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Dictionary of Medieval Names
from European Sources
Inquisitionum in Officio Rotulorum Cancellariae Hiberniae Asservatarum, Repertorium, volume II. Printed by Command of His Majesty King George IV at His Majesty's Printers, Dublin, 1829.
Alexander Barnabie Breine Brenie Brian Brien Bryan Constantin Cormock Cormocke Edmond Edmonde Edward Edwardo Edwardus Elizabeth Elizabeth Henrico Henry Henry Hugh Hugh Hughe Hughe Hugoni Humfrey James John John Laurence Lucas Luce Manus Nicholas Oven Owen Owino Patrick Patricke Phillip Rees Rice Riceo Riceus Robert Roberte Roger Ryse Rysse Shane Tege Terencio Thomas Thomas Thome Tole Toole Willam William