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Dictionary of Medieval Names
from European Sources

Ancel m. Old German Ansila, from Old High German ansi 'a god'.

Often confused with Anselm.

1222 ancelini (gen) StPaulDom p. 31
Early Modern English
1569 Awnsell OrpingtonKe p. 3
1093 Ansello (abl) CartStPC VI; 1135 Ansellus (nom) clairvaux-12thc 7; 1147 Ansello (abl) ibid. 18; 1156 Anselli (gen) CartYonne1 CCCLXXXIII, Ansellus (nom) ibid. CCCLXXXIII; 1163 Anselli (gen) clairvaux-12thc 103, Ansellus (nom) ibid. 103; 1261 Ansellum (acc) ArrestReg-volI II, St. Martin; 1268 Ansellus (nom) NDParisII 2-V; 1269 Ansellus (nom) ibid. 2-III; 1273 Anselli (gen) ibid. 2-XLIII
c1170 Ancelini (gen) CartNDdOurscamp LXXXIV; 1231 Anselinus (nom) NDParisII 2-CV; 1260 Anselinus (nom) ArrestReg-volI XXI, Ascension; 1378 Anceleti (gen) hanquetvol1 858
Old French
1296 Anciau paris1296 p. 30; 1313 Anseau Paris1313 p. 30
Middle French
1392 Anceau MemBret-II col. 598
1423 Ancelet favier 147
1278 Ançellus (nom) BBC-Berg p. XLII; 1282 Anzellus (nom) ibid. p. XLVII; 1285 Ançellus (nom) ibid. p. XLIII
Cite as: J. Uckelman, S.L. Uckelman. "Ancel". In S.L. Uckelman, ed. The Dictionary of Medieval Names from European Sources, Edition 2016, no. 4.