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Dictionary of Medieval Names
from European Sources
Joseph Lemuel Chester and Geo. J. Armytage, editors. The Parish Registers of St. Antholin, Budge Row, London, Containing the Marriages, Baptisms, and Burials from 1538 to 1754; and of St. John Baptist on Wallbrook, London, containing the Baptisms and Burials from 1682 to 1754. London: The Harleian Society, 1883.
Abigall Abigall Abigall Abraham Abraham Abraham Adam Adiel Agnes Agnes Agnes Agnes Agnes Agnes Alce Alce Alce Alce Alce Alce Alce Alce Alce Alce Alce Alce Alce Alce Alce Alce Alen Alen Alen Alessander Alexander Alexander Alexander Alexander Alexsander Alice Alice Alicua Alis Alis Alis Allein Allen Allen Allen Allen Allen Allen Allen Allen Allen Allen Allen Allen Allen Allice Allis Allis Alls Als Als Als Als Als Als Als Als Als Als Als Als Als Als Alse Alse Alse Alse Alse Alse Alse Ambros Ambros Ambros Ambros Ambros Ambros Ame Ameis Ames Ames Ames Ames Amy An An An An An An An An An An An An An An An An An An An An An An An An An An An An An An An Anchoret Andrew Andrew Andrew Andrew Andrew Androw Anes Ann Anna Anna Anne Anne Anne Anne Anne Anne Anne Anne Anne Anne Anne Anne Anne Anne Anne Anne Anne Anne Anne Annes Annes Annes Annes Annes Annes Annes Annis Annis Annis Annis Annis Annis Annis Annis Annis Annis Annis Annis Annis Annis Annis Annis Annis Annis Annis Annis Annis Anthonie Anthony Anthony Anthony Anthony Anthony Anthony Anthony Anthony Anthony Anthony Anthony Anthony Anthony Anthony Anthony Anthony Anthony Anthony Aplin Arthuer Arthur Arthur Arthur Arthur Arthur Augustin Augustine Augustine Augustine Austin Austin Avis Avis Baltasar Barbary Barbery Barbery Barbery Barbery Barnard Barnard Bartholmew Bartholmew Bartholmew Benjamin Benjamin Bennet Bennet Bennet Bernard Bernard Betteris Blanch Blanch Blith Brian Bridget Bridgit Briget Brigit Brigit Calib Calid Caterin Caterin Catheryne Catterin Charles Charles Charles Christian Christian Christian Christian Christian Christian Christian Christofer Christofer Christofer Christofer Christofer Christofer Christofer Christofer Christofer Christofer Christofer Christopher Christopher Christopher Cisley Clefas Clement Clement Clemmant Cleofus Cleophas Constant Cornellis Cristofer Cristofer Cutber Cutberd Cutbert Cutbert Cutbert Cutbert Cutbert Cutburt Cysly Daniel Daniel Daniel Daniell Daniell Daniell Daniell Daniell Daniell Daniell Daniell Daniell Daniell Daniell Daniell Dannell Danyell Davy Davy Dence Dennis Dorcas Dorcas Dorcas Dorety Dority Dority Dority Dority Dority Dority Dority Dority Dority Dority Dority Dority Dority Dority Dority Dority Dority Dority Dority Dority Doritye Dorques Dorritye Doryty Doryty Dowsebell Ede Edmond Edmund Edmund Edmund Edmund Edmund Edmund Edmund Edmund Edmund Edmund Edmund Edward Edward Edward Edward Edward Edward Edward Edward Edward Edward Edward Edward Edward Edward Edward Edward Edward Edward Edward Edward Edward Edward Edward Edward Edward Edward Edward Edward Edward Edward Edward Edward Edward Edwin Edwin Edwin Edwin Edwin Edwin Edwin Edwin Eleasor Elemar Elenar Elias Elisabeth Elisabeth Elisabeth Elisabeth Elisabeth Elisabeth Elisabeth Elisabeth Elisabeth Elisabeth Elisabeth Elisabeth Elisabeth Elisabeth Elisabeth Elisabeth Elisabeth Elisabeth Elisabeth Elisabeth Elisabeth Elisabeth Elisabeth Elisabeth Elisabeth Elisabeth Elisabeth Elisabeth Elisabeth Elisabeth Elisabeth Elisabeth Elisabeth Elisabeth Elisabeth Elisabeth Elisabeth Elisabeth Elisabeth Elisabeth Elisabeth Elisabeth Elisabeth Elisabeth Elisabeth Elisabeth Elisabeth Elisabeth Elisabeth Elisabeth Elisabeth Elisabeth Elizabeth Elizabeth Elizabeth Elizabeth Elizabeth Elizabeth Ellen Ellen Ellen Ellen Ellen Ellen Ellen Ellen Ellen Ellen Ellen Ellen Ellen Ellen Ellenor Ellis Elsabeth Elsabeth Elsabeth Elsabeth Elsabeth Elsabeth Elsabeth Elsabeth Elsabeth Elsabeth Elsabeth Elsabeth Elsabeth Elsabeth Elsabeth Elsobeth Eme Emma Eusebe Euseby Evan Frainces Frances Frances Frances Frances Frances Francis Francis Francis Francis Francis Francis Francis Francis Francis Francis Francis Francis Francis Francis Francis Francis Francis Francis Francis Francis Francis Francis Francis Francis Francis Francis Francis Francis Frauncis Frauncis Frauncis Frauncis Frederick Fridaysweede Fulke Gaberell Geames Geane Geffry Georg Georg Georg Georg Georg Georg Georg George George George George George George George George George George George George George George George George George George George George George George George George George George George Georgeh Geritrude Giles Giles Giles Giles Giles Grace Grace Grace Grace Grace Grace Gregorie Gregory Gregory Gregory Gregory Gregory Grissell Guilbart Harriot Harry Harry Harry Harry Harry Harry Harry Harry Harry Harry Hellen Henrie Henry Henry Henry Henry Henry Henry Henry Henry Henry Henry Henry Henry Henry Henry Henry Henry Henry Henry Henry Henry Henry Henry Henry Henry Henry Henry Henry Henry Henry Henry Henry Henry Hew Hugh Hugh Hugh Hugh Hugh Hugh Hugh Hugh Isbell Isbell Isbell Iseralle Israel Israell Israell Issable Issable Jacob Jacob Jacobin Jaine Jaine Jaine James James James James James James James James James James James James James Jane Jane Jane Jane Jane Jane Jane Jane Jane Jane Jane Jane Jane Jane Jane Jane Jane Jane Jane Jane Jane Jane Jane Jane Jane Jane Jane Jane Jane Jane Janne Jeames Jeames Jeffry Jeffry Jeffry Jeffry Jeffry Jeffry Jeffry Jellian Jesper Joan Joane Joane Joane Joane Joane Joane Joane Joane Joane Joane Joane Joane Joane Joane Joane Joane Joane Joane Joane Joane Joane Joane Joane Joane Joane Joane Joane Joane Joane Joane Joane Joane Joane Joane Joane Joane Joane Joane Joane Joane Joane Johan Johan Johane Johane Johane Johannar Johannar John John John John John John John John John John John John John John John John John John John John John John John John John John John John John John John John John John John John John John John John John John John John John John John John John John John John John John John John John John John John John Johne Jone Jone Jone Jone Jone Jone Jone Jone Jone Jone Jone Jone Jone Jone Jone Jone Jone Jone Jone Jone Jone Jone-m Joseph Joseph Joseph Juda Judeth Judeth Judith Julian Katerin Katerin Katerin Katerin Katerin Katerin Katerin Katerin Katerin Katerin Katerin Katerin Katerin Katerin Katerin Katerin Katerine Katerine Katherin Kathering Katterin Katturn Katturn Katturn Katturne Katturne Katturne Katturne Katturne Katturne Katurne Katurne Katurne Kinborough Larance Larrance Larrance Leonard Leonard Leonard Leonard Lettis Lettis Lewis Lois Luce Luis Mabell Madelyn Magdelin Magdeulin Magery Margaret Margaret Margaret Margaret Margaret Margaret Margaret Margaret Margaret Margaret Margaret Margaret Margaret Margaret Margaret Margaret Margaret Margaret Margaret Margaret Margaret Margaret Margaret Margaret Margaret Margaret Margaret Margaret Margaret Margaret Margaret Margaret Margaret Margaret Margarett Margarett Margarett Margeret Margeret Margerett Margerie Margery Margery Margery Margery Margery Margery Margery Margery Margery Margery Margery Margery Margery Margery Margery Margery Margery Marget Margett Marian Marie Marie Marie Marie Martha Martha Martha Martha Martha Martha Martha Martha Marthat Martin Martin Martin Martin Martin Martin Martin Martin Mary Mary Mary Mary Mary Mary Mary Mary Mary Mary Mary Mary Mary Mary Mary Mary Mary Mary Mary Mary Mary Mary Mary Mary Mary Mary Mary Mary Mary Mary Mary Mary Mary Mary Mary Mary Mary Mary Mary Mary Mary Marye Marye Marye Marye Marye Mathew Mathew Mathew Maud Maudlin Maudlin Maudlin Maudlyn Merine Michaell Michaell Michaell Michaell Michaell Michaell Mihill Mihill Mihill Mildred Miles Miles Miles Miles Miles Millisant Millisant Millisent Morgaine Morganne Morris Mychaell Nathaniell Nathaniell Nathaniell Nicholas Nicholas Nicholas Nicholas Nicholas Nicholas Nicholas Nicholas Nicholas Nicholas Nicholas Nicholas Nicholas Nicholas Nicholas Nicholas Nicholas Nicholas Nicholas Nicholas Nicholas Nicholas Nicholas Nicholas Nicholas Nicholas Olive Owen Owin Owin Paull Paull Penellopen Persevall Peter Peter Peter Peter Peter Peter Peter Peter Philip Phillip Phillip Phillip Phillip Phillip Phillipe Phillipp Phillipp Precilla Prudence Radax Rafe Rafe Raffe Raffe Ralfe Ralph Raph Raphe Raphe Raphe Raphe Raphe Raphe Raphe Raphe Raphe Raphe Raphe Raphe Raphe Raphe Raphe Raphe Raphe Raphe Raphe Raphe Raphe Raphe Raphe Raphe Raphe Raphe Raphe Raphe Rebecka Rebecka Rebecka Reynold Reynold Reynold Reynold Reynold Reynold Reynold Reynold Richard Richard Richard Richard Richard Richard Richard Richard Richard Richard Richard Richard Richard Richard Richard Richard Richard Richard Richard Richard Richard Richard Richard Richard Richard Richard Richard Richard Richard Richard Richard Richard Richard Richard Richard Richard Richard Richard Richard Richard Richard Richard Richard Richard Richard Richard Richard Richard Rise Ritchard Ritchard Robart Robart Robart Robart Robart Robart Robart Robart Robart Robart Robart Robart Robart Robart Robart Robart Robart Robart Robart Robart Robart Robart Robart Robart Robart Robart Robart Robart Robart Robart Robart Robart Robart Robart Robart Robart Robart Robart Robarte Robert Robert Robert Robert Robert Robert Robert Robert Robert Robert Robert Robert Robert Robert Robert Robert Robertt Roger Roger Roger Roger Roger Roger Roger Roger Roger Roger Roger Roger Roger Roger Roger Roger Roger Roger Roger Roger Roger Roger Roger Roger Roger Roger Roger Roger Roger Roger Rooffe Rowland Rowland Rowland Rowland Rowland Rowland Ruth Sabatian Sachery Sachery Samuell Samuell Samuell Samuell Samuell Samuell Samuell Samuell Samuell Samuell Samuell Samuell Samuell Sence Sence Sibble Sibble Sibble Sibble Sibble Sibell Sibill Sible Sible Sible Simon Simon Simon Simon Simond Simonde Sisley Sisly Sisly Sisly Steven Steven Steven Steven Steven Steven Steven Steven Steven Steven Steven Steven Steven Steven Steven Steven Symon Tabitha Tabitha Tabitha Taylboys Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomasin Thurstan Timothi Timothie Timothy Timothy Timothy Tomisin Tomison Tovall Umphery Umphery Umphery Umphery Umphery Umphery Umphery Umphery Umphery Umphery Unica Urias Ursula Ursula Ury Urye Valentine Valentine Vincent Water Water Water Water Water Water Water Water Water Water Water Water Water Water Water Water Water Water Water Wiliam William William William William William William William William William William William William William William William William William William William William William William William William William William William William William William William William William William William William William William William Willyam Winefrid Winefrid Winefrid Winefrid Winefrid Winifred Winifred Winifrid Winifrid Winifrid Winifrid Winifrid Winifrid Winithrid Wolston