Fem. of Raymond.
- France
- Latin
- ● 1274 Raimunda (nom) RegToul-13thC p. 46,
Raimundam (acc) ibid. p. 51,
Raimunde (gen) ibid. p. 47,
Raymunda (nom) ibid. p. 46,
Raymundam (acc) ibid. p. 56,
Raymunde (gen) ibid. p. 55
- Italy
- Latin
- ● 1265x1339 Raymonda (nom) BBC-Berg 291
- Switzerland
- Latin
- ● 14thCx1478 Reymonda (nom) Ob-SPVn (101);
1380 Reymonda (nom) ibid. (89),
Reymondam (acc) ibid. (257)
Cite as: S.L. Uckelman. "Raymonda". In S.L. Uckelman, ed. The Dictionary of Medieval Names from European Sources, Edition 2015, no. 3. http://dmnes.org/2015/3/name/Raymonda.