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Dictionary of Medieval Names
from European Sources

Godfrey m. Old High German, Old Dutch got, Old Saxon, Old Frisian, Old English god 'god, deity' + Old High German fridu, Old Saxon frithu 'peace'.

Often confused with Geoffrey.

1237 Gothefridus (nom) hennes-vol1 96
1212x1213 Godefridus (nom) OvdFB 2; 1238 Godefridum (acc) ibid. 3, Godefridus (nom) ibid. 3; 1266 Godefridus (nom) ibid. 6
1312 Godefridum (acc) JeanIII p. 17, Godefridus (nom) ibid. p. 6
1155 Godefridus (nom) FPD p. 121, fn. 1; 1189 Godefridi (gen) GASurv p. 234, Godefridum (acc) ibid. p. 174, Godefridus (nom) ibid. p. 77; c1198 Godefridus (nom) ibid. p. 245; 1299 Godefridus (nom) ComWil-vol1 p. 2; 1327 Godefrido (abl) SaxhamSf p. 111, Godfrido (abl) ibid. p. 111; 1341 Godefridus (nom) ibid. p. 111; 1381 Godefridus (nom) Suffolk1381 p. 102; 1558 Godefridus (nom) Chst-1 p. 9, Godfridi (gen) ibid. p. 9; 1558/9 Godfridus (nom) ibid. p. 10; 1559 Godfridus (nom) ibid. p. 10; 1560 Godfridus (nom) ibid. p. 10; 1564 Godfridus (nom) ibid. p. 11; 1575 Godfridus (nom) ibid. p. 12
Early Modern English
1530 Godfrey LIWill-III p. 54; 1542/3 Godffrey SIAcc 3
Middle French
1357 Godefrey SocAntNor-3-3 no. 20
Middle Low German
1364 Godeke BbRT p. 334; 1438 Ghodeke ibid. p. 361; 1440 Godeke ibid. p. 362; 1442 Goteke ibid. p. 365
937x993 Godaverti (gen) St-Bernard-Romans no. 80; 941x86 Godaverto (abl) ibid. no. 92, Quodavertus (nom) ibid. no. 92; 957x991 Godaverto (abl) ibid. no. 81; 1031 Gotafredi (gen) ibid. no. 107, Gotafredus (nom) ibid. no. 107; a1089x1101 Godefridus (nom) CartStPC XXXIX; 1113 Gotefridus (nom) CartNDJosaphat II; 1133 Godefridi (gen) CartNDdOurscamp XXX; 1138x62 Godefridus (nom) clairvaux-12thc 56; 1138x1148 Godefridus (nom) ibid. 21; 1143 Godefrido (abl) ibid. 10, Godofrido (abl) ibid. 10; 1143x1146 Godefridus (nom) ibid. 12; 1145 Godefridi (gen) ibid. 11; 1147 Godefridi (gen) ibid. 14, Godefrido (abl) ibid. 16, Godefridus (nom) ibid. 14; 1147x1153 Godefridus (nom) ibid. 26; 1147x1158 Godefridus (nom) ibid. 34; 1147x1161 Godefridus (nom) ibid. 38; 1147x1162 Godefridus (nom) ibid. 42; 1152x1156 Godefridus (nom) ibid. 31; 1154 Godefrido (abl) ibid. 28; 1155 Godefridus (nom) ibid. 30; 1159 Godefridi (gen) ibid. 36; 1162 Godefridus (nom) ibid. 39; a1163 Godefridus (nom) ibid. 97; 1163 Godefridi (gen) ibid. 99, Godefrido (abl) ibid. 104, Godefridus (nom) ibid. 95; 1164 Godaefridus (nom) ibid. 121; 1172 Godefridi (gen) ibid. 150; 1378 Godefredus (nom) hanquetvol1 2382, Godefridi (gen) ibid. 916, Godefrido (dat) ibid. 238, Godefridum (acc) ibid. 1839, Godefridus (nom) ibid. 815, Godiffreti (gen) ibid. 1792, Gotfrido (dat) ibid. 200
Old French
1313 Godefroy Paris1313 p. 2
Middle French
1356 Godefroy SocAntNor-3-3 no. 15; 1418 Godefroy HGParis p. 379; 1421 Godeffroy favier 154; 1423 Godefroy ibid. 62
822x875 Goddefrit (nom) TradCorb §5, Godfrido (abl) ibid. §107, Godufrith (nom) ibid. §79; 941 Gotefrid (nom) quix-vol1 11; 1086 Godefridi (gen) ibid. 61; 1112 Godefridi (gen) ibid. 26; 1136 Godefridi (gen) ibid. 80, Godefrido (abl) ibid. 80, Godefridus (nom) ibid. 98; 1138 Godefridus (nom) ibid. 28; 1142 Gotefrit (nom) mairhofer I; 1147 Godefridus (nom) quix-vol1 29; 1153 Godefridus (nom) ibid. 30; 1155x1190 Gotfridus (nom) ibid. 53; 1165 Godefridus (nom) ibid. 93; 1174 Godefridus (nom) ibid. 32; 1180 Godefridus (nom) ibid. 34; 1185 Godefrido (abl) ibid. 36, Godefridus (nom) ibid. 37; 1194 Godefridus (nom) ibid. 54; 1208 Godefridus (nom) quix-vol2 124; 1211 Godefridus (nom) hennes-vol1 11, Gotefridus (nom) ibid. 11; 1214 Godefridus (nom) ibid. 15; 1216 Godefridus (nom) ibid. 22; 1218 Godefridus (nom) ibid. 30, Gotfridus (nom) ibid. 35; 1219 Godefridi (gen) quix-vol1 73, Godefrido (abl) hennes-vol1 37, Godefridus (nom) ibid. 40, Gotfridi (gen) ibid. 43; 1222 Godefridus (nom) quix-vol2 132; 1225 Godefridus (nom) hennes-vol1 67; 1229 Goddefrido (abl) ibid. 77; 1253 Godofredi (gen) CDL-1.1.1 XXIV; 1259 Godefridus (nom) ibid. XXXI; 1260 Godefrido (abl) hennes-vol1 190; 1261 Godefridus (nom) ibid. 193; 1401 Gotfrido (dat) HD1401 no. 107
1180 Godinus (nom) quix-vol1 34; 1222 Godefridum (acc) quix-vol2 134
Early New High German
1429 Gottfrid (nom) mairhofer DCCXXXII
fin12thC Godafridi (gen) MunDocIr III, p. 7, Godafridus (nom) ibid. III, p. 6
1226 Gotfridus (nom) hennes-vol1 70; 1245 Godefridus (nom) ibid. 120; 1376 Gotiffredo (abl) DouGen1 p. 23
1290 Gotfrido (dat) RigSB 224; 1296 Godfrido (dat) ibid. 382; 1302 Gotfrido (dat) ibid. 93
1291 Godekino (dat) RigSB 26; 1299 Godekino (dat) ibid. 365; 1300 Godike (dat) ibid. 404; 1301 Godekino (dat) ibid. 432
1251 Gotfridus (nom) hennes-vol1 141
1019 Godafre (nom) CDCB-XV MMCLXXIV
Cite as: J. Uckelman, S.L. Uckelman. "Godfrey". In S.L. Uckelman, ed. The Dictionary of Medieval Names from European Sources, Edition 2015, no. 3.