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Dictionary of Medieval Names
from European Sources
W. P. W. Phillimore and Thomas Taylor, editors. Cornwall Parish Registers: Marriages, volume II. London: Phillimore & Co.
Agnes Agnes Agnes Agnes Agnes Agnes Agnes Alce Alce Alce Alce Alce Alce Alce Alce Alexander Alexander Alice Alice Alice Alice Alice Alice Alice Alice Alice Alice Alice Alice Allan Alsine Alsine Alson Alson Alson Alson Amye An Andrew Andrew Ann Anna Anne Anne Anne Anne Anne Anne Anne Anne Annis Annis Annis Anny Annys Annys Annys Anthony Arthur Arthur Arthur Arthur Avice Bartholomew Beaton Bennett Bennett Bennett Bennett Benntt Besse Blanch Bridget Brigett Catherine Catherine Catherine Catheryn Catheryn Christian Christian Christian Claris Clemence Clemence Clemence Clemence Clemens Constans Davy Degory Degorye Degorye Degorye Degorye Degorye Degorye Dionise Dorathy Dorathy Dorathy Edward Edward Edward Edward Edward Edward Edward Eleoner Elizabeth Elizabeth Elizabeth Elizabeth Elizabeth Elizabeth Elizabeth Elizabeth Elizabeth Elizabeth Elizabeth Elizabeth Elizabeth Elizabeth Elizabeth Elizabeth Elizabeth Elizabeth Elizabeth Elizabeth Ellen Ellen Em Em Eme Eme Emm Emmott English Eustice Florance Francis Francis Francis Gabriel George George George Giles Gillyan Grace Grace Grace Grace Grace Grace Grace Grace Gyles Gyles Harry Harry Harrye Henry Henry Henry Henry Henry Henry Henrye Henrye Herciles Honor Honor Honour Honour Hugh Humfry Humfrye Humpherry Humphry Humphry Isabell Isabell Jackett James James James James James James James Jane Jane Jane Jane Jane Jane Jane Jane Jane Jane Jane Jane Jane Jane Jellyan Jenkin Jenn Jenna Jenney Jenntt Jenntt Joan Joan Joan Joan Joan Joan Joan Joan Joan Joan Joan Joan Joan Joan Joan Joan Joan Joan Joane Joane Johan Johan Johan Johan Johan Johan Johan Johan Johan Johan Johan Johan Johan Johan John John John John John John John John John John John John John John John John John John John John John John John John John John John John John John John John John John John John John John Jone Jone Jone Jone Jone Jone Jone Jone Jone Julyan Kateryn Katherin Katherine Katherine Katherine Katherine Katherine Katherine Katherine Katherine Katherine Katherine Katherine Katheryn Katheryn Katheryn Katheryne Lawrence Leonard Leonard Leonard Loar Lowdy Lowdy Lowdy Lowdy Margaret Margaret Margaret Margaret Margaret Margaret Margaret Margarett Margerie Margerie Margert Margery Margery Margery Margery Margery Margery Margery Margery Margery Margery Margery Margery Margery Margerye Margerye Margerye Margerye Marrian Martin Mary Mary Mary Mary Mary Mary Mary Mary Mary Mary Mary Mary Mary Mary Mary Marye Marye Marye Marye Maryn Matthew Matthew Maude Maudlin Mawde Mawde Michael Michael Milsent Nicholas Nicholas Nicholas Nicholas Nicholas Nicholas Nicholas Nicholas Nicholas Nicholas Nicholas Nicholas Nicholas Nycholas Nycholas Nycholas Nycolas Olive Oliver Parsevell Pascow Pascow Pascowe Pascowe Pascowe Penticost Peter Peter Peter Peter Peternell Philip Philippa Philippa Philippa Phillip Phillip Phillip Phillip Phillip Priscilla Rafe Ralfe Ralph Rawe Redygan Regnold Richard Richard Richard Richard Richard Richard Richard Richard Richard Richard Richard Richard Richard Richard Richard Richard Richarde Robarte Robert Robert Robert Robert Robert Robert Robert Robert Robert Robert Robert Robert Robert Robert Robert Robert Roberte Roger Roger Roger Roger Rychard Rychard Rychard Rychard Sampson Sampson Sisley Stephen Stephen Stephen Stephen Sybell Tampsine Tamsen Tamsine Tamsine Tamsine Tamsine Tamson Thamsyn Thamsyn Thamsyn Thamsyn Thamsyn Thamsyn Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomasine Thomasyn Thomasyn Tymothie Ursula Walter Walter Walter Walter Water Welthin William William William William William William William William William William William William William William William William William Willmet Willyam Willyam Willyam Willyam Wilmott