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Dictionary of Medieval Names
from European Sources
W. P. W. Phillimore and T. M. Blagg, editors. Berkshire Parish Registers: Marriages, volume 2 of Phillimore's Parish Register Series. London: Phillimore & Co., 1914.
Abell Adam Adam Agnes Agnes Agnes Agnes Agnes Agnes Agnes Agnes Agnes Agnes Agnes Agnes Agnes Agnes Agnes Agnes Agnes Agnes Agnes Agnes Agnys Agnys Agnys Agnys Agnys Agnys Agnys Agnys Agnys Agnys Agnys Alce Alce Alce Ales Ales Alexander Alexander Alexander Alexander Alexsander Alice Alice Alice Alice Alice Alice Alice Alice Alice Alice Alice Alis Alis Alls Alls Alls Alls Alls Alls Alyce Alyce Alyce Alys Alys Alys Amie Amye An An An An An Andrewe Andrewe Anes Ann Ann Ann Anne Anne Anne Anne Anne Anne Anne Anne Anne Anne Annes Annes Annes Annes Annes Annes Annes Annie Annis Annis Annys Anthony Anthonye Anthonye Arthure Avis Barthelmew Betteresse Bridget Bridget Bridget Bryant Brydget Christian Christian Christian Christian Christian Christian Christian Christopher Christopher Cicely David Denys Denys Dorethy Dorethye Dorethye Doretie Doretie Dorothe Dorothe Dorothy Dorothy Dorothy Dorothy Dorothye Edeth Edith Edithe Edmond Edmond Edmond Edmond Edward Edward Edward Edward Edward Edward Edward Edward Edwarde Edwarde Elen Elen Elin Eliner Elinor Eliza Elizabeth Elizabeth Elizabeth Elizabeth Elizabeth Elizabeth Elizabeth Elizabeth Elizabeth Elizabeth Elizabeth Elizabeth Elizabeth Elizabeth Elizabeth Elizabeth Elizabeth Elizabeth Elizabeth Elizabeth Elizabeth Elizabeth Ellemor Ellen Ellen Ellen Ellen Ellen Ellen Ellinor Ellyn Ellyn Ellyner Elnor Elnor Elnore Elsabeth Elsabeth Elyn Elyn Elyne Elyner Elysabeth Elyzabeth Elyzabeth Elyzabeth Elyzabeth Elyzabeth Elyzabeth Elyzabeth Elyzabeth Elyzabeth Elyzabeth Eme Eme Emme Florance Flourence Frances Francis Francis Fraunces Fraunces Fryswyth George George George George George George George George Gervis Gilberte Gregorie Gregory Gregorye Hamnet Harri Harrye Haryet Helyn Henrie Henry Henry Henry Henry Henry Henry Henry Henry Henry Henry Henrye Henrye Hewe Howell Hugh Hugh Hugh Hugh Hugh Hugh Isabell Isabell Isbell Jaen Jaen Jaen Jaen Jaen Jaen James James James James Jane Jane Jane Jane Jane Jane Jane Jane Jane Jane Jane Jane Jeames Joan Joan Joane Joane Joane Joane Joane Joane Joane Joane Joane Joane Joane Joane Joane Johan Johan Johan Johan Johan Johan Johan Johan Johan Johan Johan Johan Johan Johan Johan Johan John John John John John John John John John John John John John John John John John John John John John John John John John John John John John John John John John John John John John John John John John John John John John Jone Jone Jone Jone Jone Jone Jone Jone Jone Jone Jone Jone Jone Jone Jone Jone Jone Jone Jone Jone Judith Julian Julian Juliane Julyan Kate Katheren Katheren Katheren Katheren Katheren Katherin Katherin Katherine Katherine Katherine Katherine Katherine Katheryne Lancellye Lettes Lettisse Luce Margaret Margaret Margaret Margaret Margaret Margaret Margaret Margaret Margaret Margaret Margaret Margaret Margaret Margaret Margaret Margaret Margaret Margarett Margarett Margary Margerie Margerie Margerie Margerie Margerie Margery Margery Margery Margery Margerye Margerye Margreat Margreat Margreat Margreate Margret Margret Margret Marian Marion Mark Marke Martha Martha Martha Martha Martha Martha Mary Mary Mary Maryan Maryan Maryan Maryan Marye Marye Marye Marye Marye Marye Marye Marye Mathewe Mathewe Matthew Maud Maude Maude Maude Maude Mawryce Moris Mychael Mychaell Mychaell Nicholas Nicholas Nicholas Nycholas Nycholas Nycholas Nycholas Nycholas Nycholas Paul Paule Peter Peter Peter Peter Petre Phillip Phillip Phillippe Phriswyth Ralf Reynold Richard Richard Richard Richard Richard Richard Richard Richard Richard Richard Richard Richard Richard Richard Richard Richard Richard Richard Richarde Richarde Richarde Richarde Richarde Richarde Richarde Richarde Richarde Robart Robart Robart Robart Robart Robart Robart Robart Robart Robarte Robert Robert Robert Robert Robert Robert Robert Robert Robert Robert Roberte Roberte Roberte Roger Roger Rychard Rychard Rychard Rychard Rychard Rychard Rychard Rychard Rychard Rychard Rychard Seccely Sibble Simon Simon Stephen Stephen Steven Steven Sybbie Sybell Syble Symon Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomason Thomus Urseley Ursula Ursula Vincent Walter Walter William William William William William William William William William William William William William William William William William William William William William William William William William William William William Willym Wyllyam Wyllym Wyllym Wyllym Wyllym Wyllym Wyllym Wyllym Wyllym Wyllym Wyllym Wyllym Wyllym Wyllym Wyllym Wynfred Ydye