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Dictionary of Medieval Names
from European Sources

Maynard m. Old High German megin, magan 'strength, might, power' + Old Saxon hard, Old High German hart 'strong, hard'.

The name of a 12th C German saint.

Middle Low German
1390 Meynard BbRT p. 339; 1394 Meynhard ibid. p. 341; 1432 Meynert ibid. p. 355
c823 Magenardus (nom) irminon-vol2 51, CE; 825 Magnardus (nom) InsMacon V; 1029x1033 Magenardus (nom) CartStPC XII; 1047 Mainardi (gen) CartNDSaintes I; 1047x1061 Mainardus (nom) ibid. XX; 1067 Mainardus (nom) ibid. XII; 1079x1101 Magenardi (gen) CartStPC IX, Mainardo (abl) ibid. XXXVII; 1107 Mainardus (nom) ibid. V; a1108 Mainardus (nom) ibid. XXI; 1115x1149 Magenardi (gen) ibid. X; a1116 Mainardi (gen) ibid. XX, Mainardus (nom) ibid. XX; c1160 Mainardi (gen) CartNDdOurscamp XVI; 1179 Mainardi (gen) clairvaux-12thc 177; 1180 Mainart (abl) RotScaNor p. 3; 1258 Mainnardo (abl) ArrestReg-volI XVIII, Candlemas, Menardo (abl) ibid. XVIII, Candlemas
1225 Meinardus (nom) hennes-vol1 68
1304 Meynardo (dat) RigSB 201; 1314 Meynardi (gen) ibid. 209
Cite as: S.L. Uckelman. "Maynard". In S.L. Uckelman, ed. The Dictionary of Medieval Names from European Sources, Edition 2016, no. 4.