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Dictionary of Medieval Names
from European Sources

Gervais m. Old High German, Old Saxon gēr 'spear' + an uncertain element.

The name of a 2nd C saint.

1185x1186 Geruasio (abl) PR-XXXVI p. 5; 1189 Gervasius (nom) GASurv p. 143; 1222 Gervasii (gen) StPaulDom p. 95, Gervasium (acc) ibid. p. 95, Gervasius (nom) ibid. p. 39; 1560 Jervis (nom) StMartF p. 60
Early Modern English
1583 Gervis BEmar-vol2 p. 96
1590 Geruois RWC p. 13; 1590/1 Geruois ibid. p. 15; 1590 Gervais ibid. p. 563; 1591/2 Geruois ibid. p. 20; 1591 Jeruois ibid. p. 17; 1592/3 Gerouis ibid. p. 25; 1592 Geruois ibid. p. 23; 1593 Geruois ibid. p. 28; 1593/4 Geruois ibid. p. 30; 1594 Geruois ibid. p. 32
1123 Gervasii (gen) CartYonne1 CXXXV; 1124 Gervasius (nom) CartNDJosaphat XIII; 1180 Gervasii (gen) RotScaNor p. 16, Gervasio (abl) ibid. p. 27, Gervasius (nom) ibid. p. 17; 1231 Gervasii (gen) NDParisII 2-LXXXVIII; 1255 Gervasii (gen) ArrestReg-volI V, Candlemas; 1258 Gervasius (nom) ibid. XXIX, Candlemas; 1259 Gervasium (acc) ibid. XVIII, Pentecost; 1260 Gervasius (nom) ibid. VI, Candlemas; 1304 Gervasii (gen) CartNDdOurscamp LXXXVI; 1308 Gervasium (acc) ArchReimsII1 LXV
Old French
1296 Gervese paris1296 p. 3; 1302x1303 Gervaise (obl) ArchReimsII1 XXX; 1313 Gervaise Paris1313 p. 2, Gerveise ibid. p. 35
Middle French
1392 Gervaise MemBret-II col. 601; 1418 Gervais DdB1418 p. 198, Gervaise HGParis p. 374; 1479 Gervaise Laroche no. 2; 1561 Gervays RegPCC-1 p. 3; 1562 Gervais ibid. p. 9; 1564 Gervais ibid. p. 62; 1565 Gervais ibid. p. 123; 1566 Gervais ibid.; 1567 Gervais ibid. p. 287; 1568 Gervais ibid. p. 368; 1570 Gervais ibid. p. 427; 1571 Gervays ibid. p. 443
1423 Gervaisot favier 272; 1438 Gervaisot ibid. 115
fin12thC Geruasius (nom) MunDocIr III, p. 17
1382 Gerbaisii (gen) Sav14thC 9
1124 Gervasius (nom) ESC L
2h12thC Geruasii (gen) CartChart 6; 1475 Gervasii (gen) MHCG2 239
1247 Jervisia (abl) ArchCambIII p. 228
Cite as: J. Uckelman, S.L. Uckelman. "Gervais". In S.L. Uckelman, ed. The Dictionary of Medieval Names from European Sources, Edition 2019, no. 1.