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Dictionary of Medieval Names
from European Sources
W. P. W. Phillimore, C. J. B. Gaskoin, and Evelyn Young, editors. Cambridgeshire Parish Registers: Marriages, volume 1. London: Phillimore & Co., 1907.
Agnes Agnes Agnes Agnes Agnes Agnes Agnes Agnes Agnes Agnes Agnes Agnes Agnes Agnes Agnis Alce Alce Alce Alce Alce Alce Alce Alce Alce Alce Alce Alce Alce Alce Alice Alice Alice Alles Amy Andrewe Andrewe Andrewe Ann Ann Ann Anne Anne Anne Anne Anne Anne Anne Anne Anne Annes Anthony Avis Baldwyne Barnabe Blanch Bridgesse Bridget Charles Charles Charles Christian Daniell Dinnis Dinnis Doratie Doratie Dowgles Edward Edward Edward Edward Edward Edward Elizabeth Elizabeth Elizabeth Elizabeth Elizabeth Elizabeth Ellin Ellin Elzabeth Elzabeth Elzabeth Elzabeth Elzabeth Elzabeth Elzabeth Elzabeth Elzabeth Elzabeth Elzabeth Elzabeth Elzabeth Elzabeth Elzabeth Erasmus Esabell Esbell Etheldred Felix Francis Francis Francis Frauncis George George George George Grace Harman Hellin Hellin Hellin Hellin Hellin Hellin Hellin Henry Henry Henry Henry Hewgh Isabell Isabell Jaine James James James Jane Jane Jane Jeffrey Jhoan Jhoan Jhoan Jhon Jhone Joan Joane Johan Johan John John John John John John John John John John John John John John John John John John John John John John John John John John John John John Jone Jone Jone Jone Jone Jone Jone Jone Jone Judeth Katherin Katherin Katherin Katherin Katherin Katherin Lawrance Lawrance Leanord Maraduke Marcy Margaret Margaret Margery Margery Margery Margreate Margret Margret Margret Margret Margret Margret Margret Margret Margret Margret Marian Marian Marmaduke Martha Martin Mary Mary Mary Mary Mary Mary Mary Marye Marye Marye Marye Marye Maugdelin Mercy Moyses Myles Nicholas Nicholas Nicholas Nicholas Nicholas Nicholas Nicholas Paule Peter Peter Phillipp Prudence Rachell Ralfe Ralfe Rebecka Rennold Richard Richard Richard Richard Richard Richard Richard Richard Richard Robert Robert Robert Robert Robert Robert Robert Robert Robert Robert Robert Robert Roger Rowland Rychard Rychard Samewell Samuell Samuell Samwell Simond Stephen Steven Symond Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomazin Thomazin Ursly Urslye William William William William William William William William William William William William William William William Willim Winifride