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Dictionary of Medieval Names
from European Sources

Herbert m. Old English here, Old High German heri 'host, army' + Old High German beraht, Old Saxon berht 'bright' from Proto-Germanic *berhtaz.

The name of a number of early French and English saints.

โ— 1302 Herbertus (nom) ComWil-vol1 p. 4; 1347 Herberti (gen) SocAntNor-3-3 no. 6, Herberto (abl) ibid. no. 6
โ— 693 Heriberti (gen) DCEL-2 Add. V; c823 Hairbertus (nom) irminon-vol2 14, Gaugiacum; 1029x1033 Herbertus (nom) CartStPC XII; 1067x1074 Herbertus (nom) CartNDSaintes XIII; 1107 Herberti (gen) CartStPC XVII; a1108 Herbertus (nom) ibid. XXI; 1121 Herbertus (nom) CartNDJosaphat X; 1135 Herbertus (nom) clairvaux-12thc 7, Hirberto (abl) ibid. 7; 1138x48 Herbertus (nom) ibid. 21; 1138x62 Herberti (gen) ibid. 67; 1138x1148 Herbertum (acc) ibid. 21; 1138x1162 Herbertus (nom) ibid. 74; 1147 Erberto (abl) ibid. 14, Erbertus (nom) ibid. 14, Herberti (gen) ibid. 14, Herbertus (nom) ibid. 15, Hirbertus (nom) ibid. 14; 1147x62 Herbertus (nom) ibid. 55; 1153 Aribertus (nom) CartNDSaintes IX; c1156 Heberti (gen) CartNDdOurscamp XXXII; 1157 Herbertus (nom) clairvaux-12thc 32; 1163 Herberti (gen) CartNDdOurscamp XCVI, clairvaux-12thc 99; 1163โ€“64 Herbertus (nom) ibid. 106; 1164 Herbertus (nom) ibid. 120; 1180 Herberto (abl) RotScaNor p. 3, Herbertus (nom) ibid. p. 4; 1301 Hebertus (nom) MemPic-vol17 p. 199, Herberti (gen) ibid. p. 198
Old French
โ— 1296 Hebert paris1296 p. 46; 1313 Hebert Paris1313 p. 25
โ—‘ 1313 Herbelot Paris1313 p. 22
Middle French
โ— 1421 Hebert favier 21; 1423 Hebert ibid. 483
โ—‘ 1418 Herpin HGParis p. 379; 1423 Herbin favier 57
โ— 963x1023 Heribert (nom) TradCorb ยง227; 1000 Heribertus (nom) quix-vol1 19; 1001 Heribertus (nom) HambUrk-vol1 LV; 1100 Heribertus (nom) quix-vol1 78; 1108 Herbertus (nom) ibid. 85, Heriberto (abl) ibid. 85; 1147 Heribert (nom) mairhofer XXVII; 1185 Heribertus (nom) quix-vol1 37; 1197 Heribertus (nom) ibid. 83; 1222 Heribertus (nom) ibid. 74
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