Old High German hiltja 'battle' + Old High German, Old Icelandic brant 'fire, brand'.
The name of an 8th C king of the Lombards, the birth name of an 11th C pope, and the name of a 12th C Italian saint.
The name also appears in Germanic myth as the name of a companion of Theodoric and Odoacer, though this character does not appear to have any basis in history.
- Estonia
- Middle Low German
- ● 1398 Hilbrand BbRT p. 342;
1409 Hilbrand ibid. p. 345;
1414 Hilbrand ibid. p. 347;
1424 Hilbrand ibid. p. 350;
1441 Hildebrant ibid. p. 363;
1442 Hyldebrandes (gen) ibid. p. 364
- Germany
- Latin
- ● 1157 Hildebrandus (nom) quix-vol1 44;
1197 Hildebrandus (nom) CDL-1.1.1 I;
1214 Hildebrandus (nom) hennes-vol1 15;
1221 Yldebrandus (nom) ibid. 55;
1415 Hilprandi (gen) mairhofer DCC
- Iceland
- Middle Icelandic
- ● 1500 hilldebrandur (nom) DipIs-7 489
- Italy
- Latin
- ● 967 Ildebrandi (gen) RCI-Cam1 3;
1092 Ildibrando (abl) ibid. 566;
1099 Ildebrandi (gen) ibid. 624,
Ildebrandus (nom) ibid. 624;
1100 Ildebrandi (gen) ibid. 628,
Ildibrandus (nom) ibid. 627;
1198 Ildebrando (abl) ChStBo1 III
- Latvia
- Latin
- ● 1287 Hildebrando (dat) RigSB 493,
Hildebrandus (nom) ibid. 493;
1288 Hildebrando (dat) ibid. 333
- The Netherlands
- Latin
- ● 1284 Hildebrand (nom) GesOIJ-1 p. 296;
1361 hillebrandus (nom) ibid. p. 302
- Poland
- Latin
- ● 1251 Hildebrandus (nom) hennes-vol1 141;
1337 Hildebrandus (nom) SBGlatzer p. 4
Cite as: S.L. Uckelman. "Hildebrand". In S.L. Uckelman, ed. The Dictionary of Medieval Names from European Sources, Edition 2016, no. 2. http://dmnes.org/2016/2/name/Hildebrand.