Old High German, Old Dutch got, Old Saxon, Old Frisian, Old English god 'god, deity' + Old Saxon skalk, Old High German scalc, scalh 'servant'.
- Austria
- Latin
- ● 1074x1087 Gotscalch (nom) UrkStyria 77;
c12thC Gotescalch (nom) GCSStFl p. 193;
c1120 Gotschalchus (nom) UrkStyria 104;
c1128 Gotescalcus (nom) ibid. 120,
Gotheschalcus (nom) ibid. 120
- Belgium
- Latin
- ● 1168 Godescalcum (acc) CartStBert 19;
1176 Godescalco (dat) ibid. 22;
1178 Godescalcus (nom) ibid. 23;
1190 Godescalci (gen) ibid. 27
- Denmark
- Old Swedish
- ● 1419 Godzskalk (nom) SDHK no. 19326
- Estonia
- Middle Low German
- ● 1364 Gosschalk BbRT p. 334;
1377 Gosschalk ibid. p. 335;
1379 Gosschalk ibid. p. 336;
1383 Gosschalk ibid. p. 337,
Gosschalkus ibid. p. 337;
1386 Gosschalk ibid. p. 338;
1390 Gosschalk ibid. p. 339;
1398 Gosschalk ibid. p. 342;
1401 Ghosschalk ibid. p. 343;
1403 Gosschalk ibid. p. 343;
1406 Gosschalk ibid. p. 344;
1409 Gosschalk ibid. p. 345;
1411 Gosschalk ibid. p. 346;
1412 Gosschalk ibid. p. 346;
1414 Gosschalk ibid. p. 347;
1418 Gosschalk ibid. p. 348;
1426 Gosschalk ibid. p. 351;
1429 Gosschalc ibid. p. 353;
1434 Gosschalk ibid. p. 357;
1435 Gosschalk ibid. p. 357;
1436 Gosschalk ibid. p. 359;
1442 Gosschalk ibid. p. 364
- France
- Latin
- ● 1079x1101 Godeschallus (nom) CartStPC IX;
1082x1087 Goeschalcs (nom) St-Barnard-Romans 121;
1090 Godescalci (gen) CartSPL1 VII;
1101x1129 Godescalli (gen) CartStPC XXII,
Godescallus (nom) ibid. XXIII;
1102x1144 Godescalli (gen) ibid. XLV;
1107 Godescaldi (gen) ibid. XVII,
Godescaldo (abl) ibid. XVII,
Godescaldum (acc) ibid. XVII,
Godeschaldi (gen) ibid. XVII,
Godeschaldum (acc) ibid. XVII,
Godeschaldus (nom) ibid. XVII;
1115x1149 Godeschalli (gen) ibid. X,
Godeschallus (nom) ibid. X;
a1116 Godeschallus (nom) ibid. XX;
1126? Godescalci (gen) CartStBert 11
- Germany
- Latin
- ● 822x875 Godescalco (abl) TradCorb §19,
Godescalcus (nom) ibid. §24,
Godscalco (abl) ibid. §155,
Godscalcus (nom) ibid. §34,
Godschalco (abl) ibid. §54;
1007 Goteschalchi (gen) UrkStyria 35;
1098 Godescalci (gen) quix-vol1 25,
Godescalcus (nom) ibid. 25;
1142 Gotescalch (nom) mairhofer I,
Gotescalcus (nom) ibid. XII,
Gotschalcus (nom) ibid. VIII;
1148 Gotschalci (gen) ibid. XXVIII;
1149 Gotschalcus (nom) ibid. XXX;
1151 Goteschalh (nom) ibid. XXXVI;
1191 Godescalcus (nom) quix-vol1 38;
1221 Godescalcus (nom) hennes-vol1 61;
1225 Godescalcus (nom) UrkMeck1 no. IX,
hennes-vol1 67;
1229 Godescalcus (nom) CDL-1.1.1 X;
1231 Godescalcus (nom) ibid. XI;
1232 Godscalcus (nom) UrkMeck1 no. XVIII;
1233 Godescalcus (nom) CDL-1.1.1 XIV;
1238 Godescalci (gen) ibid. XVII,
Godescalcus (nom) ibid. XVII,
UrkMeck1 no. XXII;
1241 Godescalcus (nom) ibid. no. XXVIII;
1242 Godescalcus (nom) ibid. no. XXXI;
1246 Godescalcus (nom) ibid. no. XXXIII;
1248 Godescalcus (nom) ibid. no. XXXIV;
1249 Godescalcus (nom) hennes-vol1 131;
1259 Godescalcus (nom) CDL-1.1.1 XXXI;
1289 Godeschalco (abl) hennes-vol1 318;
1301 Gotschalci (gen) BremUrk2 no. 1;
1303 Gotscalci (gen) ibid. no. 30,
Gotscalco (dat) ibid. no. 30,
Gotscalcus (nom) ibid. no. 26;
1304 Gotscalcus (nom) ibid. no. 37;
1315 Godescalci (gen) VFBStralsund 34;
1358 Gotscalcum (acc) SDHK no. 7438;
1401 gotschalko (dat) HD1401 no. 350
- Middle Low German
- ● 1304 Gotscalc (nom) BremUrk2 no. 38,
Gotscalkes (gen) ibid. no. 38
- Italy
- Latin
- ● 1261 Gotschalcus (nom) FRA-XXXL 211
- Latvia
- Latin
- ● 1287 Godeschalco (dat) RigSB 323;
1290 Gotscalco (dat) ibid. 593;
1291 Gotscalco (dat) ibid. 645,
Gotscalcus (nom) ibid. 348;
1292 Gotscalcus (nom) ibid. 660;
1297 Goscalco (dat) ibid. 801;
1300 Goschalcus (nom) ibid. 420;
1303 Gotscalco (dat) ibid. 883;
1304 Gotscalci (gen) ibid. 913;
1330 Goschalco (dat) ibid. 117
- The Netherlands
- Latin
- ● 1254 Godescalcus (nom) GesOIJ-1 p. 294;
1274 Gotscalci (gen) ibid. p. 295;
1311 Godescalcum (acc) ibid. p. 298;
1324 Godescalcum (acc) ibid. p. 298
- Poland
- Latin
- ● 1232 Godeschalcus (nom) UrkMeck1 no. XVII
- Sweden
- Latin
- ● 1350 Godhskalcus (nom) SDHK no. 6021,
Godscalcus (nom) ibid. no. 6047,
Godscalçi (gen) ibid. no. 6047
- Old Swedish
- ● 1383 Gotzskalk SRA-vol2 no. 1902;
1410 Godhskalk (nom) SDHK no. 17505
Cite as: S.L. Uckelman. "Gottschalk". In S.L. Uckelman, ed. The Dictionary of Medieval Names from European Sources, Edition 2019, no. 1.