Old High German hiltja 'battle' + Old High German, Old Saxon gēr 'spear'.
- Estonia
- Middle Low German
- ● 1440 Hilger BbRT p. 362
- France
- Latin
- ● c823 Hildegarius (nom) irminon-vol2 26, Palatiolum,
Hildegerus (nom) ibid. 110, Palatiolum;
1029x1033 Hildegarius (nom) CartStPC XII;
1047x1061 Hilgerius (nom) CartNDSaintes XX;
1101x1120 Hildegarii (gen) CartStPC XXIV,
Hildegarium (acc) ibid. XXIV,
Hildegarius (nom) ibid. XXIV;
1107 Hildegarius (gen) ibid. XVII;
1147 Hildierio (abl) clairvaux-12thc 14,
Hildierius (nom) ibid. 14,
Ildierius (nom) ibid. 19;
1147x1162 Hildierii (gen) ibid. 44,
Hildierius (nom) ibid. 44;
1163 Hyldierii (gen) ibid. 99
- Germany
- Latin
- ● 1191 Hildegerus (nom) quix-vol1 38
- Latvia
- Latin
- ● 1286 Hildegaro (dat) RigSB 4;
1287 Hildegero (dat) ibid. 214;
1289 Hildegero (dat) ibid. 216;
1290 Hildegero (dat) ibid. 226;
1300 Hildeger (nom) ibid. 408
- Scotland
- Latin
- ● 1095 Ilgero (abl) ESC XV
Cite as: S.L. Uckelman. "Hildeger". In S.L. Uckelman, ed. The Dictionary of Medieval Names from European Sources, Edition 2016, no. 4. http://dmnes.org/2016/4/name/Hildeger.