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Dictionary of Medieval Names
from European Sources

Christian m. Latin christianus 'Christian'.

The name of a 15th C king of Denmark and three 16th C kings of Denmark.

1133 Christiano (abl) CartStBert 13
1312 Cristianus (nom) JeanIII p. 28
Czech Republic
Middle High German
1389 Cristan (nom) Rössler1 118
1183 Christianus (nom) BoldonBuke p. 10
1571 Kristiaen AuFr Claeszes; 1572 Christiaen ibid. Claijs; 1573 Christiaen ibid. Cuenen; 1575 Christiaen ibid. Crabbe; 1576 Christiaen ibid. Beecman; 1577 Christiaen ibid. Boeije; 1578 Christiaans (gen) ibid. Boeije; 1579 Christiaans (gen) ibid. Boeije, Christianus ibid. Boeije; 1580 Christiaans (gen) ibid. Boeije, Christiaen ibid. Cuenen
Middle Low German
1386 Kerstianus BbRT p. 338; 1400 Kersten ibid. p. 342; 1413 Kersten ibid. p. 346; 1420 Kersten ibid. p. 349; 1437 Kersten ibid. p. 360; 1441 Kersten ibid. p. 363; 1524x1532 Kersten (nom) Saareste1923b p. 145; 1550 Kersten (nom) Kalakaupmees p. 258
1592 Kerstick Tiik1977 p. 287
833 Cristian (nom) CartRed VII; 1101x1129 Christiano (abl) CartStPC XXXII, Christianus (nom) ibid. XXII; 1107 Christianus (nom) ibid. XVII; a1108 Christianus (nom) ibid. XXI; 1147 Christiano (abl) clairvaux-12thc 19; 1147x1162 Christianus (nom) ibid. 44; 1172 Christianus (nom) ibid. 146; 1177 Christianus (nom) ibid. 165; 1179 Christianus (nom) ibid. 175; 1180 Christiano (abl) RotScaNor p. 12; 1301 Christiani (gen) MemPic-vol17 p. 261; 1378 Christiani (gen) hanquetvol1 135, Christiano (dat) ibid. 393
Old French
1296 Crestien paris1296 p. 51
Middle French
1418 Chrestien HGParis p. 388
822x875 Cristin (nom) TradCorb §40; 1218 Cristianus (nom) hennes-vol1 30; 1228 Christianus (nom) ibid. 74; 1230 Christianus (nom) ibid. p. 91; 1249 Christianus (nom) ibid. 135; 1259 Cristianus (nom) CDL-1.1.1 XXXI
Early New High German
1402 Christan (nom) mairhofer DCLXX; 1403 Christan (nom) ibid. DCLXXVI; 1429 Christan (nom) ibid. DCCXXXIII; 1497 Cristin Nurn1497 1123
1376 Crestiano (abl) DouGen1 p. 95, Cristiano (abl) ibid. p. 21
1287 Cristiano (dat) RigSB 505; 1288 Christiano (dat) ibid. 539; 1289 Christiano (dat) ibid. 132; 1291 Christiano (dat) ibid. 32; 1299 Cristianus (nom) ibid. 277; 1300 Christiani (gen) ibid. 410
Middle Low German
1506 Kerſten Mettig1892 p. 7; 1517 Kerſten ibid. p. 7; 1523 Kersten Arbusow p. 99; 1524 Kersten ibid. p. 99
The Netherlands
1570 Christiaen MagMiddelburg-1560; 1571 Christiaen ibid.; 1589 Christiaen ibid.; 1590 Christiaen ibid.; 1591 Christiaen ibid.; 1592 Christiaen ibid.; 1595 Christiaen ibid.; 1596 Christiaen ibid.; 1599 Christiaen ibid.
1350 Cristiarno (dat) SDHK no. 6060
Old Swedish
1383 Cristern SRA-vol2 no. 1911
Cite as: R. Le Get, S.L. Uckelman. "Christian". In S.L. Uckelman, ed. The Dictionary of Medieval Names from European Sources, Edition 2016, no. 4.