Old Frisian, Old Saxon frōd, Old High German fruot, Old Icelandic fróðr 'wise'.
The name of a number legendary Danish kings.
- France
- Latin
- ● 1018x1032 Frodo (nom) StVdM-II 666;
c1020 Frodone (abl) ibid. 670;
1029x1033 Frodo (nom) CartStPC XII;
1030 Frotone (abl) StVdM-II 678;
1055 Frodonis (gen) ibid. 680
- ◑ c823 Frodinus (nom) irminon-vol2 37, Palatiolum
Cite as: S.L. Uckelman. "Frodo". In S.L. Uckelman, ed. The Dictionary of Medieval Names from European Sources, Edition 2016, no. 4.