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Dictionary of Medieval Names
from European Sources

Stephen m. Greek στέφανος 'crown, wreath; reward, honor'.

The name of 9 medieval popes and one pope-elect, a 1st C saint and martyr whose stoning was recorded in the Biblical book of Acts, an apocryphal early British martyr, an 8th C Byzantine martyr, a 10th C king of Croatia, an 11th C king of Hungary and saint, two 11th C kings of Croatia, a 12th C king of England, a 12th C French saint, a 12th C English saint, three 12th C kings of Hungary, a 13th C king of Hungary, six 13th C grand princes or kings of Serbia, a 13th-14th C king of Serbia, three 14th C kings of Serbia, a 14th C prince of Moldavia, a 15th C despot of Serbia, two 15th C princes of Moldavia, and a 16th C king of Poland. Vulgate (405): Stephanus. Wycliffite Bible (1395): Styuen. Sagradas Escrituras (1569): Esteban.

c1125 Steuan (nom) UrkStyria 115; 1515 Stephanus (nom) ChronSH p. 21
Early New High German
1519 Steffan (nom) ChronSH p. 11
Middle Dutch
1410 Stevins (gen) AM6 p. 21; 1414 Steven (dat) ibid. p. 24
1549 Steven MPSA p. 66; 1550 Steven ibid. p. 67; 1551 Steven ibid. p. 68; 1553 Steven ibid. p. 69; 1555 Steven ibid. p. 70; 1556 Steven ibid. p. 70; 1557 Steven ibid. p. 71; 1558 Steven ibid. p. 71; 1559 Steven ibid. p. 72; 1560 Steven ibid. p. 72; 1561 Steven ibid. p. 73; 1563 Steven ibid. p. 74; 1565 Steven ibid. p. 75; 1579 Steven ibid. p. 82; 1597x1598 Stephanus BoonenGes p. 321, Steven ibid. p. 325, Stevens (gen) ibid. p. 336
1312 Stephanus (nom) JeanIII p. 29
Czech Republic
1349 Stephani (gen) chlumecky 123, Stephano (dat) ibid. 39, Stephanus (nom) ibid. 21; 1350 Stephano (abl) ibid. 194, Stephanus (nom) ibid. 190; 1351 Stephanus (nom) ibid. 28; 1353 Stephano (abl) ibid. 60; 1355 Stephano (dat) ibid. 116, Stephanus (nom) ibid. 64; 1356 Stephani (gen) ibid. 118, Stephanus (nom) ibid. 117; 1358 Stephani (gen) ibid. 355, p. 35, Stephano (dat) ibid. 248, p. 31, Stephanus (nom) ibid. 252, p. 32, Sthephani (gen) ibid. 327, p. 34, Styepan (nom) ibid. 338, p. 35; 1360 Schtypanoni (dat) ibid. 477, p. 40; 1372 Stephani (gen) LDFPUP1 p. 28, Stephanus (nom) ibid. p. 28; 1395 Stephanus (nom) ibid. p. 18; 1400 Stephanus (nom) ibid. p. 6; 1410 Stephani (gen) ibid. p. 8
Middle High German
1335 Stephan (nom) Rössler1 41
1581 Staphenn KD-1 no. 362
Old Swedish
1419 Staffans (gen) SDHK no. 19326
1161x1184 Stephani (gen) MDE p. 227, no. 1, Stephanus (nom) ibid. p. 227, no. 1; 1185x1186 Stephani (gen) PR-XXXVI p. 18, Stephano (dat) ibid. p. 2, Stephanus (nom) ibid. p. 3; 1189 Steffani (gen) GASurv p. 94, Stephani (gen) ibid. p. 95, Stephanus (nom) ibid. p. 156; 1222 Stephani (gen) StPaulDom p. 38, Stephanus (nom) ibid. p. 14; 1279–80 Stephani (gen) WaHR-SK p. 98, Stephanus (nom) ibid. p. 43; 1296 Stephani (gen) RCS-1 p. 95a, Stephano (dat) ibid. p. 95a; 1318 Stephano (dat) PSS-CXIV 4b, Stephanus (nom) ibid. 4b; 1325 Stephano (dat) ibid. 11, Stephanum (acc) ibid. 11, Stephanus (nom) ibid. 11; 1329 Stephano (abl) ibid. 4c, Stephanus (nom) ibid. 4c; 1330 Stephani (gen) ibid. 4d, Stephano (dat) ibid. 4d; 1331 Stephano (dat) ibid. 4e; 1340xc1450 Stephani (gen) CovGuild-1 p. 2, Stephanus (nom) ibid. p. 70; 1348 Stephano (abl) SocAntNor-3-3 no. 9; 1349 Stephano (abl) ibid. no. 11; 1357 Stephano (abl) ibid. no. 22; 1377 Stephani (gen) FenPT-2 p. 6, Stephanus (nom) ibid. p. 4; 1379 Stephani (gen) WRYPT1 p. 10, Stephanus (nom) ibid. p. 3; 1381 Steffano (abl) Suffolk1381 p. 100, Stepanus (nom) ibid. p. 113, Stephani (gen) ibid. p. 90, Stephano (abl) ibid. p. 89, Stephanus (nom) FenPT-2 p. 6, Suffolk1381 p. 68; 1417–18 Stephanus (nom) EEW p. 37; 1430 Stephano (abl) ibid. p. 84; 1444 Stephani (gen) WillsInv LXIII, Stephano (dat) ibid. LXIII; 1554 Stephanus (nom) StMartF p. 58; 1561/2 Stephani (gen) RegSoABap p. 4; 1561 Stephanus (nom) RegSoAMar p. 2; 1562 Stephani (gen) RegSoABap p. 5; 1563 Stephani (gen) ibid. p. 8; 1564/5 Stephani (gen) ibid. p. 9; 1564 Stephani (gen) ibid. p. 9; 1565 Stephani (gen) ibid. p. 10; 1566 Stephani (gen) ibid. p. 12; 1566/7 Stephani (gen) ibid. p. 13; 1566 Stephanus (nom) ibid. p. 11; 1567/8 Stephani (gen) ibid. p. 14, Stephanus (nom) ibid. p. 14; 1569 Stephani (gen) ibid. p. 16; 1575 Stephanus (nom) AuFr Radermacher; 1578 Stephanus (nom) ibid. Saghere
1245–1250[1586] Estiene Glover 159
1572 Steven AuFr Sager; 1574 Steven ibid. Govarts; 1575 Steven ibid. Gheesbeke; 1576 Steven ibid. Saghere; 1578 Steven ibid. Eesbeeck; 1580 Steven ibid. s'Hagers; 1583 Steven ibid. Sagers; 1589 Steven ibid. Sagere; 1590 Steven ibid. Spiere; 1591 Stephanus ibid. Man
Middle English
1417–18 Stephen EEW p. 40, Stephyn ibid. p. 38
Early Modern English
1481 Stevyn HHB1481-90 p. 5; 1485 Stephen WillsInv LXIX; 1530 Stephyn LIWill-III p. 34, Steven ibid. p. 34, Stevyn ibid. p. 76, Stewen ibid. p. 91; 1531 Stephen SRS-XXI p. 8; 1540 Stephen DEmar-vol1 p. 78; 1541 Stephan WillsInv LXXXVII; 1542/3 Stephen SIAcc 2; 1545 Steven StAnthonlin p. 5; 1548 Steven ibid. p. 7; 1550 Stephen WillsInv XCV; 1551 Stephen StNick-Sf p. 2; 1554 Stephan bruton1 p. 26, Stephen HAmar-vol9 p. 2, Stephin bruton1 p. 26, Steven BarnstapleBap p. 9; 1555 Stephan bruton1 p. 108, Stephin ibid. p. 27, Steven ibid. p. 2, Stevin ibid. p. 27; 1557 Steven PRThirsk p. 2, StAnthonlin p. 12; 1559 Stephen BEmar-vol1 p. 6, Steven COmar-vol5 p. 1; 1560 Steeven RegBisham p. 19; 1561 Stphan bruton1 p. 111; 1562 Steven CAmar-vol1 p. 2; 1565 Steven Redruth-Co p. 6, WAmar-1 p. 75; 1566 Stephen Redruth-Co p. 6; 1568 Stephin COmar-vol5 p. 4; 1569 Stephen HAmar-vol9 p. 116, RegSoAMar p. 5, SurMus p. 149, Steven ibid. II; 1571 Stephen (nom) Chst-1 p. 11, Steven Bar-in-El p. 17, StAnthonlin p. 21, Stevin bruton1 p. 39; 1572 Stephen RegPat p. 1, Steven StAnthonlin p. 22; 1572/3 Steven SurMus p. 161; 1573 Steven StAnthonlin p. 23; 1574 Stephen SurMus p. 175, Steven StAnthonlin p. 24; 1575 Steven ibid. p. 24; 1576 Stephen BEmar-vol2 p. 2, RegPat p. 33, Steven StAnthonlin p. 25; 1577 Stephin COmar-vol5 p. 5, Steven StAnthonlin p. 25; 1578 Stephin COmar-vol5 p. 5, Steven BEmar-vol2 p. 96, StAnthonlin p. 26; 1579 Stephen BUmar-vol2 p. 63, COmar-vol2 p. 71, Steven StAnthonlin p. 27; 1580 Steven ibid. p. 28; 1581 Stephen DEmar-vol2 p. 6, RegBath p. 5, Stephin COmar-vol5 p. 6; 1582 Steven StAnthonlin p. 29; 1583 Stephen RegBath p. 5, RegPat p. 105; 1583/4 Stephen ibid. p. 105; 1583 Stephen RegSoAMar p. 11; 1583/4 Stephen SurMus p. 14; 1583 Steven ibid. p. 184; 1583/4 Steven ibid. p. 33; 1584 Stephen DEmar-vol2 p. 10, Steven StAnthonlin p. 30, SurMus p. 189; 1585 Stephen RegBath p. 7; 1586 Stephen RegSoAMar p. 13, Steven SaxhamSf p. 4; 1587 Stephen DEmar-vol2 p. 14, Stephin COmar-vol5 p. 8, Steven SaxhamSf p. 4, StAnthonlin p. 32; 1588 Stephen BEmar-vol2 p. 31, DEmar-vol2 p. 16; 1589 Stephen COmar-vol2 p. 123, DEmar-vol2 p. 20; 1589/90 Stephen HAmar-vol9 p. 3; 1589 Stephen RegBath p. 8, RegPat p. 4, Steven SaxhamSf p. 57; 1590 Stephen Bar-in-El p. 27, CAmar-vol1 p. 4, RegSoAMar p. 15; 1591 Stephen RegPat p. 110; 1592 Stephen BUmar-vol9 p. 8, COmar-vol2 p. 72; 1592/3 Stephen RegPat p. 111; 1592 Stephen ibid. p. 39, Steven BEmar-vol2 p. 96, Stevine bruton1 p. 52; 1594 Stephen DEmar-vol2 p. 29, Steven BEmar-vol1 p. 16; 1595 Stephen COmar-vol2 p. 102, DEmar-vol2 p. 32; 1596 Steeven RegBisham p. 5, Stephin COmar-vol5 p. 10, Steven BUmar-vol2 p. 118, Stevin bruton1 p. 123; 1597/8 Stephen BEmar-vol1 p. 17; 1597 Stephen BUmar-vol9 p. 9, RegPat p. 113; 1598 Stephan bruton1 p. 56, Steven DEmar-vol2 p. 38; 1598/9 Steven RegPat p. 42; 1598 Stevine bruton1 p. 57; 1599 Stephen DEmar-vol2 p. 41, Stephin bruton1 p. 57, Steven RegPat p. 114
Middle French
1356 Estienne SocAntNor-3-3 no. 18; 1572 estienne WCS p. 7; 1572/3 estienne ibid. p. 7; 1573 estienne ibid. p. 8; 1575 estienne ibid. p. 42; 1577 estienne ibid. p. 43; 1579 Estienne ibid. p. 15; 1580 Estienne ibid. p. 15; 1581 Estienne ibid. p. 45; 1582 Estienne ibid. p. 16; 1583 Estienne ibid. p. 18; 1584 estienne ibid. p. 46; 1585 Estienne ibid. p. 46; 1586 Estienne ibid. p. 47; 1588 Estienne ibid. p. 48; 1589 Estienne ibid. p. 48; 1592 Estienne ibid. p. 50; 1593 Estienne ibid. p. 24; 1594 Estienne ibid. p. 50; 1595 Estienne ibid. p. 51; 1598 Estienne ibid. p. 52
1576 estieuenote WCS p. 12
1581 Estiene RWC p. 3; 1582/3 Estienne ibid. p. 5; 1583/4 Estiene ibid. p. 8; 1593 Esthiene ibid. p. 27; 1593/4 Estienne ibid. p. 31; 1594 Estienne ibid. p. 33
Middle Low German
1387 Sthepphan BbRT p. 339; 1532 Steffan (nom) Hiiumaa p. 151; 1592 Steffen Tiik1977 p. 286
1524x1532 tehena (gen) Saareste1923b p. 138
Early Modern Swedish
1576 Steffan (nom) Hiiumaa p. 275; 1577 Steffan (nom) ibid. p. 275
Early Modern Swedish
1548 Staffan (nom) Audén1980 p. 169
1582 Teppana (nom) Audén1980 p. 172, Teppå (nom) ibid. p. 172
814 Stephanus (nom) StVdM-II A1; c823 Stephanus (nom) irminon-vol2 94, Ved; 941x86 Stephani (gen) St-Barnard-Romans no. 92; 989 Stephani (gen) CartSavII 105; c1000 Stephani (gen) ibid. 172, Stephanus (nom) ibid. 172; 1000x1030 Stephani (gen) St-Barnard-Romans no. 143; 11thC Stephanus (nom) CartSPL1 I; 1044 Stephanus (nom) StVdM-II 659; 1046 Stephani (gen) St-Barnard-Romans 139; c1050 Stephanus (nom) StVdM-II 696; 1055 Stephanus (nom) ibid. 739; 1060 Stephanus (nom) ibid. 730; 1064 Stephanus (nom) ibid. 703; 1065x1079 Stephanus (nom) ibid. 663; 1079x1101 Stephano (abl) CartStPC XXXVII, Stephanus (nom) ibid. IX; 1080x1105 Stephanus (nom) StVdM-II 699; 1082x1087 Stephanus (nom) St-Barnard-Romans no. 120; 1083 Stephanus (nom) ibid. 126; a1089x1101 Stephani (gen) CartStPC XXXIX, Stephanus (nom) ibid. XXXIX; 1090 Stephani (gen) CartSPL1 VII; 1090x1101 Stephanus (nom) CartStPC XLIII; 1096 Stephanus (nom) CartSPL1 IX; 1101x1120 Stephanus (nom) CartStPC XXIV; 1101x1129 Stephani (gen) ibid. XVIII, Stephano (abl) ibid. XXVIII; 1102x1144 Stephanus (nom) ibid. XLV; 1107 Stephani (gen) ibid. XVII, Stephanus (nom) ibid. XVII; 1115 Stephanus (nom) StVdM-II 734; a1116 Stephanus (nom) CartStPC XX; c1120 Stephanus (nom) CartNoyers CDXXXVI; 1120x62 Stephanus (nom) clairvaux-12thc 93; 1122x1139 Stephanus (nom) CartYonne1 CXXXIII; 1123 Stephanus (nom) ibid. CXXXIV; 1124 Stephani (gen) ibid. CXXXVII, Stephanus (nom) CartNDJosaphat XIII; 1125 Stephani (gen) NDParisII 2-XLVII, Stephano (abl) ibid. 2-XLVII; 1131 Stephano (abl) CartNDSaintes XXII; 1135 Stephanus (nom) clairvaux-12thc 7; 1138x62 Stephani (gen) ibid. 66, Stephanus (nom) ibid. 72; 1139 Stephanus (nom) HAP p. 372; 1141 Stephanus (nom) CartNDSaintes VII; 1143 Stephanus (nom) HAP p. 373, clairvaux-12thc 10; 1143x46 Stephanus (nom) ibid. 12; 1146 Stephano (abl) HAP p. 374; 1147 Stephani (gen) clairvaux-12thc 14, Stephano (abl) ibid. 14, Stephanus (nom) ibid. 14; 1147x62 Stephanus (nom) ibid. 52; 1148 Stephanus (nom) CartNDSaintes XXIV; c1150 Stephani (gen) CartNDdOurscamp CXIII, Stephanus (nom) CartSavII 200; 1151 Stephani (gen) clairvaux-12thc 23, Stephano (abl) ibid. 23; 1162 Stephanus (nom) ibid. 40; 1163 Stephani (gen) ibid. 99, Stephano (abl) ibid. 104; 1164 Stephani (gen) CartNDdOurscamp C, Stephanus (nom) clairvaux-12thc 122; 1167 Stephano (abl) CartNDdOurscamp XCII; 1173 Stephanus (nom) clairvaux-12thc 151; 1177 Stephanus (nom) ibid. 165; 1178 Stephani (gen) NotSLdN I, Stephanus (nom) clairvaux-12thc 168; 1179 Stephano (abl) ibid. 176, Stephanus (nom) ibid. 176; 1193 Stephanus (nom) CartNDdOurscamp CXLIX; 1197 Stephanus (nom) ibid. CXL; c1200 Stephanus (nom) CartSavII 201; 1203 Stephano (abl) CartNDdOurscamp CXXV, Stephanus (nom) ibid. CXXV; 1204 Stephani (gen) ibid. XXVII; 1206 Stephanus (nom) NDParisII 2-LXIX; 1212 Stephani (gen) CartNDdOurscamp XXVIII; 1218 Stephani (gen) ibid. CXXXIV; 1219 Stephani (gen) NDParisII 2-XI, Stephanus (nom) CartAub, CartNDdOurscamp CXXXVIII; 1220 Stephanus (nom) NDParisII 2-LXVIII; 1221 Stephani (gen) CartNDdOurscamp LXXIII; 1242 Stephanus (nom) ibid. CLIV; 1251 Stephanus (nom) ibid. CLIII; 1255 Stephani (gen) NDParisII 2-XLV, Stephanum (acc) ibid. 2-XLV, Stephanus (nom) ibid. 2-XLV; 1256 Stephani (gen) ArrestReg-volI X, Candlemas, Stephanum (acc) ibid. X, Candlemas; 1258 Stephani (gen) ibid. XVII, BMV, Stephano (abl) ibid. XVIII, Candlemas, Stephanus (nom) ibid. XVII, BMV; 1259 Stephanum (acc) ibid. X, Pentecost; 1260 Stephanum (acc) ibid. I, Ascension, Stephanus (nom) ibid. XXII, Ascension; 1261 Stephanum (acc) ibid. VII, BMV, Stephanus (nom) HAP p. 382; 1267 Stephanus (nom) NDParisII 2-II; 1268 Stephanus (nom) ibid. 1-VIII; 1269 Stephanus (nom) ibid. 2-III; 1270 Stephani (gen) CartNDdOurscamp CLVII, Stephanus (nom) NDParisII 2-XLI; 1273 Stephanus (nom) ibid. 2-XLIII, RegToul-13thC p. 37; 1274 Stephanus (nom) RHF-VIII p. 57, RegToul-13thC p. 56, Sthephani (gen) ibid. p. 56; 1283–86 Stephani (gen) GasReg-A p. 227; 1285 Stephani (gen) CartNDdOurscamp VII; 1287 Stephanus (nom) GasReg-A p. 74; 1289 Stephani (gen) HAP p. 385, Stephanus (nom) ibid. p. 385; 1292 Stephanus (nom) MemBret-I 1102; 1295 Stephanus (nom) HistHdVParis p. 130; 1300 Stephani (gen) St-Barnard-Romans 382, Stephanus (nom) ibid. 382; 1301 Stephani (gen) MemPic-vol17 p. 201, Stephanus (nom) ibid. p. 176; 1308 Stephanum (acc) ArchReimsII1 LXVI; 1310 Stephanus (nom) CartNDdOurscamp IX; 1310–11 Stephanus (nom) GasReg-A p. 236; 1332 Stephano (abl) ChronMaillezais p. 165; 1376 Stephanus (nom) St-Barnard-Romans 383; 1378 Stephani (gen) hanquetvol1 168, Stephano (dat) ibid. 249, Stephanus (nom) ibid. no. 98; 1382 Stephani (gen) Sav14thC 3; 1454 Stephano (abl) MHCG2 223; 1465 Stephano (abl) ibid. 232
1378 Stefanotus (nom) hanquetvol1 2383, Stefonotus (nom) ibid. 2383
Old French
1262 Estienne (obl) StOuen p. 4; 1291 Estienne (nom) ibid. p. 22, (obl) HistHdVParis p. 107, Etienne (obl) ibid. p. 107; 1292 Estiene (obl) ibid. p. 113; 1293 Estiene (obl) ibid. p. 118, Estienne (obl) ibid. p. 119; 1294 Estiene (obl) ibid. p. 126; c1294 Estienne (obl) ibid. p. 125; 1295 Estienne (obl) ibid. p. 128; 1296 Estiene (obl) ibid. p. 131, Estienne paris1296 p. 2, (obl) HistHdVParis p. 132; 1297 Estiene (obl) ibid. p. 136; c1298 Estiene (obl) ibid. p. 138; 1298 Estiene (obl) ibid. p. 139, Estienne (obl) ibid. p. 141, Etiene (obl) ibid. p. 142; 1299 Estiene (obl) ibid. p. 146; 1300 Estiene (obl) ibid. p. 150; 1302x1303 Estenes (nom) ArchReimsII1 XXX; 1313 Estevin Paris1313 p. 114, Estiene ibid. p. 113, Estienne ibid. p. 1; 1327 Etienne MemDocMan-2 p. 191; 1346 Estiennes (nom) HAP p. 309
1296 Estevenot paris1296 p. 43; 1313 Estevenot Paris1313 p. 97, Tevenin ibid. p. 45, Tevenot ibid. p. 16; 1345 Tevenin (obl) HAP p. 395; 1346 Thevenin (nom) ibid. p. 310
Middle French
1339 Estienne valois-2 CCIX; 1358 Estienne LeCoq p. 383; 1364 Estienne ActsCharlesV no. 154; 1365 Estienne ibid. no. 236; 1366 Estienne ibid. no. 310; 1366/7 Estienne ibid. no. 383; 1367 Estienne ibid. no. 397; 1386 Estienne MemBret-II col. 514; 1392 Estienne ibid. col. 598; 1418 Estienne DdB1418 p. 197, HGParis p. 373; 1421 Estienne HAP p. 399, Laroche no. 6, favier 178; 1423 Estiene ibid. 333, Estienne ibid. 111; 1438 Estienne ibid. 12, Thevenin ibid. 322; 1440 Estienne Laroche no. 5; 1455 Estienne HRAVP-3 p. 354; 1477–1478 Estienne Laroche no. 4, Etienne ibid. no. 4; 1479 Estienne ibid. no. 2; 1493 Estienne MSR1838 p. 377; 1504 Estienne HistHdVParis no. 6; 1540 Estienne ibid. no. 14; 1541 Estienne ibid. no. 15; 1561 Estienne RegPCC-1 p. 1; 1562 Estienne ibid. p. 8; 1563 Estienne ibid. p. 17; 1564 Estienne ibid. p. 53, Etienne ibid. p. 95; 1565 Estienne ibid. p. 113; 1566 Estienne ibid. p. 201, Etienne ibid. p. 229; 1567 Estienne ibid. p. 290; 1568 Estienne ibid. p. 371; 1570 Estienne ibid. p. 424, Etienne ibid. p. 422; 1571 Estienne ibid. p. 436; 1572 Estienne ibid. p. 487; 1587 Estienne RTFProvins 67; 1589 Étienne raymond1588 p. 570
1366 Thevenin ActsCharlesV no. 330; 1392 Estiennot MemBret-II col. 602, Thevenin ibid. col. 599; 1418 Thevenin DdB1418 p. 196, HGParis p. 373; 1421 Thevenin favier 179, Thevot ibid. 289; 1423 Thevenin ibid. 13; 1565 Thiénot RegPCC-1 p. 148
849 Stephani (gen) HambUrk-vol1 XIII; 886 Stephanus (nom) ibid. XXI; 890 Stephanus (nom) ibid. XXIII; 891 Stephanus (nom) ibid. XXIV; 911 Stephani (gen) ibid. XVII; 989 Stephani (gen) ibid. LII; 1100 Stefanus (nom) quix-vol1 78; 1143 Stephanus (nom) mairhofer XIV; 1173 Stephano (abl) quix-vol1 99; 1174 Stephani (gen) ibid. 32; 1189 Stephanus (nom) ibid. 82; 1208 Stephanus (nom) quix-vol2 124; 1216 Stephanus (nom) hennes-vol1 25; 1221 Stephanus (nom) ibid. 61; 1256 Stephanus (nom) UrkMeck1 no. XLVIII; 1257 Stephanus (nom) ibid. no. L; 1261 Stephanus (nom) ibid. no. LIII; 1289 Stephano (abl) hennes-vol1 318; 1401 Stephani (gen) HD1401 no. 399, Stephano (dat) ibid. no. 255; 1471 Steffen (nom) VFBStralsund 681
Middle High German
1293 Stephan (dat) UrkWitt-II 187
Early New High German
1403 Stephan (nom) mairhofer DCLXXIV; 1420 Stephan (nom) UrkRott-1 855, mairhofer DCCXV; 1497 Steffan Nurn1497 p. 1, Steffann ibid. p. 1, Steffen ibid. 2695
1317 Stephani (gen) CDH-VIII-II IV, Stephano (abl) ibid. XV, Stephanum (acc) ibid. XIII, Stephanus (nom) ibid. IV; 1351 Stephano (abl) CDH-IX-II I, Stephanus (nom) ibid. II
fin12thC Stefhanus (nom) MunDocIr III, p. 22, Stephani (gen) ibid. III, p. 9, Stephanus (nom) ibid. III, p. 8; 1431 Stephani (gen) RegOct 50; 1460 Stephano (abl) ibid. 44; 1479 Stephanum (acc) ibid. 21, Stephanus (nom) ibid. 22; 1496 Stephano (abl) ibid. 34
Early Modern English
1525/6 Stephan Fiants-1 11; 1532/3 Stephen ibid. 33
1142 Stephanus (nom) HAP p. 333; 1220 Stephanus (nom) hennes-vol1 49; 1224 Stephanus (nom) UrkRott-1 17; 1236 Stephani (gen) TirNot1 12; 1284 Stephani (gen) BBC-Berg p. XLIII; 1285 Stefani (gen) Perugia1285 p. 154; 1300 Stephano (abl) ActDipVeneto-I-1 p. 51; 1303 Stephanus (nom) BBC-Berg p. XLVI; 1324 Stephanus (nom) DSF p. 46, 3699; 1327 Stephani (gen) Friuli-14thC no. 449; 1348 Stephani (gen) INP 2, Stephano (abl) ibid. 6, Stephanum (acc) ibid. 14; 1366 Stefani (gen) Livi 60; 1367 Stefanum (acc) ibid. 146, Stephanum (acc) ibid. 176; 1368 Stefanus (nom) ibid. 234, Steffanus (nom) ibid. 234; 1376 Staffano (abl) DouGen1 p. 101, Steffano (abl) ibid. p. 23; 1382 Stephano (abl) Sav14thC 9; 1387 Stephanus (nom) Venditti II-2058; 1417 Stephano (dat) CatTir1 48; 1464 Steffani (gen) CUP-III-I CCXXXI, Steftrue (abl) ibid. CCXXXI; 1470 Stephanj (gen) RCCaetani6 730; 1521 Stefani (gen) VitAs2 III; 1522x1532 Stefanus (nom) DSF p. 56, 8; 1527 Stephani (gen) Rome1527 p. 86, Stephanus (nom) ibid. p. 83
1285 Stefanelli (gen) Perugia1285 p. 158, Stephanelli (gen) ibid. p. 156
1429–1430 Stefano DiaryLMA p. 208; 1513x1521 Stefano LeoX p. 17, Stephano ibid. p. 12
1513x1521 Stephanello LeoX p. 13
1292 Steppan (nom) RigSB 31; 1293 Steppan (nom) ibid. 38; 1296 Steppan (nom) ibid. 74; 1297 Steppan (dat) ibid. 360; 1307 Steffanus (nom) ibid. 950
The Netherlands
1369 Stephanus (nom) GesOIJ-1 p. 303; 1387 Stephanus (nom) ibid. p. 305
1596 Steven MagMiddelburg-1560; 1597 Steven ibid.; 1598 Steven ibid.; 1599 Steven ibid.
1228 Stephanus (nom) hennes-vol1 p. 81; 1229 Stephanus (nom) CDT1 VI; 1258 Stephanus (nom) ibid. XVII; 1345 Stephanus (nom) CDEM-7.2 628; 1459 Stephani (gen) CDP2-2 CCCCXII, Stephanus (nom) ibid. CCCCXII
1211 Stephanus (nom) PHGCRP-I no. 6; 1217 Stephanus (nom) ibid. no. 21; 1256 Stephanus (nom) ibid. no. 17; 1269 Stephano (abl) ibid. no. 11
1425 Stephano (abl) RMSRS-2 26; 1427 Stephani (gen) ibid. 101
1083 Stephani (gen) CDCB-XV MMCCI; 1487 Stephani (gen) carbonell-I p. 11; 1488 Stephani (gen) ibid. p. 23; 1491 Stephani (gen) ibid. p. 57
1510 Steve valencia1510 3305, Stheve ibid. 86
1326 Esteuao deMoxo; 1575 Esteban Catalogo-5.2 3828; 1576 Esteban ibid. 3884
1350 Staffen (gen) SDHK no. 6014; 1383 Stephanus (nom) SRA-vol2 no. 1948
Old Swedish
1383 Staffan SRA-vol2 no. 1900, Staffans (gen) ibid. no. 1905; 1409 Staffan (nom) SDHK no. 17250; 1505 Staffan (nom) HGS p. 151; 1506 Staffan (nom) ibid. p. 152; 1507 Staffan (nom) ibid. p. 152; 1508 Staffan (nom) ibid. p. 152
Early Modern Swedish
1540 Staffan (gen) HGS p. 158; 1544 Staffans (gen) ibid. p. 158
1165 Stephanus (nom) CartHaut 16; 1186 Stephani (gen) ibid. 27; 1188 Stephanus (nom) ibid. 28; 1195 Stephanus (nom) CartChart 2; 1210 Stephanus (nom) ibid. 4; 1211 Stephanus (nom) ibid. 5; 1220 Stephanus (nom) CartHaut 36; 1245 Stephanus (nom) ibid. 45; 1247 Stephanum (acc) ibid. 48; 14thCx1478 Stephanus (nom) Ob-SPVn (210); 1377 Stephanus (nom) MHCG2 464; 1436 Stephan (nom) ibid. 211
Old French
1348 Estienne (obl) MHN DXIII
Middle French
1353 Estenne MHN DL; 1354 Estienne ibid. DLV, Estiennes ibid. DLVII; 1431 Etienne MHCG2 476
Early New High German
1451 Steffan (nom) MHCG2 220; 1533 Stäffen (nom) ibid. 302
1469 Stephani (gen) AGZ-18 34, Stephano (abl) ibid. 19, Stephanum (acc) ibid. 34; 1479 Stepan (nom) ibid. CVIII-1310
Cite as: A. Brown, G. Grim, R. Le Get, J. Uckelman, S.L. Uckelman. "Stephen". In S.L. Uckelman, ed. The Dictionary of Medieval Names from European Sources, Edition 2020, no. 1.