Fem. of Alexander.
The name of a 4th C Roman saint and wife of an emperor.
This name was never as common as its masculine counterpart.
- France
- Latin
- ● c823 Alexandra (nom) irminon-vol2 20, CE
- Middle French
- ◑ 1565 Sandrine RegPCC-1 p. 188;
1566 Sandrine ibid. p. 216
- Italy
- Latin
- ● 1265x1339 Alexandria (nom) BBC-Berg 284;
1522x1532 Alisandra (nom) DSF p. 56, 11;
1527 Alexandra (nom) Rome1527 p. 90
- ◑ 1237 Alexandrina (nom) TirNot1 582
- Italian
- ● 1513x1521 Alexandra LeoX p. 14,
Alexandria ibid. p. 17
Cite as: S.L. Uckelman. "Alexandra". In S.L. Uckelman, ed. The Dictionary of Medieval Names from European Sources, Edition 2016, no. 4.