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Dictionary of Medieval Names
from European Sources

Gottschalk m. Old High German, Old Dutch got, Old Saxon, Old Frisian, Old English god 'god, deity' + Old Saxon skalk, Old High German scalc, scalh 'servant'.

1074x1087 Gotscalch (nom) UrkStyria 77; c12thC Gotescalch (nom) GCSStFl p. 193; c1120 Gotschalchus (nom) UrkStyria 104; c1128 Gotescalcus (nom) ibid. 120, Gotheschalcus (nom) ibid. 120
1168 Godescalcum (acc) CartStBert 19; 1176 Godescalco (dat) ibid. 22; 1178 Godescalcus (nom) ibid. 23; 1190 Godescalci (gen) ibid. 27
Old Swedish
1419 Godzskalk (nom) SDHK no. 19326
Middle Low German
1364 Gosschalk BbRT p. 334; 1377 Gosschalk ibid. p. 335; 1379 Gosschalk ibid. p. 336; 1383 Gosschalk ibid. p. 337, Gosschalkus ibid. p. 337; 1386 Gosschalk ibid. p. 338; 1390 Gosschalk ibid. p. 339; 1398 Gosschalk ibid. p. 342; 1401 Ghosschalk ibid. p. 343; 1403 Gosschalk ibid. p. 343; 1406 Gosschalk ibid. p. 344; 1409 Gosschalk ibid. p. 345; 1411 Gosschalk ibid. p. 346; 1412 Gosschalk ibid. p. 346; 1414 Gosschalk ibid. p. 347; 1418 Gosschalk ibid. p. 348; 1426 Gosschalk ibid. p. 351; 1429 Gosschalc ibid. p. 353; 1434 Gosschalk ibid. p. 357; 1435 Gosschalk ibid. p. 357; 1436 Gosschalk ibid. p. 359; 1442 Gosschalk ibid. p. 364
1079x1101 Godeschallus (nom) CartStPC IX; 1082x1087 Goeschalcs (nom) St-Barnard-Romans 121; 1090 Godescalci (gen) CartSPL1 VII; 1101x1129 Godescalli (gen) CartStPC XXII, Godescallus (nom) ibid. XXIII; 1102x1144 Godescalli (gen) ibid. XLV; 1107 Godescaldi (gen) ibid. XVII, Godescaldo (abl) ibid. XVII, Godescaldum (acc) ibid. XVII, Godeschaldi (gen) ibid. XVII, Godeschaldum (acc) ibid. XVII, Godeschaldus (nom) ibid. XVII; 1115x1149 Godeschalli (gen) ibid. X, Godeschallus (nom) ibid. X; a1116 Godeschallus (nom) ibid. XX; 1126? Godescalci (gen) CartStBert 11
822x875 Godescalco (abl) TradCorb §19, Godescalcus (nom) ibid. §24, Godscalco (abl) ibid. §155, Godscalcus (nom) ibid. §34, Godschalco (abl) ibid. §54; 1007 Goteschalchi (gen) UrkStyria 35; 1098 Godescalci (gen) quix-vol1 25, Godescalcus (nom) ibid. 25; 1142 Gotescalch (nom) mairhofer I, Gotescalcus (nom) ibid. XII, Gotschalcus (nom) ibid. VIII; 1148 Gotschalci (gen) ibid. XXVIII; 1149 Gotschalcus (nom) ibid. XXX; 1151 Goteschalh (nom) ibid. XXXVI; 1191 Godescalcus (nom) quix-vol1 38; 1221 Godescalcus (nom) hennes-vol1 61; 1225 Godescalcus (nom) UrkMeck1 no. IX, hennes-vol1 67; 1229 Godescalcus (nom) CDL-1.1.1 X; 1231 Godescalcus (nom) ibid. XI; 1232 Godscalcus (nom) UrkMeck1 no. XVIII; 1233 Godescalcus (nom) CDL-1.1.1 XIV; 1238 Godescalci (gen) ibid. XVII, Godescalcus (nom) ibid. XVII, UrkMeck1 no. XXII; 1241 Godescalcus (nom) ibid. no. XXVIII; 1242 Godescalcus (nom) ibid. no. XXXI; 1246 Godescalcus (nom) ibid. no. XXXIII; 1248 Godescalcus (nom) ibid. no. XXXIV; 1249 Godescalcus (nom) hennes-vol1 131; 1259 Godescalcus (nom) CDL-1.1.1 XXXI; 1289 Godeschalco (abl) hennes-vol1 318; 1301 Gotschalci (gen) BremUrk2 no. 1; 1303 Gotscalci (gen) ibid. no. 30, Gotscalco (dat) ibid. no. 30, Gotscalcus (nom) ibid. no. 26; 1304 Gotscalcus (nom) ibid. no. 37; 1315 Godescalci (gen) VFBStralsund 34; 1358 Gotscalcum (acc) SDHK no. 7438; 1401 gotschalko (dat) HD1401 no. 350
Middle Low German
1304 Gotscalc (nom) BremUrk2 no. 38, Gotscalkes (gen) ibid. no. 38
1261 Gotschalcus (nom) FRA-XXXL 211
1287 Godeschalco (dat) RigSB 323; 1290 Gotscalco (dat) ibid. 593; 1291 Gotscalco (dat) ibid. 645, Gotscalcus (nom) ibid. 348; 1292 Gotscalcus (nom) ibid. 660; 1297 Goscalco (dat) ibid. 801; 1300 Goschalcus (nom) ibid. 420; 1303 Gotscalco (dat) ibid. 883; 1304 Gotscalci (gen) ibid. 913; 1330 Goschalco (dat) ibid. 117
The Netherlands
1254 Godescalcus (nom) GesOIJ-1 p. 294; 1274 Gotscalci (gen) ibid. p. 295; 1311 Godescalcum (acc) ibid. p. 298; 1324 Godescalcum (acc) ibid. p. 298
1232 Godeschalcus (nom) UrkMeck1 no. XVII
1350 Godhskalcus (nom) SDHK no. 6021, Godscalcus (nom) ibid. no. 6047, Godscalçi (gen) ibid. no. 6047
Old Swedish
1383 Gotzskalk SRA-vol2 no. 1902; 1410 Godhskalk (nom) SDHK no. 17505
Cite as: S.L. Uckelman. "Gottschalk". In S.L. Uckelman, ed. The Dictionary of Medieval Names from European Sources, Edition 2019, no. 1.