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Dictionary of Medieval Names
from European Sources
H. M. Auden, editor. The Registers of Ford, Shropshire, 1569-1812. London: For the Shropshire Parish Register Society, 1900.
Allis Allis Amie Amie Amie Ann Anne Anne Anne Anne Anne David David David Edmond Edward Edward Edward Edward Elizabeth Ellinor Ellinor Ellinor Ellioner Ellioner Ellioner Ellis Ellizabeth Ellizabeth Ellizabeth Ellizabethe Ellizabethe Evan Evan Evan Frances Frances Francis Geffree George George George Griffith Henrie Henrie Henrie Henrie Humfre Isabell Jane Jane Joan Joan Joane Joane Joane Joane John John John John John John John John John John John John Judithe Katheren Katherin Katherin Katherine Lancelot Margerie Margret Margrett Marie Marie Marke Marke Martha Martha Maulde Rees Richard Richard Richard Richard Richard Richard Richard Richarde Robart Robart Roger Rychard Rychard Rychard Rychard Rychard Samuell Sara Sara Sara Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas William William William William William William William William William William William