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Dictionary of Medieval Names
from European Sources
Douglas L. Hayward, editor. The Registers of Bruton, Co. Somerset, volume I: 1554-1680. The Parish Register Society.
Abraham Adam Agnes Agnes Agnes Agnes Agnes Agnes Agnes Agnes Agnes Agnes Agnes Agnes Agnes Agnes Agnes Agnes Agnes Agnes Agnes Agnes Agnes Agnes Agnes Agnes Agnes Agnes Agnes Agnes Agnes Agnes Agnes Agnes Agnes Agnes Agnes Agnes Agnes Agnes Agnes Agnes Agnes Agnes Aldelme Alexander Alexander Alexander Alexander Alexander Alexander Alexander Alic Alic Alice Alice Alice Alice Alice Alice Alice Alice Alice Alice Alice Alice Alice Alice Alice Alice Alice Alice Alice Alice Alice Alice Alice Alice Alice Alice Alice Alice Alice Alice Alice Alice Alice Alice Ambrose Ambrose Ambrose Ambrose Ambrosse Amy Amy Amy Amy Amy Amy Amye Amye Amye Anastace Anastace Anastace Anastace Anastace Anastice Anastice Anastice Anastice Ancharett Andrew Andrew Andrew Andrew Andrew Andrew Andrew Andrew Angell Angell Angell Angell Angell Angell Angell Angell Angnes Angnes Ankerett Ann Ann Anna Anne Anne Anne Anne Anne Anne Anne Anne Anne Anne Anne Anne Anne Anne Anne Anne Anne Anne Anne Anne Anne Anne Anne Anne Anne Anthonie Anthony Anthony Anthony Anthony Aristotle Arthure Arthure Augnes Avice Avice Avis Avis Avis Avis Avis Avis Avis Avis Barbara Barbara Barbara Barbara Barbara Barbara Barbara Barbara Barbara Barbara Barbara Bartholemew Bartholomew Bartholomew Bartholomew Bartholomew Bartholomew Bartholomew Basile Beniamen Beniamin Bridged Brigett Christopher Christopher Christopher Chutbert Ciceli Cicelie Cicelie Cicelie Cicelie Cicely Cicilie Clement Constance Constance Cuthbertt Cuthbertt Dennis Dennis Dennis Diana Diana Dorethe Dorethe Dorethe Dorethe Dorethe Dorethe Dorethe Dorethe Dorethe Dorethe Dorethe Dorethe Dorethe Dorethe Dorethe Dorethe Dorethe Dorethe Dorethe Dorethe Dorethe Dorethy Dorithe Dorithe Dorithe Dorithie Dorothe Dorothe Edith Edith Edith Edith Edith Edith Edith Edith Edith Edith Edith Edith Edith Edith Edith Edith Edith Edith Edith Edith Edith Edith Edith Edith Edith Edith Edith Edith Edith Edith Edmond Edmond Edmond Edmond Edmond Edmond Edmonde Edmonde Edmund Edward Edward Edward Edward Edward Edward Edward Edward Edward Edward Edward Edward Edward Edward Edward Edward Edward Edward Edward Edward Edward Edward Edward Edwarde Eleanor Elenor Elenor Elenor Elenor Elenor Elenor Elenor Elenor Elenor Elenor Elenor Elenor Elenor Elenor Elenor Elenor Elenor Elenor Elenor Elenor Elenor Elenor Elenor Eline Elizabeth Elizabeth Elizabeth Elizabeth Elizabeth Elizabeth Elizabeth Elizabeth Elizabeth Elizabeth Elizabeth Elizabeth Elizabeth Elizabeth Elizabeth Elizabeth Elizabeth Elizabeth Elizabeth Elizabeth Elizabeth Elizabeth Elizabeth Elizabeth Elizabeth Elizabeth Elizabeth Elizabeth Elizabeth Elizabeth Elizabeth Elizabeth Elizabeth Elizabeth Elizabeth Elizabeth Elizabeth Elizabeth Elizabeth Elizabeth Elizabeth Ellis Elys Emlin Emmyn Emott Emott Emott Faith Fernando Florence Florence Florence Florence Florence Frances Frances Frances Frances Frances Frances Frances Frances Frances Frances Frances Gabriell Gabriell Gabriell Gartrud Gartrud Gartrude Gartrude Gartrude Gedeon Geffery Georg George George George George George George George George George George George George George George George George George George George George Gertrude Gideon Giles Giles Giles Grace Grace Grace Gregory Guirvill Gwenllian Gwyrvill Gyles Gyles Gyles Helen Helen Helen Helin Helin Henry Henry Henry Henry Henry Henry Henry Henry Henry Henry Henry Henry Henry Henry Henry Henry Henry Henry Henry Henry Henry Henry Henry Henry Henry Henry Henry Henry Henry Henry Henry Henry Henry Henry Henry Henry Hugh Hugh Hugh Hughe Hughe Hughe Hughe Hughe Hughe Hughe Hughe Hughe Hughe Hughe Hughe Izabell Izabell James James James James James James James James James James James James James James James James James James Jane Jane Jane Jane Jane Jane Jane Jane Jane Jane Jane Jane Jane Jane Jane Jane Jane Jane Jeffery Jeffery Jeffery Jeffery Jeffery Jeffery Jeffrey Jeffrey Jeffrey Jeffry Jeoffrey Jerom Jerome Jerome Jesippe Joan Joan Joan Joan Joan Joan Joan Joan Joan Joan Joan Joan Joan Joan Joan Joan Joan Joan Joan Joan Joan Joan Joan Joan Joan Joan Joan Joan Joan Joan Joan Joan Joan Joan Joan Joan Joan Joan Joan Joan Joan Joan Joane Joane Joane Joane Joane Joane Joane Joane Joane Joane Joane Joane Joane Joane Joane Joane Joane Joane Joane Joane John John John John John John John John John John John John John John John John John John John John John John John John John John John John John John John John John John John John John John John John John John John John John Johne Josias Judith Judith Julian Julian Julian Julian Julian Julyan Julyan Katherin Katherin Katherin Katherin Katherin Katherin Katherin Katherin Katherin Katherin Katherin Katherin Katherin Katherin Katherin Katherin Katherine Katherine Katherine Katherine Lancellott Lancelott Lancelott Launcellot Launcellott Launcellott Launcellott Launcellott Launcellott Launcellott Launcellott Launcellott Launcelott Laurence Lawrence Leonard Leonard Leonard Leonard Leonard Leonard Leonard Leonarde Lettice Lewes Lewes Lewes Lewes Lewes Lewes Lewes Lewis Lews Luce Margaret Margaret Margaret Margaret Margaret Margarett Margarett Margarett Margarett Margarett Margarett Margarett Margarett Margarett Margarett Margarett Margarett Margarett Margarett Margarett Margarett Margarett Margarett Margarett Margarett Margarett Margarett Margarett Margarett Margarett Margarett Margarett Margarett Margarett Margarett Margarett Margarett Margarett Margarett Margarett Margarett Margery Margery Margery Margery Margery Margery Margery Margery Margery Margery Margery Margery Margery Margery Margery Margery Margery Margery Margery Margery Margery Margery Mark Marriam Martha Mary Mary Mary Mary Mary Mary Mary Mary Mary Mary Mary Mary Mary Mary Mary Mary Mary Mary Mary Mary Mary Mary Mary Mary Mary Mary Mary Mary Mary Mary Mary Mary Mary Matild Matilde Matilde Maude Maudlin Maurice Maurice Maurice Maurice Maurice Maurice Maurice Maurice Maurice Maurice Melliar Meredith Michaell Millecentt Moyses Moyses Moyses Nicholas Nicholas Nicholas Nicholas Nicholas Nicholas Nicholas Nicholas Nicholas Nicholas Nicholas Nicholas Nicholas Nicholas Nicholas Nicholas Nicholas Nicholas Nicholas Nicholas Nicholas Nicholas Nicholas Nicholas Nicholas Nicholas Nicholas Nicholas Nicholas Nicolas Oliver Owen Owen Owen Paul Paule Paule Paule Paule Paule Paule Paule Paule Paule Paule Paule Paule Paule Paull Peter Peter Peter Peter Peter Peter Peter Peter Peter Peter Petroinel Petronell Petronell Petronill Petronill Philip Philipe Philipe Philippe Philippe Philippe Priscilla Prudence Radulph Radulph Radulphe Radulphe Radulphe Radulphe Raphaell Rebecca Rice Richard Richard Richard Richard Richard Richard Richard Richard Richard Richard Richard Richard Richard Richard Richard Richard Richard Richard Richard Richard Richard Richard Richard Richard Richard Richard Richard Richard Richard Richard Richard Richard Richard Richard Richard Richard Richard Richard Richard Richard Richard Robert Robert Robert Robert Robert Robert Robert Robert Robert Robert Robert Robert Robert Robert Robert Roberte Robertt Robertt Robertt Robertt Robertt Robertt Robertt Robertt Robertt Robertt Robertt Robertt Robertt Robertt Robertt Robertt Robertt Robertt Robertt Robertt Robertt Robertt Robertt Robertt Robertt Robertt Robertt Robertt Robertt Robertt Robertt Robertt Robertt Robertt Robertt Robertt Robertt Robertt Roger Roger Roger Roger Roger Roger Roger Roger Roger Roger Roger Roger Roger Roger Roger Roger Roger Roger Roger Roger Roger Ruth Samuel Sapience Sara Sara Sibell Sibell Sibill Sibill Sibill Sibill Sibill Sibill Sibill Simon Stephan Stephan Stephan Stephin Stephin Stephin Steven Stevin Stevin Stevine Stevine Stphan Symon Symon Symon Symon Tabitha Tabitha Tabitha Thamasin Thamasin Thamasin Thamasin Thamasin Thamasin Thamasin Thamasin Thamasine Thamasine Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Timothe Timothe Tymothe Umphery Umphrey Umphrey Umphrey Umphrey Umphrey Unphrey Ursula Ursula Ursula Ursula Ursula Valentine Walter Walter Walter Walter Walter Walter Walter Walter Walter Walter Walter Walter Walter Walter Walter Walter Walter Walter Walter Wiliam William William William William William William William William William William William William William William William William William William William