ibid. p. 157; 1538 Peder (gen) ibid. p. 157; 1539 Peder (nom) ibid. p. 157, Peders (gen) ibid. p. 157; 1542 Per (nom) ibid. p. 158; 1544 Per (nom) ibid. p. 158; 1587 Petter (nom) ibid. p. 160; 1588 Petter (nom) ibid. p. 160; 1591 Petters (gen) ibid. p. 161; 1593 Peter (gen) ibid. p. 161, Pether (nom) ibid. p. 161; 1596 Peter (nom) ibid. p. 162; 1597 Peter (nom) ibid. p. 162; 1599 Peter (nom) ibid. p. 163
1541 Per (nom) HGS p. 159; 1543 Per (nom) Audén1980 p. 162, Pers (gen) ibid. p. 162; 1571 Pär (nom) ibid. p. 164; 1583 Per (nom) HGS p. 159; 1594 Peer (nom) ibid. p. 161; 1595 Peer (nom) ibid. p. 162
2h12thC Petro (abl) CartChart 6; 1134 Petrus (nom) CartHaut 1; 1141 Petrus (nom) ibid. 3; 1150 Petrus (nom) ibid. 4; 1155 Petri (gen) ibid. 6, Petrus (nom) ibid. 6; 1157 Petri (gen) ibid. 8; 1161 Petro (dat) ibid. 10, Petrum (acc) ibid. 9; 1163 Petrus (nom) ibid. 13; 1165 Petri (gen) ibid. 16, Petro (abl) ibid. 16, Petrus (nom) ibid. 16; 1166 Petrus (nom) ibid. 20; 1170 Petro (abl) ibid. 23, Petrus (nom) ibid. 23; 1179 Petri (gen) ibid. 24, Petrum (acc) ibid. 24, Petrus (nom) ibid. 24; 1180 Petrus (nom) ibid. 26; 1186 Petri (gen) ibid. 27, Petrus (nom) ibid. 27; 1195 Petro (abl) CartChart 2, Petrus (nom) CartHaut 29; 1210 Petrus (nom) CartChart 4; 1211 Petrus (nom) ibid. 5; 1212 Petrus (nom) CartHaut 31; 1214 Petrus (nom) ibid. 32; 1215 Petrus (nom) ibid. 33; 1220 Petrus (nom) ibid. 36; 1224 Petrus (nom) ibid. 38; 1245 Petri (gen) ibid. 45, Petrus (nom) ibid. 45; 1246 Petro (abl) ibid. 46; 1247 Petro (abl) ibid. 48, Petrum (acc) ibid. 48; 1248 Petrus (nom) ibid. 51; 1297 Petrus (nom) MHCG2 456; 14thCx1478 Perrerius (nom) Ob-SPVn (43), Petri (gen) ibid. (58), Petro (abl) ibid. (51), Petrum (acc) ibid. (38), Petrus (nom) ibid. (126); 1319 Petri (gen) MHCG2 457; 1336 Petrus (nom) ibid. 458; 1348 Petri (gen) MHN DXI, Petrus (nom) ibid. DXI; 1349 Petri (gen) MHCG2 460, MHN DXXI, Petro (abl) ibid. DXIX, Petrus (nom) MHCG2 460, MHN DXIX; 1352 Petrum (acc) ibid. DXLVII, Petrus (nom) ibid. DXLVII; 1353 Petro (dat) MHCG2 461; 1360 Petrus (nom) Ob-SPVn (213); 1377 Petrus (nom) MHCG2 464; 1378 Petrum (acc) ibid. 465; 1396 Petri (gen) ibid. 468; 1401 Petrum (acc) ibid. 470; 1411 Petri (gen) ibid. 471, Petrum (acc) ibid. 471, Petrus (nom) ibid. 471; 1422 Petrus (nom) Ob-SPVn (95); 1430 Petri (gen) MHCG2 474, Petrus (nom) ibid. 474; 1430/1 Petrus (nom) ibid. 475; 1432 Petro (abl) ibid. 478; 1432/3 Petrus (nom) ibid. 480; 1436 Peter (nom) ibid. 211; 1438 Petri (gen) ibid. 212, Petro (dat) ibid. 210, Petrus (nom) ibid. 212; 1439 Petri (gen) ibid. 214, Petrus (nom) ibid. 213; 1453 Petrus (nom) ibid. 222; 1461 Petri (gen) Ob-SPVn (109); 1466 Petro (abl) MHCG2 233; 1475 Petro (abl) ibid. 237, Petrum (acc) ibid. 240, Petrus (nom) ibid. 237; 1476 Petro (abl) ibid. 242, Petrus (nom) ibid. 242; 1478 Petri (gen) ibid. 244, Petro (abl) ibid. 244, Petrum (acc) ibid. 244, Petrus (nom) ibid. 244; 1492 Petri (gen) ibid. 251; 1492/3 Petro (abl) ibid. 253; 1493 Petro (abl) ibid. 254, Petrus (nom) ibid. 257; 1494 Petro (abl) ibid. 259, Petrus (nom) ibid. 259; 1497/8 Petro (abl) ibid. 263; 1499 Petro (abl) ibid. 265, Petrus (nom) ibid. 265; 1500 Petro (abl) ibid. 266, Petrus (nom) ibid. 267; 1502 Petri (gen) ibid. 273, Petro (dat) ibid. 273, Petrum (acc) ibid. 275, Petrus (nom) ibid. 273; 1508 Petrum (acc) ibid. 282, Petrus (nom) ibid. 282; 1515 Petri (gen) ibid. 289, Petro (abl) ibid. 288; 1516 Petrus (nom) ibid. 290; 1519 Petrum (acc) ibid. 292, Petrus (nom) ibid. 292; 1522 Petri (gen) ibid. 293, Petrus (nom) ibid. 293; 1528 Petrum (acc) ibid. 299; 1533 Petrum (acc) ibid. 303; 1539 Petri (gen) ibid. 311
1212 Perrusson (nom) CartHaut 31; 14thCx1478 Perreti (gen) Ob-SPVn (104), Perretum (acc) ibid. (101), Perretus (nom) ibid. (80), Perrodi (gen) ibid. (20), Perrodum (acc) ibid. (258), Perrodus (nom) ibid. (44), Perroneti (gen) ibid. (113), Perronetus (nom) ibid. (39); 1319 Perrodi (gen) MHCG2 457; 1343 Perretus (nom) Ob-SPVn (173); 1349 Perrini (gen) MHN DXXII, Perrinus (nom) ibid. DXXII, Perrodi (gen) MHCG2 460, Perrodus (nom) ibid. 460; 1352 Perrodo (abl) MHN DXLVII, Perrodus (nom) ibid. DXLVII; 1354 Perrini (gen) ibid. DLIX, Perrinus (nom) ibid. DLIX; 1377 Perronetum (acc) MHCG2 464; 1378 Perrodum (acc) ibid. 465; 1389 Perreti (gen) Ob-SPVn (248); 1390 Perrodi (gen) ibid. (102); 1393/4 Perrodi (gen) MHCG2 467, Perrodus (nom) ibid. 467; 1427 Perrodus (nom) ibid. 473; 1430/31 Perretus (nom) ibid. 475; 1432/33 Perretus (nom) ibid. 480; 1438 Perretus (nom) ibid. 212, Perronetus (nom) ibid. 212, Perrotus (nom) ibid. 212; 1464 Perronetus (nom) Ob-SPVn (149); 1466 Perronetus (nom) MHCG2 233; 1522 Perrissodi (gen) ibid. 293
Old French
1349 Pierre MHN DXVIII
Middle French
1352 Pierre MHN DXLI; 1354 Pierre MHCG2 462, MHN DLIII; 1454 Petrus MHCG2 224, Pierre ibid. 224; 1494 Pierre ibid. 258, Pierro ibid. 258; 1495 Pierre ibid. 260; 1504 Pierre ibid. 281; 1514 Pierre ibid. 287; 1538 Pierre ibid. 309; 1545 Pierre ibid. 314; 1550 Pierre ibid. 319; 1553 Peter ibid. 326, Pierre ibid. 328; 1556 Pierre ibid. 340; 1563 Pierre ibid. 341; 1577 Pierre ibid. 343
1352 Perrin MHN DXLIV; 1354 Perrout ibid. DLIII; 1545 Petermann MHCG2 313; 1550 Perret ibid. 319, Petremand ibid. 319
Middle High German
1352 Peter (nom) MHN DXLVI
Early New High German
1447 Peter (nom) MHCG2 217; 1448 Peter (nom) ibid. 218; 1451 Peter (nom) ibid. 220; 1500 Peter (nom) ibid. 267; 1524 Peter (nom) ibid. 295; 1533 Peter (nom) ibid. 302; 1553 Petter (nom) ibid. 330; 1554 Petter (nom) ibid. 332; 1555 Peter (nom) ibid. 336, Petter (nom) ibid. 336
1555 Perrot (nom) MHCG2 336
1469 Petri (gen) AGZ-18 25, Petro (abl) ibid. 11, Petrum (acc) ibid. 15, Petrus (nom) ibid. 9
1469 Pyotrussa (nom) AGZ-18 6
1582 Peeter (nom) RegCon1 p. 36
Cite as: G. Grim, R. Le Get, N. Shiel, J. Uckelman, S.L. Uckelman. "Peter". In S.L. Uckelman, ed. The Dictionary of Medieval Names from European Sources, Edition 2019, no. 1.