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Dictionary of Medieval Names
from European Sources
George Denison Lumb, editor. Wills, Registers, and Monumental Inscriptions of the Parish of Barwick-in-Elmet, Co. York. Leeds: Privately Printed, 1908.
Adam Agnes Agnes Agnes Agnes Agnes Agnes Agneti Agneti Alice Alice Alice Aliciam Andrew Andrewe Anne Anne Anne Anne Averay Averay Barbarey Barbary Bridgett Cathrine Charles Charles Christofer Christofer Clemet Custancie Dorithe Dorothie Dorothie Edmonde Edmund Edmundum Edward Edward Edwarde Elisabet Elisote Elizabeth Elizabeth Elizabeth Elizabeth Elizabeth Elizabeth Elizabeth Elizabeth Elizabeth Elizabeth Elizabethe Elizabethe Elizabethe Elizabethe Elizabethe Elizabethe Elline Elling Elyott Frances Frances Frances Frances Frances Frances Frances Francis Francis Francis George George George George George George George George Gilberte Gilian Grace Helen Helline Helline Henrici Henrie Henrie Henrie Henrie Henrie Henrie Henry Henry Henry Henry Henry Henry Henry Henrye Henrye Henrye Henrye Henrye Henrye Henrye Isabell Isabell Isabell Isabell Isabell Isabell Isabell Isabell James James James James James James James James Jane Jane Jane Janet Janet Janet Jenet Jenet Jenett Jennett Johan Johannam Johanne Johanne Johanne Johannem Johannem Johannem Johannes Johannes Johanni Johanni John John John John John John John John John John John John John John John John John Juliane Katherin Katherine Kathrine Laurence Laurence Lawrance Lawrence Lawrence Lawrence Lawrence Leonard Leonard Leonard Lionell Lyonell Margaret Margaret Margaret Margaret Margareta Margaretam Margarete Margarett Margerete Margerye Margrett Margrett Marie Marie Marie Marie Marie Marie Martyn Martyne Martyne Mary Mary Marye Marye Mathew Mathew Mathewe Mathewe Mathewe Mathewe Matthew Maude Michael Michaell Mychaell Mychaell Mychall Myles Nicholas Nicholas Nicholas Nicholas Nycholas Oswald Peter Philippo Prudence Radulfe Ralpe Rauf Rauf Ricardi Ricardo Ricardus Richard Richard Richard Richard Richard Richard Richard Richard Richard Richard Richarde Richarde Richarde Richarie Robarte Robarte Robert Robert Robert Robert Robert Robert Roberte Roberte Roberte Roberti Roberto Roberto Roberto Robertum Robertum Roger Roger Rosamond Rosamonde Rychard Rychard Rycharde Sessellye Stephen Steven Susan Symon Thomam Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thome Thome Walter Willelmi Willelmo Willelmo Willelmo Willelmo Willelmus Willelmus William William William Willyam