Old High German gund 'war, battle' + Old High German beraht, Old Saxon berht 'bright' from Proto-Germanic *berhtaz.
The name of a 7th C saint.
- France
- Latin
- ● 745 Gumberti (gen) CartStBert 1;
1029x1033 Gumbertus (nom) CartStPC XII;
1065x1079 Gunbertus (nom) StVdM-II 663;
1378 Gumberti (gen) hanquetvol1 1071
- Germany
- Latin
- ● 1219 Gumpertus (nom) hennes-vol1 37
- Italy
- Latin
- ● 780 Gumbertus (nom) RCI-Cam1 1
Cite as: S.L. Uckelman. "Gumbert". In S.L. Uckelman, ed. The Dictionary of Medieval Names from European Sources, Edition 2016, no. 4.