Old High German hiltja 'battle' + Old High German bald 'bold'.
- France
- Latin
- ● 745 Childebaldi (gen) CartStBert 1;
c823 Hildeboldus (nom) irminon-vol2 22, Palatiolum,
Hildevoldus (nom) ibid. 23, CE;
825 Hildebaldo (abl) InsMacon V,
Hildebaldum (acc) ibid. V,
Hildebaldus (nom) ibid. V;
862 Hildeboldus (nom) ibid. IX
- Germany
- Latin
- ● 786 Hildebaldus (nom) HambUrk-vol1 I;
788 Hildebaldus (nom) ibid. II;
815 Hildebaldus (nom) InsMacon III;
816 Hildebaldo (abl) ibid. IV,
Hildebaldus (nom) ibid. IV;
983 Hildibaldus (nom) HambUrk-vol1 XLVI;
985 Hildiboldus (nom) quix-vol1 90;
988 Hildibaldus (nom) HambUrk-vol1 XLIX;
997 Hildebaldus (nom) quix-vol1 16,
Hildibaldus (nom) ibid. 46;
998 Hildebaldus (nom) ibid. 17;
1020 Hildeboldus (nom) ibid. 58;
1100 Hildeboldus (nom) ibid. 78
- Latvia
- Latin
- ● a1286 Hildeboldo (dat) RigSB 3;
1287 Hildeboldo (dat) ibid. 493;
1294 Hildeboldo (dat) ibid. 302;
1301 Hildeboldo (dat) ibid. 313,
Hilleboldo (dat) ibid. 310;
1302 Hilleboldo (dat) ibid. 370
Cite as: S.L. Uckelman. "Hildebald". In S.L. Uckelman, ed. The Dictionary of Medieval Names from European Sources, Edition 2016, no. 4. http://dmnes.org/2016/4/name/Hildebald.