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Dictionary of Medieval Names
from European Sources

Gilbert m. Old High German gīsal 'pledge, hostage' + Old High German beraht, Old Saxon berht 'bright' from Proto-Germanic *berhtaz.

The name of an 11th C French saint, a 12th C English saint, and a 13th C Scottish saint.

Middle Dutch
1376 Ghiselbrecht (nom) RSG1376-89 p. 1
1312 Ghiselberti (gen) JeanIII p. 15, Ghiselbertum (acc) ibid. p. 12, Ghiselbertus (nom) ibid. p. 2
Czech Republic
1343 Gaysilprechto (dat) Rössler2 326, p. 149, Gaysilprechtum (acc) ibid. 326, p. 149, Gaysilprechtus (nom) ibid. 326, p. 149
c1132 Gilleberto (abl) MemStMF II-I; 1155 Gilbertus (nom) FPD p. 121, fn. 1; 1161x1184 Gilbertus (nom) MDE p. 227, no. 1; 1181 Gileberti (gen) StPaulDom p. 109, Gileberto (abl) ibid. p. 111; 1183 Gilbertus (nom) BoldonBuke p. 3; 1185x1186 Gilleberti (gen) PR-XXXVI p. 4, Gilleberto (abl) ibid. p. 16, Gillebertus (nom) ibid. p. 9; 1189 Gilbertus (nom) GASurv p. 82, Gileberti (gen) ibid. p. 119, Gilebertus (nom) ibid. p. 82, Gileburtus (nom) ibid. p. 164, Gillebertus (nom) ibid. p. 225; c1198 Gilebertus (nom) ibid. p. 246; 1222 Giliberti (gen) StPaulDom p. 1, Gilibertus (nom) ibid. p. 8; 1240 Gilberti (gen) ibid. p. 119; 1246 Gilebertum (acc) PSS-II p. 6; 1256 Gilberti (gen) EARNb p. 5, Gilberto (dat) ibid. p. 5, Gilbertus (nom) ibid. p. 5; 1279–80 Gilberti (gen) WaHR-SK p. 67, Gilbertus (nom) ibid. p. 43, Gylbertus (nom) ibid. p. 40; 1296 Gilberti (gen) RCS-1 p. 94b, Gilberto (dat) ibid. p. 94b, Gilbertus (nom) ibid. p. 93a; 1300 Gilbertus (nom) ProcSuf-vol3 p. 240; 1323 Gilberto (abl) CTG-6 79, p. 302, Gilbertus (nom) ibid. 79, p. 302; 1340xc1450 Gilberti (gen) CovGuild-1 p. 9, Gilbertus (nom) ibid. p. 7, Gylbertus (nom) ibid. p. 9; 1377 Gilbertus (nom) FenPT-2 p. 4; 1381 Gilberti (gen) Suffolk1381 p. 91, Gilbertus (nom) FenPT-2 p. 6, Suffolk1381 p. 82; 1408 Gilbertus (nom) GCCYork p.12; 1540 Gilberti (gen) SA12 p. 3
Early Modern English
1530 Gylbart LIWill-III p. 32, Gylberd ibid. p. 43, Gylbert ibid. p. 57; 1543 Gilberd StNick-Sf p. 1; 1545 Gilbert BEmar-vol1 p. 3; 1550 Gilbert WillsInv XCV; 1557/8 Gilbert RegIng p. 5; 1570 Jelbart COmar-vol5 p. 4; 1576 Gilbert HAmar-vol9 p. 68; 1579 Gilberte BEmar-vol2 p. 3; 1590 Gilberte Bar-in-El p. 28; 1591 Gylbert HAmar-vol9 p. 50; 1592 Gylbert ibid. p. 51; 1593 Gilbert DEmar-vol2 p. 26; 1594 Gylbert WAmar-1 p. 98; 1595 Gilbert DEmar-vol2 p. 31; 1596 Guilbart StAnthonlin p. 38; 1597 Gilbert DEmar-vol2 p. 37
1550 Gilbot ExMar 2a
c823 Gislebertus (nom) irminon-vol2 30, CE; 854 Gilbertus (nom) InsMacon VII; 1047 Gilberti (gen) CartNDSaintes I; 1079x1101 Gisleberto (abl) CartStPC XXXVII, Gislebertus (nom) ibid. IX; 1101x1129 Gislebertus (nom) ibid. XLI; 1107 Gislebertus (nom) ibid. XVII; a1108 Gislebertus (nom) ibid. XXI; 1115x1149 Gisleberto (abl) ibid. X; 1123 Giliberti (gen) CartNDJosaphat XII; 1126 Gillebertus (nom) CartStPC VII, Gislebertus (nom) ibid. IV; 1130x1150 Gislebertus (nom) ibid. XXVII; 1135 Gisleberto (abl) clairvaux-12thc 7, Gislebertus (nom) ibid. 7; 1138x62 Gillebertus (nom) ibid. 70, Gislebertus (nom) ibid. 61; 1142 Gillebertus (nom) ibid. 9, Gislebertus (nom) ibid. 9; 1147 Gillebertus (nom) ibid. 19, Gisleberto (abl) ibid. 17; c1150 Gileberti (gen) CartNDdOurscamp CXIII; 1154 Gileberto (abl) ibid. LIV; c1156 Gileberti (gen) ibid. XXXII; 1160 Gileberti (gen) ibid. CXIV; c1160 Gilebertus (nom) ibid. XVI, Gilleberti (gen) ibid. XVI; 1162 Gillebertus (nom) clairvaux-12thc 40; 1163 Gileberti (gen) CartNDdOurscamp XV, Gilleberti (gen) clairvaux-12thc 103; 1163–64 Gillebertus (nom) ibid. 116; 1164 Gillebertus (nom) ibid. 121; 1165 Gilleberto (dat) ibid. 126; 1166 Gilebertus (nom) CartNDdOurscamp XC; 1168 Gislebertus (nom) clairvaux-12thc 134; 1173 Gislebertus (nom) ibid. 157; 1179 Gilleberti (gen) ibid. 169, Gillebertus (nom) ibid. 178, Gisleberto (abl) ibid. 176, Gislebertus (nom) ibid. 176; 1180 Gislebertus (nom) RotScaNor p. 5; 1203 Gillebertus (nom) CartNDdOurscamp CXXV; 1209 Gilebertus (nom) ibid. LII; 1210x11 Gilibertus (nom) NDParisII 2-LXVI; 1260 Guilebertus (nom) ArrestReg-volI IX, Candlemas, Guilleberti (gen) ibid. IX, Candlemas; 1266 Gilebertus (nom) NDParisII 1-XIII; 1270 Gileberti (gen) ibid. 2-XLI; 1273 Guilaberto (abl) RegToul-13thC p. 40, Guilabertus (nom) ibid. p. 39; 1301 Ghilebertus (nom) MemPic-vol17 p. 222, Gileberti (gen) ibid. p. 219, Gilebertus (nom) ibid. p. 197; 1378 Ghiselberto (dat) hanquetvol1 614, Gilberto (dat) ibid. 1602, Gilbertus (nom) ibid. no. 103, Giselberto (dat) ibid. 1235, Guiselberti (gen) ibid. 105
1101x1129 Gilo (nom) CartStPC XXII
Old French
1296 Gilebert paris1296 p. 3, Gillebert ibid. p. 20; 1313 Gilebert Paris1313 p. 13, Gilibert ibid. p. 9, Gillebert ibid. p. 52; 1327 Gilbert MemDocMan-2 p. 189, Gillebert ibid. p. 194, Guillebert ibid. p. 179
1313 Gilebin Paris1313 p. 43
Middle French
1388 Guilebert thierry, Guillebert ibid.; 1392 Gillebert MemBret-II col. 607; 1415[1469x1471] Guilbert Waurin p. 229, Guillebert ibid. p. 230; 1418 Gillebert HGParis p. 383; 1421 Gillebert favier 100; 1438 Gilbert ibid. 13
930 gisalbertus (nom) quix-vol1 10; c1006x1020 Gislebret (nom) ibid. 22; 1061 Giselbertus (nom) ibid. 60; 1100 Giselbertus (nom) ibid. 78; 1103 Giselberto (abl) ibid. 62, Giselbertus (nom) ibid. 62; 1108 Gilleberto (abl) ibid. 85; 1135 Giselbertus (nom) ibid. 64; 1186 Giselbertus (nom) quix-vol2 123; 1211 Giselbertus (nom) hennes-vol1 11; 1212 Giselberto (abl) quix-vol2 125; 1216 Giselbertus (nom) hennes-vol1 22; 1218 Giselbertus (nom) ibid. 30; 1219 Giselberti (gen) quix-vol1 73; 1231 Giselbertus (nom) hennes-vol1 86; 1249 Gisilbertus (nom) ibid. 131; 1259 Giselberto (abl) ibid. 186; 1401 gyselberto (dat) HD1401 no. 80
1108 Gillebertus (nom) quix-vol1 85
fin12thC Gilibertus (nom) MunDocIr III, p. 5, Gillibertus (nom) ibid. III, p. 3
1265x1339 Gisalberti (gen) BBC-Berg 37; 1522x1532 Gilibertus (nom) DSF p. 59, 49
The Netherlands
1330 Ghijselberti (gen) GesOIJ-1 p. 299; 1356 ghijselberti (gen) ibid. p. 301; 1361 Ghijselbertus (nom) ibid. p. 302
1095 Gilberto (abl) ESC XV; 1238 Gilberto (abl) CartLevenax p. 13, CartStAndrew p. 2; 1309 Gilberto (abl) ibid. p. 2; 1376 Gilberti (gen) morton-vol1 16, Gilberto (dat) ibid. 16; 1381x1388 Gilberto (abl) CartNBer [p. xxxvii]; 1425 Gilberto (abl) RMSRS-2 20
1006 Gilabertu (nom) CDCB-XV MMCLXVI
1510 Gilabert valencia1510 4593
1195 Gilliebertus (nom) CartHaut 29; 1214 Gillebertus (nom) ibid. 32; 1220 Gillebertus (nom) ibid. 37
Cite as: N. Shiel, J. Uckelman, S.L. Uckelman. "Gilbert". In S.L. Uckelman, ed. The Dictionary of Medieval Names from European Sources, Edition 2016, no. 4.