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Dictionary of Medieval Names
from European Sources

Eckbert m. Old High German ecka 'edge, corner' + Old High German beraht, Old Saxon berht 'bright' from Proto-Germanic *berhtaz.

The name of a 7th C king of Kent, an 8th C Anglo-Saxon monk, an 8th C kin of Kent, a 9th C king of Wessex, and two 9th C kings of Northumbria.

c1100 Ekebertus (nom) UrkStyria 89; 1237 Ecgebertus (nom) hennes-vol1 96
Middle Low German
1383 Eggebrecht BbRT p. 337; 1416 Eecberd ibid. p. 347; 1431 Egebert ibid. p. 355
822x875 Ekbertus (nom) TradCorb §165; 834 Ecberto (dat) HambUrk-vol1 VIII; 1215 Eckebertus (nom) quix-vol2 126; 1218 Ecchebertus (nom) hennes-vol1 34; 1220 Ecchebertus (nom) ibid. 45; 1229 Ekhebertus (nom) ibid. 77; 1256 Ecbertus (nom) UrkMeck1 no. XLVIII; 1283 Ekebertus (nom) ibid. no. LXXVIII; 1315 Ecberto (dat) VFBStralsund 46, Ecbertum (acc) ibid. 45; 1322 Ecbertus (nom) ibid. 80
Early New High German
1408 Eckebrecht (nom) UrkJen2 14
1302 Egberto (dat) RigSB 437; 1303 Egbrachto (dat) ibid. 98
The Netherlands
1235 Egbertus (nom) hennes-vol1 93; 1254 Ecbertus (nom) GesOIJ-1 p. 294
Cite as: S.L. Uckelman. "Eckbert". In S.L. Uckelman, ed. The Dictionary of Medieval Names from European Sources, Edition 2019, no. 1.