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Dictionary of Medieval Names
from European Sources

Imbert m. A hypocoristic of Old High German ermen, Old Saxon irmin 'strong' + Old High German beraht, Old Saxon berht 'bright' from Proto-Germanic *berhtaz.

1058 Imbertus (nom) StVdM-II 694; 1060 Himberti (gen) CartNDSaintes XIX; 1067 Himbertus (nom) ibid. XII; 1179 Ymbertus (nom) clairvaux-12thc 179
Old French
1296 Ymbert paris1296 p. 11; 1313 Imbert Paris1313 p. 72, Ymbert ibid. p. 98
1296 Ymbelot paris1296 p. 63
Middle French
1392 Imbert MemBret-II col. 615; 1418 Ymbert HGParis p. 372, Ynbert ibid. p. 382; 1423 Ymbert favier 222; 1438 Ymbert ibid. 165
1418 Ymbelet HGParis p. 388; 1421 Ymbelet favier 382, Ymbelot ibid. 952; 1423 Ymbelot ibid. 335
Cite as: S.L. Uckelman. "Imbert". In S.L. Uckelman, ed. The Dictionary of Medieval Names from European Sources, Edition 2016, no. 4.